Over $14 Million Worth of Drugs, Firearms and a Man Wanted for Murder Detained by Border Officials in February

by Kaylee Greenlee


Around $14.3 million worth of narcotics and several weapons have been seized since the start of February at an Arizona port where officials also arrested a man wanted for murder, Customs and Border Protection announced Tuesday.

Officials seized 440 pounds of methamphetamine, 385,000 tablets of fentanyl, 84 pounds of heroin and almost 13 pounds of cocaine in around 25 instances since Feb. 1, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP). A 28-year-old man wanted for murder in Las Vegas was arrested while in possession of an AR-15 assault rifle, a handgun and over 300 rounds of ammunition.

“I could not be prouder of our officers. Even during a pandemic, they continue to keep dangerous opioids off the streets and keep our communities safe,” Area Port Director Michael Humphries said in a statement.

A Mexican national driving a truck was arrested Feb. 10 after attempting to smuggle over seven pounds of fentanyl tablets into the U.S. by concealing them in fire extinguishers, according to CBP. More than 250 pounds of methamphetamine and six pounds of cocaine were discovered by officials the same day in a rail car.

The 28-year-old murder suspect was apprehended Feb. 3 while driving a stolen vehicle, according to CBP. 

The seizures account for all areas of enforcement including vehicles, cargo, rail cars and pedestrian crossings, according to CBP. People have attempted to smuggle narcotics into the U.S. by hiding drugs in spare tires, concealing them in the dash and even using internal body carriers.

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Kaylee Greenlee is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.




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2 Thoughts to “Over $14 Million Worth of Drugs, Firearms and a Man Wanted for Murder Detained by Border Officials in February”

  1. Pablo Escobar

    This is yet another reason the USA should consider doing what other countries and Oregon have done and push for the decriminalization of ALL drugs!!!!! This stupid useless so called “war” on drugs apparently is not nor will it ever work it just fills up jails and creates corrupt cops and government officials!! Let the people have what they apparently want!!! That would stop all the fentanyl od’s cause people could actually get what they paid for and not whatever the careless money hungry dealers can get they’re hands on!!! Its time for a change and locking up addicts and starting an unwinnable war is clearly not working!!!!

  2. 83ragtop50

    Just poor refugees seeking asylum. Well, that is what Obama the Second claims.
