Tennessee Highway Patrol Arrests Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones and Other Protestors


Authorities have released left-wing activist Justin Jones from the Davidson County Jail after Tennessee Highway Patrol officers arrested him and several other activists at Legislative Plaza.

As reported, Jones and several of those activists have taken turns occupying that space for weeks as they demand a meeting with Gov. Bill Lee.

After his release, Jones took to Twitter and made clear he was still unwilling to concede his battle against state officials. He called Lee “a damn coward who is waging war against his own constituents.”

Jones also described his arrest.

“Two groups of arrests happened last night. 1) criminal trespassing/ disorderly conduct for those on Capitol grounds around 10:30 pm 2) raid by THP at 2 am and mass arrests as they cleared and destroyed the Plaza arresting everyone on site Still unclear but 50-60 arrested,” Jones tweeted.

Those detained in early morning raid are still being released. This was clear provocation and escalation ordered by @GovBillLee. Nonviolent protests have consistently been met with excessive force and false charges. Can’t even be mad anymore, just asking folks to show up.”

Jones urged his supporters to “rise up” and “fight back.”

Jones wants Tennessee officials to remove a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest from the state capitol.

“This is so much more than a monument. The whole administration is monument to white supremacy and must be removed. RESIGN BILL LEE,” Jones tweeted.

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Jones walked into the Capitol, more than a year after state officials banned him from the facility for allegedly assaulting then-Speaker of the House Glen Casada. Various Republican and Democratic officials, as well as those from the Tennessee Highway Patrol, provided no information about how Jones entered the building.

Also, as reported, Jones and other protestors — who demand that government defund the police — alleged that one man there sexually assaulted two of them. Some protestors said they supported the idea of the victims filing police reports. The victims ultimately chose not to do that, according to videos Jones posted on social media.

As The Star reported, Jones, during a rally for George Floyd, asked Nashville Mayor John Cooper if he would “commit to demilitarize the police department and defund the police department?” Jones seemed disappointed when Cooper declined to say if he would.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Justin Jones Arrest” by Alex Kent.






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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee Highway Patrol Arrests Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones and Other Protestors”

  1. Steve Allen

    Maybe this time you’ll actually keep this weasel in jail, fat chance. You keep telling him if he doesn’t behave himself he’ll go back to jail, and you just keep letting him out. But then again, why would we expect anything else from another Democrat controller city.

  2. Wolf Woman

    Justin Baustista Jones (part Black and part Filipino) won a scholarship to Fisk University for his activist work in high school in the East Bay, California area.

    He is a Christian “progressive” socialist, polishing his Marxist skills at Vanderbilt Divinity School where he’s learning that God is dead, Jesus was a social activist and the Holy Spirit has flown away. Nashville is his incubator city for applying Saul Alinsky activist tactics on a clueless governor.

    This in-your-face young Christian community organizer wants to be in politics and ran for Rep. Jim Cooper’s seat. His hubris knows no bounds and will be his Achilles’ heel.

  3. Quite releasing these Communists on $25.00 bail tickets! Instead when they resist or do any damage to the Plaza charge them with Felony Rioting.and lock them up!
    Tennesseans are mad and want these Insurrectionists dealt with harshly to stop them!

    There was no racism, it died long ago in America, until the Communists resurrected it and weaponized it against America and Americans! We will not be “Changed” into a Communist Country. Why is George Soros and the others, who are financing and directing thisInsurrection behind bars???

  4. Julie

    The only reason we are stuck with this kid is because he came out here to go to school. Does anyone know when he is going back to Cali?

    1. Kevin

      He’s originally from Chicago, and while that tells you all you need to know, and he’s not going anywhere. He’s well on his way to a career as the next Al Sharpton, shakedown artist and extortionist par excellence! He’ll just continue to build up a following of sheeple who want to “keep up with the Jones” until someone puts him in his place!

      And while Governor Lee thinks that the problem will suddenly vaporize and that our little social justice warrior will go back to Divinity School, once the Nathan Bedford Forrest bust has been removed, this is just the beginning! Andrew Jackson will be next. And then “Illinois Jones” will swashbuckle his way through the portraits of the various Governors who might have been racially offensive or insensitive. Just in time for Justin Jones to condemn and call for the removal of the newly minted painting of one former Governor Lee.
