Tennessee Experiences 27 Deaths in More Than 1,000 ‘Breakthrough’ Cases Among Vaccinated Individuals


Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey announced on Friday that more than 1,000 individuals throughout the state have tested positive for the coronavirus after being fully vaccinated.

Of the fully vaccinated individuals who have suffered these numerous “breakthrough” cases, 195 have been hospitalized, with 27 patients passing away.

Piercey stated that approximately half of the cases among vaccinated individuals are in residents aged 50 and older and pointed to the widespread Delta variant of the coronavirus as the cause for the cases.

In recent weeks, positive coronavirus cases across the state and country have continued to rise steadily. However, the number of deaths in the state has remained relatively low.

“We haven’t seen an uptick yet in deaths. Unfortunately, that will probably come in the next few weeks. It takes a few weeks after somebody gets sick and then in the hospital, if they are going to pass away, that would come a few weeks later,” Piercey said.

While the state has experienced a large number of “breakthrough” cases, Piercey added that 97 percent of all hospitalizations and more than 98 percent of deaths are among Tennesseans who have not been fully vaccinated.

Officials from the Department of Health and Governor Bill Lee have resumed encouraging individuals to take the coronavirus vaccine, after receiving intense backlash for firing the state’s top vaccine expert.

“The most effective tool against COVID, including the Delta variant, is the vaccine and we encourage Tennesseans to pursue that,” Governor Lee said in a press conference.

The state has also been heavily critiqued for its outreach to minors to get vaccinated. Several state lawmakers voiced concerns that Tennessee had marketed the vaccine to minors and administered it without parental consent.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].








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24 Thoughts to “Tennessee Experiences 27 Deaths in More Than 1,000 ‘Breakthrough’ Cases Among Vaccinated Individuals”

  1. […] Breakthrough Infections Aren’t That Rare. “Tennessee Experiences 27 Deaths in More Than 1,000 ‘Breakthrough’ Cases Among Vaccinated Individuals.” — The Tennessee Star, 7/25/21 […]

  2. R B

    Is the Covid shot a vaccine? NO!!
    Is the Covid shot FDA approved for normal use? NO!!!!
    Can you get Covid with or without the Covid shot? YES!!!!
    Can you die from Covid with or without the Covid shot? YES!!!!

    1. Deborah Lawson

      Countries like Israel and others where 90% of the population are vaccinated have the highest rates of the so called Delta Variant.
      There is NO Delta Variant, it is the Shot/spike proteins that is killing people and they are trying to blame it on the unvaccinated.

  3. David

    I am not a Dr. or scientist, but I am confused. I have had the Corona Virus twice according to tests. I self quarantined each time and had sniffles and tired about a week each time. I was tested for antibodies Friday and should have results Monday.
    Is there any scientific evidence that
    1. I will be safe taking the vaccine?
    2. Will my possible resistance cause complications?
    3. Will I have to take booster shots forever?
    I am very concerned..

  4. Horatio Bunce

    “Piercey stated that approximately half of the cases among vaccinated individuals are in residents aged 50 and older and pointed to the widespread Delta variant of the coronavirus as the cause for the cases.”


    “The most effective tool against COVID, including the Delta variant, is the vaccine and we encourage Tennesseans to pursue that,” Governor Lee said in a press conference”

    Well, which is it? The corrupt DOH blames the vaccine failures on the “Delta variant” (any actual evidence of that?) while Lee says it is the most effective tool against it. How many “boosters” is it going to take to satiate Big Pharma snake oilers?

    1. Marshall Kent

      “Piercey added that 97 percent of all hospitalizations and more than 98 percent of deaths are among Tennesseans who have not been fully vaccinated.” Stop pretending like you know something and get the damn vaccine before you get got.

      1. Horatio Bunce

        The IFR is higher among the infected “fully vaccinated”…if you believe their data (and as already pointed out by LM). You have a better chance of survival if not vaccinated.

