State Senator Dr. Mark Green Earns Grassroots Giant FreedomWorks’ Endorsement in Congressional Bid

Conservative grassroots group FreedomWorks for America announced Thursday their decision to endorse State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) in his congressional bid to represent the people of Tennessee’s 7th congressional district, replacing outgoing lawmaker Marsha Blackburn.

“Dr. Mark Green is going to be a force for conservatives in the House of Representatives. He will be another reliable vote and a leading advocate for less government, lower taxes, and more freedom,” FreedomWorks president Adam Brandon said in a statement. “He has worked to defend the Constitution from enemies abroad, and now he is seeking to fight to defend it against those in Congress who would trample the Constitution like Nancy Pelosi.

The Green campaign notes that FreedomWorks is in good company, as other prominent national conservative organizations including the Club for Growth, FRC Action, GOPAC, and the House Freedom Fund have all backed the conservative firebrand. In Tennessee, Dr. Green has the endorsement of 100 grassroots conservative leaders and 20 mayors in the district.

“History has shown us time and again: Freedom works, and government must get out of the way of individual Americans whose ingenuity, persistence, and drive can fuel the next leap forward in freedom and prosperity,” Green said; adding, “I’m honored to receive FreedomWorks’ endorsement and look forward to joining them in the trenches to restore liberty to our country.”

Mark Green is a medical doctor, West Point graduate, and a career military veteran with a distinguished record of service. He is an outspoken advocate for limited government, secure borders, and fiscal responsibility.

On the Democratic side, Matt Reel and Justin Kanew are battling for the party’s nomination.







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