Newt Gingrich Endorses Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate

Former Republican Speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich endorsed Republican Marsha Blackburn for the U.S. Senate Thursday, calling her “the only conservative in the race.”

“The choice is clear. I’ve known Marsha for years, I’ve worked with her in the Congress. She is hardworking. She is smart, and she is a solid conservative with courage,” Gingrich said in a YouTube video that accompanied the endorsement.

“She will stand up and fight for the values of Tennessee. She will represent the conservative cause, and she’ll do what’s right for America. So, don’t be fooled by any of these ads or any of these claims about being a ‘moderate democrat.’ There are no moderate democrats.”

Gingrich, of course, was referring to Phil Bredesen, who is running against Blackburn for the seat that current Republican U.S. Sen. Bob Corker will soon vacate. Bredesen describes himself as a moderate Democrat.

“You either give power to radicals like Chuck Schumer or you are with Mitch McConnell and the conservatives,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich reminded viewers that Bredesen donated $33,000 to elect Hillary Clinton president and wrote a book saying Obamacare didn’t go far enough and the country needs a government-run health system.

“I knew Bredesen when he said he was a moderate, but let’s be clear. He will vote for Chuck Schumer to organize and control and lead the Senate,” Gingrich said.

“If Chuck Schumer had been in charge of the Senate then none of President Trump’s judges would have been approved, certainly Justice Kavanaugh would not have been approved and, in fact, Chuck Schumer would have held out for radical judges who impose radical change in America, so the choice is clear.”

As reported last week, a Project Veritas journalist caught Bredesen’s staffers on video saying he will likely serve only one term and, while so doing, carry out the progressive Democratic Party agenda.

Bredesen will turn 75 next month.

On the now viral Project Veritas video, one campaign worker said, among other things, Bredesen would not really vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a U.S. Supreme Court justice, despite telling the public otherwise.

Also, as reported, Bredesen has previously praised former Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy and called former President Barack Obama “a rock star.” He’s donated generously to Democrats, including U.S. Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker of New Jersey.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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One Thought to “Newt Gingrich Endorses Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate”

  1. Jack

    I Think With The Help Of Tennessee Patriots Marsha Will Pull It Off! Its Scary to Watch MSNBC And CNN Badmouth Her and President Trump!
