Rep. Diane Black Condemns Proposed City Ordinance That Would Restrict Nashville’s Cooperation With Immigration Officials

Rep. Diane Black, who is considering running for Tennessee governor, issued a press release Tuesday strongly condemning action taken by the Metro Council to push forward a bill that would limit Nashville’s cooperation with federal immigration officials.

Critics believe the bill would lead to Nashville effectively becoming a sanctuary city, putting federal funding in jeopardy and also also creating clashes with the state.

The press release issued by Black, a Republican, said the legislation would “obstruct immigration law, putting illegal aliens first and the safety and security of Tennessee families last.”

Black gave the following statement:

First and foremost, as a mother and a grandmother, I implore the Council members to start holding illegal immigrants accountable for crime and acts of violence.  Sanctuary city policies to help and support criminal illegal immigrants pose a direct threat to our citizens and undermine the rule of law.  In Congress, I’m working with my colleagues to pass the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act to cut off funding for any municipality that helps illegal immigrants hide from the law.  It’s time for Mayor Barry to stop borrowing liberal policies from California and New York and start putting the safety and security of Tennessee families first.

Black is a member of the House Border Security Caucus.

A final vote on the bill will take place July 6.

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3 Thoughts to “Rep. Diane Black Condemns Proposed City Ordinance That Would Restrict Nashville’s Cooperation With Immigration Officials”

  1. […] Metro Nashville Council voted on second reading to pass a sanctuary city ordinance last week, Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06), State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) and gubernatorial candidates, Mae Beavers and […]

  2. Rob Mitchell

    Sanctuary cities are illegal. Passing a law or an ordinance in violation of the US or State Constitutions is a violation of the oath each elected official takes. If this continues, action should be taken immediately to compel the violators to comply. I believe the Governor and Attorney General have an obligation and a duty to enforce the laws of our State and our Nation.
    No Tennessean or American citizen should expect of accept less.

  3. […] members to start holding illegal immigrants accountable for crime and acts of violence,” Black stated. “Sanctuary city policies to help and support criminal illegal immigrants pose a direct threat to […]
