‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed

by Peter Hasson


Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a form of white supremacy.”

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King, a former surrogate on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presidential campaign, wrote on Twitter. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

King’s targeting of religious artwork comes as various activist groups have moved beyond tearing down Confederate statues and are now calling for the removal of other historical monuments.

“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?” he added. “EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”


“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,” King wrote in a second tweet. “They are a gross form of white supremacy.”

A spokesperson for King didn’t immediately return a request for additional comment.

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Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Christus” by Midiman CC2.0. 










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196 Thoughts to “‘Tear Them Down’: Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King Demands ‘White European’ Jesus Statues Be Removed”

  1. Nelanie

    Er, Jewish people are white? Jesus was Jewish, so he was white. Okay, he may have had dark hair and a dark beard, but come on. Are we really arguing over this idiot saying this? Can’t wait to get a ring side seat at the Vatican when he tells the Pope to pull down the statues. Pass the popcorn.

    1. Rita

      Yes I’d love to see that Melanie! Theyll save us the time from having to do it ourselves!

    2. Kathreene Barnard

      Unfortunately, This Pope Will Be Happy To Do It!!!
      He Has Been A Socialist/ Communist From The Get Go!!! He Is Destroying The Catholic Church!! Do Not Trust This Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing!!! Beware!!!!

    3. Rebecca Gerson


  2. Jeff

    This poor guy obviously doesn’t understand history or the Bible. If all you get out of the Word of God is skin color, then you sir have totally missed the truth. I do however like the idea that one of you finally suggested something that people might stand up to you all about. It is apparent that these people are looking for a war of sorts. If the government doesn’t step in soon, the people will have to protect our country from these anarchists.

    1. Rita

      These people are anti Christs! They’re just hiding behind black lives matter! They’ve already proved they could care less about anyone except their God Satan! Now the true motives are coming out! They are fighting GOD but are too chicken to admit it! Their day is coming sooner than they think which is judgement by GOD himself. Satan knows he has but a little time left before he’s put into the pit and these are his minions and everyone who takes a knee! They’re pledging their allegiance to Satan when they do it! Only Satan gets a kick out of making someone feel guilty for something they didn’t do! They are acting above GOD making people repent to them!

  3. David

    First, can we all agree Jesus was not white? If so, then changing the skin color on statues, etc would resolve the issue. Do not think the issue is believing or respecting Jesus. The issue is portraying him as he was, not as some want him to be.

    1. AJ

      Western Civilization is being systematically dismantled before your very eyes and your reaction is to try and appease the insane anarcho-communists doing it by painting depictions of Jesus brown…..

      They want you and your entire history wiped from the face of the planet. What do you not understand? They lie and lie and lie and lie some more as to their true intentions. And people like you, for a reason God only knows, take what they say at face value. Well, my friend, you’ll be taking what they say at face value all the way to the gulags.

      1. Mary

        You are 100% correct! I am amazed at how people in authority are bowing to these anarchists.

    2. Gina short gentry Short Gentry

      Personally i think the issue is, these people don’t have jobs, many probably have lived on food stamps and welfare their entire lives and never got a spanking or any good corection when they disobeyed.
      I personally believe that they should lose all assistance, be forced to WORK OFF the cost of repayment of damages they do as individuals or as a group. If they destroy anything that doesn’t belobg to them, like the white statues of Jesus that they need to work until the entire value of each statue has been replaced, plus looae all federal and state assistance for life!! Thats my opinion.

      1. Penny Stevens

        Love your idea!

      2. Patty

        Satan will busy the idle hands! Of laziness!

    3. Rita

      No it’s to humiliate as many people as possible. These minions of Satan require you to take a knee and repent of sin you had no part in. They’re attacking GODs children now. Bible says they will think they are doing GOD a favor by attacking his children! You dont mess with any of GODS children no matter what nationality they are! They will see soon!

    4. Rita

      No he is Jewish!

