‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed

by Peter Hasson


Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a form of white supremacy.”

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King, a former surrogate on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign, wrote on Twitter. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

King’s targeting of religious artwork comes as various activist groups have moved beyond tearing down Confederate statues and are now calling for the removal of other historical monuments.

“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?” he added. “EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”


“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,” King wrote in a second tweet. “They are a gross form of white supremacy.”

A spokesperson for King didn’t immediately return a request for additional comment.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Christus” by Midiman CC2.0. 










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196 Thoughts to “‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed”

  1. Teresa Shockley

    Since when do they have the right to demand anything be taken down because they dont like or believe in it. Last I heard this was a free country and I am not enslaved to their way of thinking and they are not the governing party of anything! Who are they to tell me or anyone what we are going to believe in. This movement which started out over the treatment of one black man and now they are trying to erase the history of what I believe in. Sounds like they are striving for black supremacy….they cant force their beliefs on us unless we let them..This is the land of the free!

    1. Mango margo

      Yes indeed!

    2. Evelyn Booker

      Absolutely agree with you. I am sick and tired of this B S.
      It’s time to stop it all
      Right now

      1. Beef

        This stuff has to end they are going way to far with this crap BLM is nothing more than racist organizations

    3. Arnold

      I agree, I live in Houston and I don’t like the Astro Dome. I think I will demand it to be torn down. I wonder if the county will do it just because I demand it.

      1. Rita

        Yes the Democrats will let you do that so long as it keeps you from coming after them and theirs!

  2. Jamès

    BLACK LIVES MATTER is actually a MARXIST organization.!.

    Marxism, first developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century, has been the foremost ideology of the COMMUNIST movement.

    Marxism considers itself to be the embodiment of scientific SOCIALISM.

    It actually has NOTHING to do with “BLACK LIVES”


    1. Deborah Geyer

      Alright! Bring it on and Bring them Down!

      1. Rita

        Did I hear a click out there Deborah😳

  3. Daryl Miley

    The end is so near. Forgive him father for he know not what he does.

  4. Rhiannon Tupper

    We are all created in his image…!! So that means no color of Jesus can be wrong…!! He is what you are that seeks him…!! These statues are our faith and anyone is free to put one representative of their color and image…!! I do not stand for any of the other statues , but you will not remove God…!!!

    1. Rita

      Amen! Rhiannon! Now they woke me up!

  5. Cindy

    Why would you even waste the time and energy to write about this man’s(?) ideas? He is a lying cheat. Best place for him is Hell

  6. Timothy Myers

    Lets not have statues at all, so no one is offended! While we’re at it, lets ban Santa Claus too! This stuff is getting out of hand!

    1. Andrea

      Oh they’ve already gone there with Santa…🙄🙄🙄🙄

    2. Louis Phillips

      Is this a /sarc post?

    3. Bill Kulessa

      The thing is if there were no statues or monuments, then they would go after something else. It appears thst the so called officials of Democratic predominance are the are the hardest hit. But and u say but!! When you try to go against the religious community, son, you are in for the fight of your life. The way I am seeing it now government is bowing down to these radicals. Religious communities don’t bow down! You can’t beat down whats in peoples hearts and minds. Tread lightly or b you too will feel the wrath of God!!!

  7. Randall

    Keep trying to tear down others property based on bs racism that only you identify. Explain a criminal killing an innocent being racist? Every time a “white” Criminal commits a crime against an innocent “black” person you see racism and that’s because you already see in black and white. I see a criminal harming the innocent. But hey it’s a free country. If you want to be a racist punk knock yourself out. But at the end of the day only innocent lives matter and the rest can get prosecuted or shot… Including vandals, looters and arsonist of any color.

  8. James Durkin

    Jesus was semitic. Which is associated with the white race. He was not black and not Asian. You people should bone up on your history. You’re making yourselves look pretty, stupid and racist.

  9. Robert Arnold

    Somebody needs to tear your head off punk

  10. Betty

    Jesus is from Israel. Stop bullying God’s Creation and Who He Decides to color our skin. Israelites are typically white to light brown. Get a Life and leave Jesus alone and his Iraeli mother. She was not European, Get Educated!

    1. Rita

      Betty I’m wondering why people have a problem accepting Jesus’ nationality and have to make him like themselves? Jesus is a Jew because GOD chose the Jews that he was to come from! They’re making Jesus the way they want him to be and not who he really is. That is a false gospel!

  11. Brenda

    Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. amen

    1. Evelyn Booker

      Lord help use.🙏🙏

    2. Michelle Griffith


    3. karen

      Agree completely. We should recite this at every public gathering right before we sing the national anthem. God bless America.

  12. Karen Miller

    If you are offended by a white Jesus Christ, then put up a black Jesus Christ. I sure don’t care and I wouldn’t be offended.

  13. Lynne

    You have no right in hell to tear that down.
    It is in the constitution of religious freedom.
    Leaving it along.
    Jesus loves all people including you .

    1. Rosemary Garrett

      Right on they have a right to have their own faith in their own religion this is gone too far this is ridiculous all life matters what they want black statues only up because they matter more than everybody else that’s ridiculous

  14. Jennifer

    May God have mercy on his soul what a disgrace to the American people if they remove that statue!!!!

  15. Mary Ray

    STOP in the name if God ! Just stop ! It is pretty well established what the Son of God looked like! Egypt was much closer than Europe anyway! If you can’t be respectful
    Be quiet !
