Tennessee Dem Chair Criticizes Gov. Lee for Questioning Big Government Response to COVID-19


While Kentucky’s governor threatened to take down the license plate numbers of residents who dared to go to church on Easter, Gov. Bill Lee said he was contemplating how involved the government should be during a pandemic.

“This will give me a good experience to think about it and go, ‘You know, how much should government be involved?’” Lee said in a recent profile for The Tennessean.

He never answered the question, but the fact that he even asked it didn’t sit well with the chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party.

“The role of government is to protect our freedom and keep us safe. It’s why we pay taxes and every elected representative should know at least that much prior to running for office. Outrageously, it’s only now dawning on Gov. Lee,” said Chairwoman Mary Mancini in a statement released Friday.

Mancini went on to praise the big government responses from the “governors of Kentucky, Michigan, and New York,” who have employed the “full force and weight of both the state and federal government.”

Indeed, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer at one point barred doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine, rated the “most effective therapy” against the coronavirus in a recent survey of physicians, but later reversed course after facing criticism.

“Not only should Gov. Lee have had the answer to that question eight weeks ago, he should have had that answer prior to launching his campaign for the office responsible for our state’s response to a global pandemic, public health crisis, and economic free fall,” Mancini continued, claiming Lee is “learning on the job” while Tennesseans are dying.

“This is frightening,” she concluded. “Now is not the time to figure out on the fly how much government should be involved in saving lives. Now is the time for him to step up and lead.”

Mancini’s Democratic Party recently ousted state Rep. John DeBerry, Jr. from its ranks for opposing abortion, the increased funding of public schools, and other progressive objectives, The Tennessee Star reported.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mary Mancini” by Mary Mancini. Background Photo “Tennessee Capitol” by FaceMePLS. CC BY 2.0.







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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Dem Chair Criticizes Gov. Lee for Questioning Big Government Response to COVID-19”

  1. BJ Zeagler

    Seriously folks, after reading this, In your heart of hearts and mind does this sound like our government is moving
    us toward a new world order called communism.A majority of Americans believe in freedom and a Higher Presence
    to direct our lives. We’ve been given an intuition to allow was to know when something just isn’t right. I think it is
    about time we start doing that. The Government is well on its way to controlling everything we do and think.

  2. joker

    Mancini, you need to read the constitution, in particular the duty of government both federal and state level. A police state or police state actions are far more dangerous to the public than the coronavirus. Take off your blinders.

  3. Kevin

    Be careful what you wish for!

    If Ms. Mancini had her way, we would have a BIG centralized government instantly capable of resolving any and all man-made or natural disaster, right. Except, it doesn’t exist! It can’t exist or even come close to existing in a free society! The closest example would be the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party, and even with “complete control” they have to lie and cover-up how “fubared” their response has been. And we’ll never know the true body count.

    President Trump and Governor Lee have done an excellent job managing this unforeseen calamity. But I guess maybe some people would rather have someone like Governor Whitmore of Michigan, where you can’t even buy “nonessential” items like seeds.

    1. Charles

      If you know someone who wants her, we’re willing to pay to have her taken off our hands.

  4. Steve Allen

    Classic Liberal double speak….”The role of government is to protect our freedom and keep us safe”, and then in the next paragraph she praises the governors who imposed the most restrictive mandates on freedom of religion and the ability to travel outside your home. That is NOT protecting our freedoms. The role of the government is NOT to keep us safe, that’s our responsibility. In their eyes, the government can never be big enough, as long as it’s a Socialist government. The Left is using this whole virus issue as yet ANOTHER attempt to discredit President Trump, turn America in a Socialist State, and in reality strip our constitutional freedoms from us. If Clinton was president the entire nation would be under an 18 month quarantine with the intend of completely destroying our capitalist free market economy.

    1. Ron Welch

      Steve, I agree. But I would say, “classic leftist double speak”, since the Democrats have abandoned true classical liberalism, i.e., the individual liberties of the People protected by ALL of the Bill of Rights as read according to basic English grammar.

    2. William Delzell

      You conservatives do not really oppose socialism per se. It’s only when big government benefits the poor, the middle class, and non-whites that you oppose it. But when big government or socialism favors rightwingers and the rich such as big military spending, tax write-offs for corporations, price-supports for big agriculture, and special perks for CEO’s, then you conservatives are socialism’s greatest supporter! In other words Steve, your motto is: Socialism for the rich; Free enterprise for the poor. You don’t fool me.

  5. Randy

    Mancini is no better than Lester Dolt of NBC. Regurgitating what they hear, spinning what is said and hoping the public they profess to want to inform will buy their version of hate.

  6. Mike Johnson

    More people will die as a result of government lock down than this COVID19 hoax…yes hoax. I believe the restraint exercised by Governor Lee is a balanced play in light of heavy pressure to submit. Now’s the time to step up and turn this lock down off and get back to business!

    1. Horatio Bunce

      Cuomo called it “a preparation drill”:

