‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed

by Peter Hasson


Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a form of white supremacy.”

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King, a former surrogate on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign, wrote on Twitter. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

King’s targeting of religious artwork comes as various activist groups have moved beyond tearing down Confederate statues and are now calling for the removal of other historical monuments.

“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?” he added. “EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”


“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,” King wrote in a second tweet. “They are a gross form of white supremacy.”

A spokesperson for King didn’t immediately return a request for additional comment.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Christus” by Midiman CC2.0. 










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196 Thoughts to “‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed”

  1. James Pierce

    Bottom line he is wanting attention and can only get by acting the way he is. We all need to pray for him as well as others that follow him. I was raised to treat others as I want to be treated. Obviously he was raised differently. God will be back and we all will have to stand up to our wrongs. No human is better than another.

    1. ME&MYSELF

      He’ll NEVER get my PRAYER…..EVER !!!!

  2. Frank Misco

    These nice folks at BLM should know that they’re pushing a little too much, and that the nice folks who are not members of their group are reaching the point of intolerance. When that point is reached they will resist and possibly end the BLM movement and the value of it’s original intent will be lost..

    1. kelly thompson

      With all do respect. BLM shouldn’t care if you are ‘reaching a point of intolerance’. You fail to understand our system insures that everyday life with racists is “intolerable”, for POC. So suck it up and have some empathy. Actually Shaun King doesn’t represent BLM as a whole anyway.

      1. Linda League

        It’s hard to believe your everyday life is intolerable because of racism. Please take the take to explain how you are oppressed.

      2. brent Mainhart

        No I will not suck it up infact we as white men cannot and will not suck it up when you want the black race to be lifted up higher than any race. We will not suck it up when all we hear for yrs is the white man is evil , the white man is bad , the white man must pay reparations. No that will end your Supreme BLM movement because we are 60% of the population and we have been sucking it up. THAT ALL ENDS SOON!!!

      3. Ted

        And replies like yours proves Frank’s point. I’m no longer tolerant of people like you who say “suck it up.” That’s intolerance on your part and displays your hypocrisy. I have no support at all for your movement, started by self-proclaimed socialists and communists. Your movement does nothing for Blacks and your movement does not care for Blacks, period.

      4. Diana Guitar

        So why are you listening to him, if he’s not in charge?

    2. Matt

      The BLM is actually a racial hate organization and so many of their leadership have openly called for indiscriminate violence toward any Caucasian and particularly to resist all Caucasian law enforcement. One of their spokespersons recently labeled all whites as “subhuman.”
      I see we have learned nothing at all from the horrible organizations like the KKK. One of my very good black friends described the BLM movement as the “black version of the KKK.”

      Racism exists with every ethnicity. It is a form of hatred that does not descriminate based on one’s skin color. Just as many people of color out their raised to hate white people. It’s taught and indoctrinated at a young age. White, black, it doesn’t matter.

    3. Rita

      There never was a good point to their group. It’s about their anger at GOD! It’s taking the form of revenge on everyone! This is the truth behind their agenda. HATE FOR GOD!

  3. Enoch

    They gonna go after our holidays next cuz they are pagan. Stop church on Sundays cuz it should probably b on Saturdays. Then burn all the Bible’s cuz they’re written by people. So how far does he think this goal post is gonna move?

    1. Michelle Griffith

      it will likely go much further..just as the bible describes…these are..the beginning of the end.

      1. Linda K. Thomas

        I totally agree Amen❤

      2. Linda K. Thomas

        Amen Michelle Griffith

    2. Karen

      They alk shoumd go to hell. AMWRICA IDIf they don’t like the statues leave the country I r build your uwn. Don’t touch public property that taxpayers paid for. Ou get to see what life would be under the dems. Loss of control , anarchy. NEED Trump more than ever.

    3. Deplorable Bay Stater

      The goal post will move just as far as we allow it to. This is a perfect example of why appeasement never works…never has, never will. The idiotic pols who apparently have no understanding of history thought they could buy peace by giving in on removing Confederate flags and a few monuments. What they utterly failed to foresee is that this would only whet BLM’s appetite for even more concessions. There is no end to the escalating demands until someone puts their foot down and says ENOUGH! You’d think after Neville Chamberlain returned from Munich promising “Peace in our time” people would have learned that appeasing tyrants (and that’s what the BLM/Antifa crowd is: would-be tyrants) never ends well and only makes the eventual day of reckoning much more difficult and bloodier than it would have been if someone had just had the backbone to say NO right from the get-go.

      If our political leaders don’t start growing some balls pretty soon, we’re headed for an all-out shooting civil war.

  4. Cathy

    This Country was established on Christianity! Maybe God will do what he did with the tower of “Babel”!

    1. Brenda Joy Irwin

      Amen all this with statues is crazy and taking under God out of the pledge and other things swearing so help me God taking away. God has last say and this virus isn t nothing to what He can allow happening in this country. Beware cause Jesus is coming soon with all this trash and goings on.

    2. dave

      This country was not founded on Christianity or any other religion for that matter. The founding fathers made sure they added a separation of church and state. While define creator is mentioned, a particular facet is not.

      1. Rita

        Dave the separation of church and state is to keep the government from forming a government run church!

    3. Rita

      Oh Cathy it’s going to be a whole lot worse than the tower of Babel

  5. Rebecca Loving

    This is just the beginning of the very end!
    God is LOVE and LOVE will ALWAYS prevail!
    May God have grace and mercy on the lost. These are end times …. this I do believe. .

