Phil Bredesen Goes All-In with Trump-Hating Bernie Sanders Socialists

Phil Bredesen

Phil Bredesen made it clear that he is going all-in with the President Trump-hating far left socialist wing of the Democrat Party when his campaign announced Thursday that two prominent entertainers who supported Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign will be hosting a fundraiser for Bredesen in Nashville later this month.

“Singer-songwriters Jason Isbell and Ben Folds are set to headline a special event in support of former Gov. Phil Bredesen’s bid for the U.S. Senate. The event, scheduled for Aug. 20, will take place at Marathon Music Works in Nashville,” The Tennessean reported.

“It’s a bold strategy for someone masquerading as a moderate.  Case in point: Folds is a strong supporter of socialist Bernie Sanders.  And Isbell has said that President Trump is “not a good guy” whose supporters are racist,” the Senate Leadership Fund said in a statement released on Thursday.

You can watch Folds’ endorsement of Sanders for President here:

“The Alabama native, who now calls Nashville home, has also spoken out against President Donald Trump on more than one occasion,” the Huffington Post reported about Isbel last year:

“The president is ruled by fear of alienating his base. He’s ‘sticking to the music’ to try and keep racists on his side. It’s horrifying,” he tweeted after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that left one counter-protester dead last August.

And during a visit to “The Daily Show” last June, Isbell opened up about the thought of having to explain Trump’s election win to his infant daughter.

“If she was a couple of years older I would have to be like, ‘OK, honey, here’s what happened today, and this is why your father doesn’t really know anything about human people in this country anymore,’” he told host Trevor Noah. “Because a couple of days ago, I thought I knew them: They’re not gonna let this guy in there, because they know he’s not a good guy.”

“Phil Bredesen is surrounding himself with show business leftists who support socialism and think Tennessee voters who support President Trump are racist. This is the real Phil Bredesen,”  Chris Pack, spokesman for the Senate Leadership Fund, added.

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden blasted Bredesen for his fraudulent presentation to voters that he wants to “work with” President Trump.

“Phony Phil Bredesen has accepted donations from liberal billionaires like Tom Steyer who recklessly call for the president’s impeachment and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand who’s leading the fight to abolish our country’s immigration enforcement,” Golden said in a statement released to The Tennessee Star on Thursday.

“So it comes as no surprise that outspoken Bernie Sanders supporter Ben Folds is the latest to join Team Bredesen. Tennesseans support Marsha Blackburn because they know she’ll stand for their values, not those of liberal elites,” Golden added.

Last week, Bredesen refused to disavow the comments of Tennessee Democrat Party spokesman Mark Brown, who infamously said “F*** reaching out to Trump supporters. The idiots aren’t listening.”

“If Bredesen moves any further to the Left to placate the Hollywood crowd and Chuck Schumer, he’ll make the extremists socialist duo of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez look like moderates,” Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill said.

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6 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen Goes All-In with Trump-Hating Bernie Sanders Socialists”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported last year, Bredesen went all-in with the President Trump-hating far left socialist wing of the Democrat Party […]

  2. Wolf Woman

    Phil Bredesen is too old for the job of senator (show an untouched photo of him, TennesseeStar!). If elected, he would be 76 before he manages to get to D.C. He won’t have enough time to gain any seniority and while he’s in the swamp, he could easily revert to the mind-set of his youthful folly where he worked for the progressive Eugene McCarthy’s campaign.

    I’m not politically correct so call me age-phobic if you want, I think it’s just common sense.

  3. paulJ

    Contrary to rumor, Ben Folds is not Jewish. He has been quoted as saying “I always wanted to be Jewish. All my friends are Jewish. Maybe one day I’ll get my honorary Jew(ish) degree.”.

  4. Ron W

    In 2012, the Tennessee Democratic Party disavowed their U.S. Senate primary winner, Mark Clayton, who had departed from leftist orthodoxy. (He supported traditional marriage) I suppose Phil can’t stray very far in being a “moderate”. I noticed his entertainment friends go straight to their “racist” default accusations being true to a far left maxim:

    “Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt.” –Saul Alinsky

  5. 83ragtop50

    He sounds desperate.

  6. Rick

    Swamp possum!!!
