Ten Teens Arrested in Nashville for Aggravated Rioting during ‘National Walkout Day’ Violence

Just short of a week after students from across the country participated in the so-called “National Walkout Day,” Metro Nashville Police announced the arrest of ten teens for their role in the outrageous and violent behavior at Antioch High School.

Eighteen-year-old Fiacle Mugisha (pictured) was arrested Tuesday morning and charged with aggravated rioting, along with nine other classmates.

They include two 17-year-olds, two 16-year-olds, four 15-year-olds, and one 14-year-old who also face aggravated rioting charges, but in Juvenile Court.

According to the MNPD statement, “The students are alleged to have been screaming and yelling while jumping on a School Resource Officer’s police car, causing serious damage to the roof and hood.”

As The Tennessee Star reported:

Some students at Antioch High School took the opportunity to sow chaos and destruction Wednesday during the so-called “National Walkout Day” organized by the far-Left group, Women’s March only one month after the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

NewsChannel5 reports that the Metro Nashville Police are looking into incidents of a few students taking down a flag and jumping on a police car, but that no arrests or citations have been issued.

Fellow protesters posted some of the incidents on social media.


Several media outlets report that the violent outbursts began as the names of the 17 victims in the Parkland, Florida shooting were read aloud. “Some students began screaming, tossing water and even jumped on a Metro police car,” FOX17 News reported.

The FOX affiliate also published a statement by the Metro Nashville Public School acknowledging the arrest, and stated students could also face suspension or expulsion for violating the district’s student code of conduct:

The school administration investigated in response to the disruptive behaviors of some students at Antioch H.S. on National Walk Out Day. Students who were identified as having behaved in violation of the district’s student code of conduct will face disciplinary consequences including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion. In addition, the Metro Nashville Police Department has identified students whose behavior exceeded the violation of school rules. Criminal Investigations and charges are the jurisdiction of the MNPD and all comments in respect to those, should come from MNPD.

Meanwhile, Mugisha is being held in lieu of $5,000 bond.






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4 Thoughts to “Ten Teens Arrested in Nashville for Aggravated Rioting during ‘National Walkout Day’ Violence”

  1. After learning Australia intends to expell two Russian diplomats this morning ( good little vassal state that we are), I had a quick look to see what the left and centre-left media had to say about the expulsions. Nada from Counterpunch. They”ve written articles about Trump/Russia collusion and the Russian troll farm, but nothing at all about the expulsion of Russian diplomats across the West. Politico informed me the expulsions were largely symbolic. History gives me a better idea of what the expulsions truly symbolise and where it tends to lead. Politico also told me “A united West showed itself sufficiently fed up with a pattern of aggression and denial from Moscow to retaliate without waiting for conclusive proof of Russia’s culpability in the March 4 nerve agent attack. That sentence sums up the entire article. Russia”s guilty. Russia”s agressive. The entire West is fed up with Russia. Once again, the left and centre-left media are doing their bit to beat the war drum. I haven”t looked elsewhere, other than here. I knew I could trust Caitlin to speak sense. I don”t know that I will bother looking elsewhere. Hearing the left media bleat Russia”s baad in unison is just too depressing far more depressing than hearing it from the right.

  2. Brian McMurphy

    This is what they teach at Antioch.

    Momma warming up her dindu nuffin speech in 3, 2,1…..

  3. Kevin

    What a shame! How many more young people, black, white, brown, are going to have their lives ruined following misguided leaders? Leaders like Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Alinsky, who profit from these wrecked lives.

    America is not perfect, and we have made our share of mistakes getting to where we are, but, there is no better form of government on Earth! Try pulling this kind of demostration in China, or Russia. And thanks, to the USA, citizens in most other countries have some level of freedom and aren’t saying, “Sprechen SIe Deutsch”.

  4. 83ragtop50

    What are they are teaching at Antioch High School – Rioting 101? Diversity 101? Liberalism 101? Sounds a lot like Oakland, CA.