        They are also playing games with the wording. Lots of people got the first round shot and not the second because of adverse effects. The DOH/CDC lumps them in with unvaccinated. These aren’t the same thing. Real science would keep them separate, because only those who received no shot are the true control group. But they were all supposed to be dead in two weeks…

        1. Marshall Kent

          Have fun with your delusional gibberish. Say hi to Billy Graham’s grandson if you see him in the ICU.


        you are a liberal hack who knows absolutely nothing about vaccines, medicine, the jab, or our communist government. Get in line with all your sheeple friends.

  5. Mike

    Can the state of Tennessee tell me how many un tested unvaccinated border crashers were transported through TN causing this death rate?

    1. Marshall Kent

      Can you tell me how dimwitted someone has to be to see a deadly pandemic closing in on them and immediately starts whining about fruit pickers from mexico?

  6. LM

    27 deaths out of 1,000 cases is a death rate of 2.7% – almost double the overall death rate in TN from COVID so far. No thanks.

    1. Horatio Bunce

      Exactly. The corrupt DOH is cherry picking their data. PCR test threshold changed on inauguration day dropped positive “cases” across the board. Throw all previous trending away at that point. This was done to make the vaccines look better. They aren’t working. Next move was to change the PCR cycles even lower for only the vaccinated, and start the “Delta variant” excuse. Now no comparable data between vaccinated and unvaccinated, because they are trying to hide vaccine failures. Latest step is to not test vaccinated and not count them as “cases” until they are hospitalized or die….which is still happening. The DOH needs to get their thumb off the scale and stop shilling for Big Pharma.

  7. JB Taylor

    More proof the vaccine does not work.

  8. SadButTrue

    wait, uncle joe told me this wasnt possible?

    1. Marshall Kent

      Nobody told you breakthrough cases weren’t possible. Quit your sarcastic whining and take note that 98% of people dying are unvaccinated. How are you so triggered by medical care? I assume you will not go into the hospital if you have severe covid because “they” aka doctors are out to get you?

      1. Fred Nuctrin

        While it’s true that 98% of Wuhan Flu were in the unvaxxed, don’t forget that most of those deaths occurred prior to experimental drugs being available so, like a good Liberal, you take the numbers and lie with them. I would be interested in knowing how many unvaxxed have died vs vaxxed since May 2021 when the 2nd shot became widely available?

  9. I got news for everyone. Old people die. The number one cause of death in the world is Old Age. It is a fact of life. What we have see the last year and a half is the “Me Generation” in their last who-rah. The lockdowns, the masked children, etc. are from a generation of Americans whose only concerns were for themselves. They ran up the debt. They aborted their babies. They ate what the wanted, drank what they wanted, and they let the good times role. ‘They did it their way,’ as Frank Sinatra would sing. Sooner or later the Earth consumes us all. You should live your life so that you are not afraid of dying. Seek the divine not the temporal.

    1. Marshall Kent

      I got news for you: to Billy Graham’s grandson is now in the ICU. PS I will assume you will NOT seek medical care if you get sick? Because old people die, right?

  10. Ms Independent

    So the vaccine is not as effective as we were told by Fauci? I’m not surprised.

    1. Ron W

      I was wondering. Early on we were told that the vaccine had to be kept preserved with liquid nitrogen to keep it far below zero. I haven’t heard that lately and it seems to be usually stored and dispensed at normal temperatures. Was it that the “engineered” Corona virus already had its “vaccines” prepared and they were held back in cold storage for a plausible “warp speed” development time frame?

      1. Horatio Bunce

        Good question. And don’t forget about all those doses that were disposed of because the temps weren’t maintained.

      2. Marshall Kent

        Keep wondering about conspiracy gibberish. I assume you will not seek medical care if you get sick because “they” aka doctors are out to get you?

        1. Dave G.

          Keep on trolling Marshall Kent, we’re all laughing at you. Now be sure to wear 3 masks with your HAZMAT suit & plastic face shield, okay! That’s a good little sheep!