    5. Bat

      Actually, the issue is that this is the USA and artists may depict anyone in any the artist pleases.

    6. Helen Wood

      You would have to do some research on that. Josephus has a description of Jesus.

    7. cnhrewisby

      If we really want all this b.s. to stop, then tell the media to stop saying black activist, white cop, latino suspect, etc. Ppl are ppl. Stop seeing color. Stop making sure everyone’s color is in the headline, and mentioned at least 27 times in your 2 paragraph article. Just call them activists, or cops, or suspects. That’s what they are. The color outside doesn’t show the heart inside, and everyone needs to remember that. Look at the gift, not the wrapping paper that was used.

      1. AJ

        You may not be interested in Identity Politics but I assure you, it’s interested in you. The best this feel-good, everybody’s-just-people Boomer nonsense is going to get you is eaten last. So for the love of God, cnhrewisby, please wake up.

      2. Johnny 2 crows

        Sanity spoken in the insanity of the moment

    8. Andrew

      Pump your brakes
      People can depict Jesus however they choose and many different races do
      it’s ok cupcake
      To make the claim that it’s a symbol of white supremacy is asinine
      Been going to church my whole life and was never taught white supremacy in any of them, but rather, we are the same value in the eye’s of OUR Lord father

      1. Gretchen Pemberton


  4. AJ

    The diversity experiment is an abject, in-your-face and just about as obvious as anything can be FAILURE. THAT is what’s happening and people have a hard time seeing it for the same reason fish can’t see the water in which they swim.

    The Almighty, Himself, separated the nations….. At no point after did He, either as Himself or in the form of Christ, give the thumbs-up for us to go ahead and rebuild Babel. Now — walk outside, have a look around and ask yourself if that’s not EXACTLY what we’ve done.

    There are, if I remember correctly, three times in the Bible where the World “comes together as one.” And you know what? — EVERY SINGLE TIME it is to DEFY the Will of God. Just as it is now.

    ‘Diversity’ and ‘coming together as one’ is the PROBLEM. It was not, is not and never will be the cure. Because it CANNOT be the cure. We can only be One in Christ after His return. Otherwise, we were COMMANDED to stay in our own lanes.

    The Almighty wanted everybody to stay in their own lane. We didn’t do it and now we’re paying for it. Simple as that.

    One way or the other, the diversity experiment is going to end, and your skin, unfortunately, will be your uniform.

  5. Torben Sluyter

    He’s an idiot. Do you see that he adds ‘to blend in’ when scripture only talks about them going to Egypt to get away from King Herrod, who wanted to kill all children under the age of two. Herrod had no power in Egypt.

    1. Rita

      Yeah obviously this guy really doesn’t know GODs word!

      1. Deb Trackler

        There WILL come a day and I pray that we will all be prepared and Ready to be judged and found worthy. Therefore be wise in what you say, as your outcome may reflect your thoughts and words. God be with us all! Jesus died for ALL OF US! AMEN

  6. Harold Stewart

    Since when does 15% of any race rule what happens in this country. If they have NO respect for JESUS CHRIST our almighty the got no purpose breathing air. THAT’S RIGHT I SAID IT. MAGARITY RULES IT’S TIME TO MAKE A STAND AMERICA. STOP THE BULLSHIT NOW

  7. Ted

    Mr. Tweet Dude, you do know that Jesus was a Jew, right, so he wasn’t Black? And they didn’t go to Egypt to “blend in,” but to escape. Maybe in your Bible (which I seriously doubt you read) it says they went to “blend in,” but my Bible does not say that. Just like with everything else your movement does, it twists the truth, distorts the truth, or just plain lies about the truth.

    1. Rita

      So true! To make Jesus anything other than Jewish is against GOD also!

