Rand Paul: ‘Fauci Should Go to Prison for Five Years for Lying to Congress’

by Debra Heine


Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) on Thursday said he thinks Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, should go to prison for five years for lying  to Congress. The Kentucky senator has repeatedly sparred with the NIAID director over the funding of gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab.

“Fauci should go to prison for five years for lying to Congress. They’ve prosecuted other people, they’ve selectively gone after Republicans, but in no way will they do anything about him lying,” he told Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business.

Paul contends that Fauci lied to Congress when he denied that the National Institutes of Health funded “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Gain of function is highly controversial research that involves making pathogens and viruses more lethal and virulent in a laboratory.

NIAID documents released in September confirm that starting in 2014, Fauci’s NIAID funded the New York-based research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance with annual grants through 2020 for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

A letter sent by the NIH’s principal deputy director to a Republican member of Congress regarding the research further contradict Fauci’s denials. 

A letter from Lawrence Tabak, the National Institutes of Health’s principal deputy director, to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) confirms that the NIH funded research at the WIV during 2018-2019 that manipulated a bat coronavirus called WIV1. Researchers at the institute grafted spike proteins from other coronaviruses onto WIV1 to see if the modified virus was capable of binding in a mouse that possessed the ACE2 receptors found in humans — the same receptor to which SARS-CoV-2 binds. The modified virus reproduced more rapidly and made infected humanized mice sicker than the unmodified virus.

Paul told Bartiromo that he has referred Fauci to the Department of Justice for prosecution, but did not hold out much hope that Joe Biden’s corrupt and partisan Department of Justice would act on the matter.

“We’ve referred him to the Department of Justice, but then again, Merrick Garland is the one now going after parents who go to school board meetings, so I don’t have a lot of hope that he’s actually going to be objectively looking at Fauci’s lies,” Paul said. “But he should be prosecuted for lying.”

The Kentucky senator added: “At the very least, he should be taken out of his position because I think he’s cost people their lives through misinformation.”


Over the weekend on CBS’s Face the Nation, Fauci scoffed at what he called “noise” from lawmakers like Paul and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), both of whom have called for him to step down and be prosecuted. “They’re really criticizing science because I represent science,” he declared. “That’s dangerous.”

Joe Biden last June said he was “very confident” in his increasingly unpopular, scandal-plagued medical advisor.

Republican leaders on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, meanwhile, sent a letter to the National Academy of Medicine last week, asking them to investigate EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak for misconduct, saying Daszak’s actions “may violate the NAM Code of Conduct and warrant urgent action.”

Issues of concern cited by the Republican leaders—led by Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)—include “Daszak’s refusal to answer questions relevant to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, including Congressional requests; Daszak’s failure to properly report his financial ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV); Daszak’s leading role in shutting down all scientific discussion about the lab leak theory, presumably to avoid oversight of risky research his group funded at the WIV; Daszak’s refusal to cooperate with the scientific community and his unwillingness to share information relevant to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic; and Daszak’s repeated inaccurate statements about his group’s work at the WIV and numerous official representations to NIH that are contradicted by documentation.”

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Rand Paul” by United States Senate. Photo “Dr. Anthony Fauci” by NIAID. CC BY 2.0. Background Photo “United States Capitol Building” by David Maiolo. CC BY-SA 3.0.







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3 Thoughts to “Rand Paul: ‘Fauci Should Go to Prison for Five Years for Lying to Congress’”

  1. Jay

    States and class action against the criminal Dr Faucistein.

  2. Tim Price

    And then be tried for crimes against humanity!

  3. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Unfortunately, only steroid using Baseball Players are charged with lying to Congress. Dr. Fauci is protected by the Rockefeller Medical Industrial Complex. Around 1910 the Rockefellers and the Carnegies took over Western Medicine and brought forth ‘Ask Your Doctor if a shoe box full of pills is right for you.’ The Allopaths know only to injected it, cut it, or give it a pill.

    Enter Michael Moore and his movie ‘Sicko.’ Here the complaint was made that prescription drugs cost too much. Enter the Medicare Drug Benefit. Instead if making lifestyle changes, we simply throw more pills at it, run more test, and do more procedures.
