Pelosi Snaps at Reporter Who Asks Her if She Hates President Donald Trump, Saying, ‘Don’t Mess With Me’


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unloaded on former Fox News reporter James Rosen during her impeachment press conference Thursday, warning him “Don’t mess with me.”

Rosen, now with Sinclair Broadcasting, asked if she hated President Donald Trump after she called him a coward and cruel but said she prays for him, CBS News reported.

“As a Catholic, I resent you’re using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me,” Pelosi said. “I don’t hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is a heart full of love and always pray for the president. And I still pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time.”

“So don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that,” she concluded. She then left the room.

Rosen tweeted about the episode with video, saying, “VIDEO: @SpeakerPelosi erupted in fury at the simple, if pointed, question I asked at her weekly news conference. Here is my story about the confrontation for tonight’s newscasts on @WeAreSinclair stations. #DontMessWithNancy #ButDoAskFairQuestions”.

Both Rosen — and his parents — were the victims of a warrantless investigation by the Obama administration’s Department of Justice in 2013, Politico reported.

The first-of-its-kind investigation of a reporter took place during an investigation of information being leaked about North Korea.

Reaction to Pelosi’s tirade and Democrats’ show was swift in coming.

Jeff Webb, the founder of New American Populist, tweeted, “@SpeakerPelosi is trying to ram through the impeachment of a duly elected President based on no credible evidence. It’s a waste of time. #ImpeachmentHoax”.

Conservative commentator Kevin Jackson tweeted, “Hey Democrats, save us time and VOTE FOR IMPEACHMENT Senate takes over and Democrats start GOING TO PRISON! #ImpeachmentHoax #TeamKJ”.

Former U.S. rep. Jason Lewis, a candidate for Senate in Minnesota, tweeted, “Just when you thought the left couldn’t sink any lower into the political gutter, “Professor” Pamela Karlan decides to drag @realDonaldTrump‘s 13 year old son into this #ImpeachmentHoax. These are sick people! #barrontrump”.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Nancy Pelosi” by James Rosen. 




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2 Thoughts to “Pelosi Snaps at Reporter Who Asks Her if She Hates President Donald Trump, Saying, ‘Don’t Mess With Me’”

  1. Charles Schumacher

    Sounds like Rosen hit a nerve. When you hit a nerve, the only reasonable option is to keep jabbing, which I sincerely hope is what he and other honest reporters will do.

    And, in case anyone wonders, I don’t hate Nancy Pelosi, but I do hate everything the says, does, and stands for. And if the Speaker of the House could be impeached for abuse of power, I would definitely be in favor of that. But hopefully, we’ll accomplish the same thing by restoring a Republican majority in the House next November.

  2. Fireguy

    Well Nancy, as a “good” praying Catholic I’m sure you have a “good” explanation for your years of support for the killing of unborn babies. You and Cuomo in New York can push that women’s rights crap all you want but until you figure out a way to ask that baby if he or she wants to live or die just keep it to yourself. A dog has more rights to live, than a baby, in your world.