  8. J. Martin

    Why would they need to tear down a statue of someone who loved & helped everyone?? Tell Shaun King to go F*** himself!! He’s nothing more than an ignorant, self righteous POS.
    Who the hell do you think you are .. anyway ? Listen up A-hole .. why don’t you STFU and behave like a human being instead of some low life DOCHE!!!! FYI .. all lives should matter. Do black lives matter? Yes .. they do. But .. “IF” you are going to go around destroying things or making moronic comments like this. Then guess what? Your lives don’t mean SFA and if your caught doing anything wrong/illegal. You need exterminating because you are nothing more than a criminal. NOT .. some innocent person!!!!

  9. L. Adams

    Does this mean we can rename every street that was changed to Martin Luther King back to what it was?

  10. Sonja Jambard

    This is getting rediculous and the devil is eating up all the hate, the only way to repair this has to come from love for one another as God has instructed us, find something in others you can love and heal this broken nation. We are all human, cant we just be that and start with a new way of thinking….or is the hate gonna rule you…

    1. Rita

      The only way things will change are if the sinners repent for their sins! Jesus is giving this country warning after warning but what do they do? They take it as a challenge and do even worse. It is just like the days of Lot and Noah!

  11. Dolores Squillace

    If our politicians and elected officials allow this happen . This is so unheard of . Whom ever is deciding this may you rot in hell all of eternity. This is against my beliefs . If your matters than so does mine .

    All who are with me please let your voices be heard

    1. Rita

      The politicians have pledged their cities to Satan. It goes back to Bill Clinton and the G8 summit that was held in Denver CO.. They conjured up demons at their private meeting held in the brand new public library. No one was in that meeting except the world leaders and their interpretors. No one knows what they all met about! Bible says the world leaders would come together and speak with demons in the end days! They pledged city by city to Satan! After Denver hosted the meetings their economy boomed!

  12. Concerned

    This is absolute stupidity. This idiot is looking to start riots to take the attention off the Democrats and all the BS they are up to. He’s looking to use this riot baiting to further the Bernie agenda, to push for mail in ballots and anarchy. He should be arrested for conspiring to incite rioting.

  13. Nicholas

    King is a tool for racist propaganda. Christ was a Jew with Caucasian DNA.

  14. Donna

    Thank you for standing up for Jesus.

    1. Psy

      They’re ignoring all of the art depicting Jesus as white before the moor invasion. The moors were Muslim conquerors from North Africa who invaded spain, italy, the middle east, and a bunch of other countries in 711. They also massacred Buddhists in Afghanistan and converted it completely to Islam in 715.

      6th century art 5th century art, and earlier depict the Levant as white. But “WE’RE” the ones rewriting history. OK.

      1. Rita

        Also the white slaves on the Barbary Coast into the horn of Africa! That was in the 1500s. Long before black slaves trading. They say it’s a systemic thing in whites! They need to study history again! All slavery is wrong!

    2. Noreen Hie

      Amen, when Jesus is argued about in anyway- watch the wrath of Gid. This is rediciouls. We are Anericans, one Race-human-Satan in running rampid- We belivers who love The Lord- put on your Armour, there is a Spiritual batter going on- Gid WILL PREVAIL.

    3. Prophetess Queen

      The Bible states, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

      If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

      If we don’t Stand for Holiness we will fall for anything.

  15. Ramez

    The fact of things is that black people in the past times, never painted a black Jesus or made a black statue of Jesus. Had they done so, it would have been normal to everyone today and nothing to talk about!
    So, it’s not the white peoples fault that blacks did not paint Jesus black at any time in the past, whites did paint him white coz that’s what anyone would do, create a copy of his own image, that’s what the bible says, God created man in his image, so each one of us is an image of God, white, black, yellow, red, brown, etc !
    So I don’t see what the issue is lol

    1. delores Sax

      I painted him of his natural regions color.and was told i painted a black Jesus.the preist was there and told the person no she painted himin true nature.

    2. Linda K. Thomas

      I totally agree Amen❤

    3. Dewey Reikofski

      There have been plenty of depictions of jesus ad black. Google it.
