Tennessee AG Leads Lawsuit Against Biden Administration over School Lunch Benefits

The Tennessee Attorney General’s office is leading a lawsuit against the Biden administration after the latter said that it will strip schools of certain government benefits if they do not conform to left-wing transgender ideology.

“Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III, leading a 22-state coalition along with Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, filed a lawsuit today in the Eastern District of Tennessee,” said a press release from Slatery’s office. “The lawsuit seeks to stop the Biden administration from enforcing an expansive and unlawful interpretation of federal anti-discrimination laws under the threat of withdrawing key food assistance program funding.”

The Biden administration, through the United States Department of Agriculture, has threatened to withhold school lunch benefits from those schools that do not allow males to participate in female athletics, or males to use female restrooms.

“USDA is committed to administering all its programs with equity and fairness, and serving those in need with the highest dignity. A key step in advancing these principles is rooting out discrimination in any form – including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,” that government agency said in May. “At the same time, we must recognize the vulnerability of the LGBTQI+ communities and provide them with an avenue to grieve any discrimination they face. We hope that by standing firm against these inequities we will help bring about much-needed change.”

Slatery says USDA does not have the authority to proceed.

“This case is, yet again, about a federal agency trying to change law, which is Congress’ exclusive prerogative,” he said. “The USDA simply does not have that authority. We have successfully challenged the Biden administration’s other attempts to rewrite law and we will challenge this as well.”

Meanwhile, a congresswoman from Tennessee introduced legislation to halt the Biden administration’s plan.

As reported by The Tennessee Star, Representative Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) introduced a bill to stop the plan, and blasted the Biden administration in the process.

“Punishing schools for failing to adopt radical transgender ideology is wrong. Ripping school lunches from low-income students because their schools disallow biological males to enter girl’s restrooms and compete in girl’s sports is nothing short of disgraceful. The Biden administration continues to abuse executive privilege to force Americans into compliance with an extreme agenda. Our bill protects students so they are not hungry at school,” Harshbarger said.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].




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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee AG Leads Lawsuit Against Biden Administration over School Lunch Benefits”

  1. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Parents should be sending their kids to school with Lunch boxes. I can remember when this whole debate started back in the 70’s. A peanut butter sandwich, a banana, or an apple, make for a cheap, nutritious meal. ‘You will own nothing and be happy.’

    1. 83ragtop50

      David – What a radical idea that you present!!!! Parents actually providing meals for THER children???! You are an extremist for sure. Isn’t it amazing how socialism principles have been continually added into everyday America slowly but surely for at least 50 years? I came from a family of 9 with a father who had a 3rd grade education and we never lacked food on the table. But of course these days a $100 a month cell phone bill is more important than feeding your children. Oh, and do not forget that gorgeous and expensive tattoo.

  2. Cannoneer2

    “Herbert Slatery leading” is an oxymoron.

    1. 83ragtop50

      For sure. Cannot wait to see what dud the Supreme Court (actually Mr. Lee) will choose to replace the inept Slatery.
