‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed

by Peter Hasson


Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a form of white supremacy.”

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King, a former surrogate on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign, wrote on Twitter. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

King’s targeting of religious artwork comes as various activist groups have moved beyond tearing down Confederate statues and are now calling for the removal of other historical monuments.

“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?” he added. “EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”


“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,” King wrote in a second tweet. “They are a gross form of white supremacy.”

A spokesperson for King didn’t immediately return a request for additional comment.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Christus” by Midiman CC2.0. 










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196 Thoughts to “‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed”

  1. Charity

    Take all the statues down. Thats not Jesus. God isn’t made by hands. He made us not we him. The world wants something they can see and touch. When there eyes see him it will be to late. He will judge the world for their idolutry. Keep yourselves from idols.

    1. Michael

      God has been seen and so has Jesus Christ and is well documented. You’ll find it if you look…

    2. Rita

      Charity Amen! To threaten to burn down churches is an act of Satan. This war is not against us but against GOD because they want to destroy anything the reminds them that their judgement is coming! Hence their rioting looting most of all killing the image of GODs creation MAN!

  2. Glo Whitton

    Really can’t you find something productive to do? You just need a lot of attention. Sick!

  3. Dede

    Jesus was A brown Jew. Moses married an African American woman, a Crushite, which ended up being Ethiopia. Biblical times. Let’s all just get along. Christians unite.

    1. Helsa

      And the bible says that man was created in his image. A long time ago before everything went PC, why would it be crazy for a white person make a white god. I wouldn’t care if a black person made a black god or Zuckerberg make an ugly god. It’s just how we see them. This is too overboard.

    2. Fred Flintstone

      An African American woman? In Moses time? Explain that please?

    3. Jamel Harris

      As a black man in the US, I take offense to BLM movement. Also I take offense be labeled African American. I am a American that’s it! Jesus was a Semite in flesh, yet God in spirit. My God is not a respecter of race, but of those He has called His own. White, Black, Asian. These thugs love to spout out their propaganda. Not truly knowing the root of it. Was very much everything they are fighting against.. To all these BLM, Socialists ect Educate yourselfs stop being mindless lambs for those that aim at your destruction.

    4. Rita

      No she wasn’t. Moses wife came from the base of mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia at the base of the mountain! You need to read Exodus again.

  4. Lisa

    Jesus is not a statue. Jesus is with the Father and is the Father in heaven. BLM reps have no control over Him. Statues are stone! I pray for this person that wants to attempt to destroy Jesus statues. This is of Satan! You can tear down stone, but you have no control over Jesus!

  5. Please enough, we must show respect, when is going to be enough.
    Please God have mercy on us, this is to much of the same.

  6. Diana Gonsalez


  7. Terry Williams

    This guy’s is off his damn rocker

  8. Bob

    Your getting a little carried away with all this crap nobody owe you anything so get over your self bunch of cry babies.

    1. Shawn Fischer

      Amen to that. We all know Jesus was not a white man. Does it really matter anyway? I’m ready for the rapture. This is getting way out of hand.

      1. Gail

        AMEN. I’m ready for the rapture and they can have their hay day celebrations with the anti-Christ. They’ll all be surprised when they’re at the judgement seat of God and find out that He is real after all.

  9. Allen Hilton

    You realize Christians went to war to defend Christianity.

  10. Twer

    Are you including Hollywood? They portrayed Jesus as white. FYI, Norway wasn’t around during biblical times and God told Joseph and Mary to take Jesus to Egypt, since Herod wanted him killed.

    1. Steve

      Jesus wasn’t white! neither was he Black! He was of Middle East race, specifically Jewish! There were no whites or blacks in the Middle East countries in Christ’s time! Duh!

      1. Raymond ramondson

        You’re right mate. Jesus was brown.
        But due to ignorance, not many people know that the Islamic mohammed was a white Arab .
        Islamic texts prove this 100%.

  11. Teresa

    Joseph went to Egypt because God told him to go there. Not because they would blend in.

  12. Dee Espersen

    The last time I checked Egyptian people weren’t neccesarily black either. All people come in different colors and shades of colors. So all lives matter.

    1. Twer

      True, he didn’t flee to Ethiopia, which was a major power back then, and were black. If Egyptians were black, that would make blacks suprematists and anti-Semitic wouldn’t it?

  13. Ronnie Willis

    He is insane!!!

  14. Evelyn Hudson

    Who is this guy? A push over, a cry baby, a crap starter? Please don’t remove the Jesus statue. Don’t bow to the puppets on a string that are trying to destroy our beautiful America!

    1. Mike myers

      Now they are attacking Jesus

      1. C

        It will cause many who are sikent to rise and stand for their Homy Father- he does not know what he is asking here!!!!!!!

    2. Glo Whitton

      Yep really needs attention!


    i have a message for you. go to hell

    1. Gail

      Anyone who does not believe in Jesus WILL go to hell. So we pray for you before it’s too late.
