Steve Cohen Wears ‘Make Russia Great Again’ Hat on MSNBC


U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, a Democrat who represents Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District, has had another awkward and bizarre incident in public.

This time Cohen went on MSNBC and put on a red hat with the slogan “Make Russia Great Again.”

According to Fox News’ account, Cohen was in the closing moments of his appearance with host Morgan Radford. Cohen had made what the network described as “a clear attempt to mock President Trump’s signature campaign slogan ‘Make America Great Again.’”

Even Radford did not know what to say, other than “Oh my word, OK.”

According to The Daily Caller, Cohen appeared on the network to discuss the House Judiciary Committee’s efforts to get testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn.

“Justice denied — justice delayed is justice denied. We will get to it,” Cohen said on the network.

“McGahn is our most important witness. He was a witness to obstruction of justice. And the fact that he has been obstructed from appearing before us is even more obstruction of justice.”

Cohen, the website went on to say, argued the Trump administration waived immunity when they allowed the Mueller report to be publicly released.

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Cohen embarrassed himself as former special counsel Robert Mueller wrapped up his testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees.

According to a video on C-Span, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat representing New York’s 10th Congressional District, brought the hearing to a close, but before he did he requested everyone remain seated and quiet.

At that point, Mueller got up to leave.

A person out of the camera’s line of sight applauded, regardless, for a few seconds. Then that person stopped after realizing no one else had followed his or her lead.

According to journalists and one Capitol Hill employee who posted on Twitter, that person was none other than Cohen.

Cohen recently sought attention for himself by nibbling on Kentucky Fried Chicken during a formal congressional hearing.

Cohen also said last year that now U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn should jump off the Harahan Bridge in Memphis.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Steve Cohen” by MSNBC.



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8 Thoughts to “Steve Cohen Wears ‘Make Russia Great Again’ Hat on MSNBC”

  1. Jeff Hyde

    The worst mistake Memphis has made ….This man is an embarrassment to Mem3 and Tennessee and to the United States…. This should be his end of office in any government…. Memphis is ashamed of you Steve…

  2. Is this clown really the best person that Memphis could possibly send to Washington?

  3. DJ Jones

    Steve Cohen badly misses the Soviet Union. That’s why he’s going the extra mile to see it recreated in the United States.

  4. paulJ

    I love that Borscht Belt Jewish humor!

  5. Jim Forsythe

    Cohen was always crazy, but this stunt takes the cake. I suggest sending him to Russia to help make Russia great again. He sure hasn’t done anything for America.

  6. Habu

    Steve Cohen’s conduct leaves no doubt that he is mentally unstable. Memphis, are you listening?

  7. Russ

    Cohen is an is a shameful rep. for this country and for this state.
