Senator Marsha Blackburn Issues Statement Following President Biden’s Celebration of the Inflation Reduction Act

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) called out President Joe Biden on Tuesday for holding a formal celebration for the recent passing of the Inflation Reduction Act.

As previously reported by The Tennessee Star, the Inflation Reduction Act passed the Senate in August by a 51 to 50 vote with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote, as no Republicans voted for the measure. President Biden signed the measure into law on August 16.

The $740 billion package allows the government to control the price of prescription medications, contains funding for fighting climate change, implements larger taxes for wealthy corporations, and expands the IRS by some 87,000 agents, among other expenditures.

While the package is named the Inflation Reduction Act, GOP lawmakers argue the bill will actually drive prices higher.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the costs of goods and services advanced 0.1 percent in August and are up 8.3 percent in the last 12 months – which is still a 40-year high rate.

Despite the inflation report, President Biden held a massive celebration at the White House celebrating the package of the Inflation Reduction Act.

In response, Senator Blackburn released a statement, saying, “Today’s big spender blowout at the Biden White House is an insult to every American taxpayer. While they wasted our hard-earned tax dollars on $370 billion for the Green New Deal, $64 billion for Obamacare, and $313 billion in taxes on small businesses, Americans were struggling to keep up with skyrocketing electric bills and grocery costs. Now, Biden’s going above and beyond his authority by trying to spend even more to pay off student loans for degrees like gender studies. It’s time for Biden to stop wasting our money and start solving the problems his spending caused.”

Senator Blackburn also released a video message on Twitter criticizing the White House celebration.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Background Photo “Joe Biden” by The White House.


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3 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Issues Statement Following President Biden’s Celebration of the Inflation Reduction Act”

  1. Chiron Venizelos

    We hear so many comments from our Republicans on such matters but, have you ever noticed there is always one crucial thing missing?
    Please consider: Hunter Biden’s laptop, Nancy Pelosi’s history of insider trading, Joe Biden using his office (through Hunter) for personal gain, Mayorkas telling CBP to not arrest illegal aliens (See Title 8 US Code SS1324, et seq.), the Clinton crimes, ad nauseum.
    Republicans fail in two ways:
    1. They fail to state that these are crimes.
    2. They NEVER succinctly state WHAT they are going to DO about it!

  2. Cannoneer2

    Complaining about the Democrats is not leadership.

  3. Mark Knofler

    Well I feel better, Marsha issued a statement. She’s like the Cowardly Lion, all bark no bite.


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