Tennessee General Assembly Passes Immigration Bills That Help Governor Fulfill Campaign Promises to Voters

Gov. Bill Haslam in 2010 & 2018

Running right up to the last hours of the 110th Tennessee General Assembly, legislators passed two related immigration bills by wide margins that help the Governor fulfill campaign promises he made during his first run for office.

In 2009, gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam told voters that if elected, his top priority was to “mak[e] Tennessee the No.1 state in the Southeast for high quality jobs” and that he would work to protect the “values we all hold dear.”

Deterring illegal immigration in Tennessee was a featured part of Haslam’s plan to deliver on these campaign promises:

The Green-Reedy anti-sanctuary city bill passed yesterday in the Senate 23 – 5 and in the House 64 – 23, provides clear guidelines for cooperation by state and local law enforcement with federal immigration authorities in identifying and removing criminal aliens which Haslam said he supported during his campaign.

Months before he was elected as governor in 2010, Haslam endorsed the action of a newly Republican majority legislature which passed a bill requiring jailers to contact federal immigration authorities once it was determined that an illegal alien had been arrested.

The Green-Lamberth bill, also passed yesterday by a wide vote margin, prohibits local jurisdictions from creating identification cards, sometimes called municipal IDs, that could thereafter be considered a government issued ID card. Cities in other states have made these local ID cards available to illegal aliens to help them access certain public services and appear as if they are lawfully present.

This bill which passed in the Senate 25 – 3 and in the House 69 – 9, furthers the outcome contemplated by Haslam’s campaign promise that the state would not help conceal a person’s illegal alien status using a state sanctioned identification document.

Immediately after the anti-sanctuary city bill passed, the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) issued an alert distorting the content and impact of this measure, and urging Governor Haslam to veto the bill.

Contrary to claims made by TIRRC, Green and Reedy had noted in presenting the bill in their respective chambers that the bill was supported by federal appellate court precedent holding that it is constitutional to honor federal immigration detainer requests and that the ICE detainers are only issued once it is established that probable cause exists that an illegal alien is subject to deportation.

Once a bill is transmitted to the Governor, he has 10 days (excluding Sundays), to sign the bill, veto it or allow it to become law without his signature.







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7 Thoughts to “Tennessee General Assembly Passes Immigration Bills That Help Governor Fulfill Campaign Promises to Voters”

  1. […] with NAE’s political platform as it concerns illegal aliens which stand at odds with the campaign promises he made when he first ran for office in […]

  2. […] Bill Haslam made big promises about pushing back against illegal immigration in Tennessee when he campaigned for governor in […]

  3. […] launched a petition asking Tennessee residents to help them pressure Governor Haslam – who originally campaigned on confronting illegal immigration in the Volunteer State – to sign the Green-Reedy bill that […]

  4. […] with NAE’s political platform as it concerns illegal aliens which stand at odds with the campaign promises he made when he first ran for office in […]

  5. […] funded Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a legal throw-down to Governor Haslam challenging his campaign promises to “do everything within my authority to be sure that Tennessee does not attract illegal […]