    1. Delores Wynn

      I agree that this is the beginning of the world as we know it. According to the Bible, it says exactly the condition going on today. Violence, wickedness, destruction of families, and rumors of wars all say the time is short and people should be getting their hearts right with God their maker before its too late.

      1. Gail

        Amen. It’s the beginning of the end of the world as we know it!

    2. Linda K. Thomas

      Amen Rebecca Loving

    3. Rita

      Yes it is Rebecca! Stay close to Jesus. He will get us through this!

  6. Mary

    Screw him and his thoughts!

  7. Avi

    While you are at it, why not tear down Michelangelo’s Moses and David. Luckily, Italy is still normal… (Suggestion; create virtual statutes which can change colours every, say, 5 minutes. Wouldn’t blue Jesus or white white Martin Luther King be fun. Global harmony! Like this no white cop will ever murder a black person. Am I wrong?)

  8. Kenneth Barrett

    When Jesus was in Egypt land…..
    Let my Jesuit go….

    1. Rita

      Blasphemy Kenneth!

  9. Loveofjesus

    Jesus will live in our hearts, prayers, and actions. They will never be able to tear down my love for God and Jesus 💞 this continues due to their fear not ours. God and Jesus are of no color. Before we came here to earth, there was no color just our spirit. He loves us for our souls and what we do for those that do not yet understand. Clearly this man does not understand. May god bless us all in trying times.

  10. Vickie Kilmer

    My friends these are the times of the anti christ coming to set up his kingdom. The book if revelation talks about these wars and the end times.
    Nation will rise against nation, brother against brother sons against fathers daughters against mothers.
    These followers of the anti christ will stand before God almighty and be judge. His judgment will be swift and they will enter into the lake of fires in hell.
    God will and is the conqueror l.
    I’m very upset about all this that’s going on but I believe were in the end times. If we stand in the name of Jesus we will be persecuted for his name.
    If we turn our backs on God we have sinned.
    Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.
    I might not see it in my time but in Gods time he will have revenge on the unjust
    I’m so angry I don’t want to pray for any of these people but gods word says pray for those who persecute you. We need to pray harder than we ever have before my friends.
    God bless you all and God bless America

    1. Jacqueline Combs


    2. Hillery

      Amen to that!

    3. Dan Lewis

      Right on and GOD bless you.

    4. Gail

      You are right on!!

    5. Chris Yarbrough

      Amen, well said. I feel like Jonah, I don’t want to pray for them, either. But pray we must.

    6. Arnold

      You are so right Sister. It won’t be long and all of us the believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose in the third day, and asked him to come into our hearts, will no be hear we will be in Heaven.

      We are in the end times.

    7. Rita

      I agree with you Vickie Kilmer! We are in the time of anti Christs rising! Thank you for reminding me to pray for those who persecute us. All of GODS blessings that he has for you!

  11. A Johnson

    Black lives matter must be deemed a terrorist group, always trying to cite a riot. If they really cared about equality and black people,, Why don’t they do something about the young black men shooting each other over so called TURF wars and drugs.

    1. Avi

      Mirror-image of KKK.

      1. Rita

        Avi yes they are or even the nazi’s.

    2. karen

      Blm was initially based on a lie. Hand up was not what the person dud to cop but gas us head in his car grabbing for his gun. We have a bunch of sissies that allow kneeling at football games. The nfl has rule to stand with helmet at side snd hand on hesrt. Boycott nfl and rich players.

      1. Rita

        Karen I agree! They forget who pays their salaries! These people are being conditioned to bow to the anti christ!

  12. I got news for all of you Jesus was not white and Jesus was not black Jesus had a light brown skin like most Arabs in that region do Jesus was a Jew and I got news for everybody else I don’t care what color your skin is if you get cut you are going to bleed red it’s not a matter of skin color it’s a matter of the condition of the heart and none of this is going to stop until men have a change of heart after all Jesus loved us so much that he died for us including those who nailed him to the cross including those who are in hell or who will go to hell they chose to go there That’s their choice for not serving him and nothing in this world will change until we change our attitude towards God as long as we refuse him there will be troubles trials tribulation turmoil so my suggestion is then instead of everybody making bad comments about this guy why don’t we pray for conviction upon his heart that God might enter into it and save his soul

    1. Evert Ohraniemi

      I agree with you, Mathew Littlejohn.

    2. Becca

      Well said God have mercy on their souls. I still believe this all started because we have a President that wanted to put God back the nation. In the pass the former President took God out of schools and Gov. businesses I was told by a woman in a store if I wanted to wear my cross around my neck I should put it in my shirt she had a towel on her head. Enough said…..

    3. Rita

      Agreed Mathew Littlejohn!

  13. Jon McCandles

    Jesus was black. Did you not see Dogma? Jesus was Korean if you saw 21Jump Street. Ha people are way too much nowadays. Damn you PC culture damn you indeed

  14. Satan

    I’m not a fan of Jesus at all but if you little cints want to Destroy this I think I may bring my satanic ass to where you are and show you what real hell and pain is

    1. Rita

      Satan too late for you! We know your future! Jesus said we will walk by the lake of fire you’ll be in and say this is the one who made the nation’s weak? Definitely not a compliment from Jesus.

  15. Were there African Americans during the time of Moses. I didn’t realize America had been formed by then. Thanks for the history lesson.
