Randy Boyd Promotes Education as Pathway to Work in New Television Ad

Randy Boyd, Republican candidate for governor, has launched his fourth campaign commercial, “K to J” (Kindergarten to Job), which highlights one of the major themes of his campaign, the need to focus on education and better prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow.

The 30-second ad shows Boyd interacting with students from pre-school to high school as he says the most important academic test for parents and communities is whether our students are ready to go to work after graduation.

“We must bring back technical education to our schools and teach job-ready skills so every Tennessean has the opportunity to get the skills they need to get a great job,” Boyd says in the ad.

The statewide broadcast and cable TV buy began airing on March 29. The full ad may also be viewed here.


“Randy Boyd is the only candidate who has already served our state as an education leader and special advisor, and as our state’s Economic Development commissioner.  He knows we must make sure all children have the opportunity to learn and that we must make technical education and real job skills more readily available,” said Chip Saltsman, Campaign CEO.

“This ad speaks directly to Randy’s experience and leadership in aligning education opportunity with growing the Tennessee economy,” Saltsman noted.

Boyd previously served in Governor Bill Haslam’s cabinet as the Tennessee Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, and earlier while serving as the Governor’s Special Advisor on Higher Education was the architect of the state’s Drive to 55 workforce development initiative, and the tnAchieves and Tennessee Promise scholarship programs to help more young people go to technical or community college tuition-free.






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2 Thoughts to “Randy Boyd Promotes Education as Pathway to Work in New Television Ad”

  1. Stuart I. Anderson

    You bet, Randy! is able and willing to spend money on this and that and the other thing, I have absolutely no doubt about that. As the most liberal candidate running in the Republican primary we can be sure that he will use his money to paint the prettiest of pictures while giving us the obligatory campaign assurance that he is a “conservative” Republican.

    Please don’t be fooled conservatives. Randy! has spent his entire career making it clear that he is a Republican of very centrist inclinations and he will do what he can as governor to block conservative initiatives while advancing relatively liberal ones. What conservatives must not do is split the conservative vote three ways only to see centrist/tepid conservative Republicans and Democrats voting in the Republican Primary elect Randy! with 32% of the vote. Let’s wait until we’re closer to election day and give our vote to Randy’s strongest opponent because it’s ANYBODY BUT BOYD!

  2. 83ragtop50

    Well, now I have seen him kiss his wife and now “it’s for the children”. What’s next dogs and ponies? Where are those illegals that he supported through La Raza?
