Speculation Arises That Former U.S. Sen. Bob Corker May Run for Governor of Tennessee


One Memphis media outlet has sparked speculation that former U.S. Sen. Bob Corker may run for governor of Tennessee.

This, the same month that Corker, a Republican, granted an interview to PBS and seemed to make patronizing remarks about former President Donald Trump’s supporters. Corker referred to those individuals as “the base.”

As The Tennessee Star has frequently reported, Corker has long criticized Trump and Republicans who support him.

Corker’s Facebook and Twitter pages provided no way to contact the former senator or his representatives.

A Memphis Flyer article last week profiled Corker speaking to reporters in Chattanooga, his hometown.

“Corker declared that the White House under Trump had become an ‘adult daycare,’ needful of help from more conscientious members of the administration to ‘separate our country from chaos,’” the paper reported.

“He questioned the president’s steadiness and scheduled a hearing to consider limiting the president’s power to use nuclear weapons.”

In another passage, the Memphis Flyer reported that Corker “has not excluded the possibility of another run for office.”

“There has been some speculation that he has been considering a future race for governor, an office he aspired to before his election to the Senate,” according to the paper.

The paper did not elaborate.

Corker told the following to Frontline PBS this week as it related to Trump:

“The president was obviously very aware of that attachment that people had to him, right. And how tight it was,” Corker said.

“He goes to these rallies; he can feel it. And so, here he perpetuates this total untruth about the election. And intelligent, hardworking Americans … follow him lock, stock and barrel.”

As reported in 2019, Corker reportedly said the Republican or Democratic parties have changed too much by his standards.

As The Star reported also reported that year, Corker, an avowed NeverTrumper, used his previous platform as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to criticize the former president. Corker compared the Republican president to a banana republic for removing former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance and other former officials’ clearances.”

The Star reported in 2018 that Corker longed for the way the Republican Party was before the Tea Party and before Trump. Corker had also likened Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter to tyrants, making reference to their opinions on the border wall situation.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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42 Thoughts to “Speculation Arises That Former U.S. Sen. Bob Corker May Run for Governor of Tennessee”

  1. Pandora

    He can’t really be serious. His wife must be pushing this idea to get him out of the house during the day.

  2. James H Swor

    I want to put a bug in the ear of all conservative Tennesseans. It’s time to jettison the GOP in favor of a new conservative party that actually represents it’s constituients rather than constantly betraying them. We deserve better but it will not improve under Republican Party stewardship.

  3. Jay

    You missed the buried lead here. Bobby would have to run as a Dem and rightly so. I’m sure Obama will stump for him.

  4. Jester

    Corker, you are a piece of work. YOU want to be governor? Now that’s funny!
    Tennessee GOP, run Corker & you’ll lose big time.

  5. MLMoon

    …changed too much for his standards…
    WTH u don’t hv any standards.
    Let us not forget, lil’bobby is a pal of ‘ole taxem’ haslem

  6. Dean

    If coker runs as a GOP candidate then I’ll vote for a Democrat for the first time in 40 years!

  7. Bob Marsh

    I’m one of the “base” Mr. Corkie. Can’t support you unless the only other option is a Democrat.

  8. 83ragtop50

    Corker is dumber than I thought possible. Bob, move to California where you might fit in.

  9. Dee

    And, Bob, according to the highly acclaimed presidential historian Jon-Boy Meacham, we Trump “base-ers” are lizard brains. You don’t want us riff-raff voting for you.
