President Trump to be First President in History to Speak in Person at the March for Life

by Mary Margaret Olohan


President Donald Trump will attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C., Friday, making him the first U.S. president to do so.

The president will speak at the 47th annual March for Life, a pro-life demonstration following the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini announced Wednesday night.

The announcement comes one day after the president declared Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Sanctity of Human Life Day.

“We are deeply honored to welcome President Trump to the 47th annual March for Life,” Mancini said. “He will be the first president in history to attend and we are so excited for him to experience in person how passionate our marchers are about life and protecting the unborn.”

The March for Life president praised POTUS’s appointment of pro-life judges and federal workers as well as his decision to cut taxpayer funding for abortions and his call to end late-term abortions.

“President Trump and his Administration have been consistent champions for life and their support for the March for Life has been unwavering,” Mancini said. “We are grateful for all these pro-life accomplishments and look forward to gaining more victories for life in the future.”

Trump becoming the first president to ever attend the March for Life in person is “a testament to his commitment to protecting the sanctity of life,” Trump campaign deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“In stark contrast, 2020 Democrats continue to embrace extreme abortion policies, including abortion practically up to the moment of birth, or even beyond,” she added. “There can be no doubt that President Trump is the most pro-life president in our nation’s history.”

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Background Photo “March for Life” by James McNellis. CC BY 2.0.





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2 Thoughts to “President Trump to be First President in History to Speak in Person at the March for Life”

  1. Traditional Thinker

    As long as they get born? Now that’s a compassionate observation Kev. Kind of blows your christian and Jesus comment out of the water. Of course the millions of tax payer dollars spent fraudulously trying to impeach a president for no other reason then for the fact that he was elected by the people and not bought by special interest groups, could be better used to keep many children from going hungry, homeless, or uneducated as you mentioned. But just to be clear, pro-lifers are not christian, but liberals as yourself who advocate for murdering unborn are? Maybe you should prepare for your PowerPoint presentation with our Lord as well.

  2. Kevin Duke

    What a shame the “most pro-life president of all time” thinks it’s okay for those children to be starved, homeless, uneducated, and have no healthcare. As long as they get born, then the government doesn’t give a damn about them. And the “in contrast” is such an overt lie. Clearly these people aren’t Christian and have no concerns at all about facing Jesus and answering for their awful lies and behavior.
