Roving Patriots PAC Announces Commitment of $7,800 State Maximum In Support of Doss Challenger Clay Doggett

PULASKI, Tennessee – At Clay Doggett’s campaign kick-off event against incumbent District 70 State Representative Barry Doss (R-Leoma) in Pulaski on Monday evening, Roving Patriots PAC Executive Director Kevin Baigert pledged financial support of the state maximum of $7,800 to the grassroots conservative challenger.

Roving Patriots PAC was founded with the purpose of its first project, Partnership for a Constitutional Tennessee, being to identify, vet and support conservative candidates in order to achieve a true conservative majority in the Tennessee House of Representatives.

After Doggett made the formal announcement of his intention to run, to the group of about 100 attending the event Baigert explained that he was there representing grassroots activists and contributors from across the state who want to “drain the swamp” in Nashville Tennessee, not just Washington, D.C.

Baigert made specific mention of the passage of the tax- and fee-increasing IMPROVE Act, while the state had a $2 billion budgetary surplus as a bellwether issue. While Doggett never mentioned Doss, Baigert cited the representative’s key role in passing the IMPROVE Act followed by his company’s work on state roads and his attendance at Nashville Mayor Megan Barry’s introduction of a $5.2 billion transit plan.

As a first installment against the committed $7,800 maximum, Baigert presented Doggett with a check for $3,500. Doggett is the first candidate that the Roving Patriots PAC has provided financial support to.



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One Thought to “Roving Patriots PAC Announces Commitment of $7,800 State Maximum In Support of Doss Challenger Clay Doggett”

  1. […] victory was the critical early financial support from the Roving Patriots PAC, which donated the maximum $7,800 to his campaign just one day after it […]
