Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition Demands Nashville Not Cooperate with ICE


Members of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition have reportedly emphasized they want Metro Nashville Police not to assist U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

This, according to the Nashville-based FOX 17 television station.

“TIRRC is calling on Metro Police to develop clear policies and refuse to help ICE carry out civil immigration enforcement in Davidson County,” the station reported.

“TIRRC is also calling on Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall to terminate an agreement that allows ICE to detain people in local jails.”

The station quoted the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, which said its officers do not participate in ICE raids, including housing people ICE detained.

“The only individuals housed in DCSO jails are those who are booked on local criminal charges, and, subsequently, wanted by ICE,” FOX 17 quoted the DCSO as saying.

As The Tennessee Star reported this summer, the TIRRC put out a manifesto describing how they want Metro Nashville officials to treat illegal immigrants, and it demands taxpayers subsidize new programs to protect them from deportation.

This document, titled, Beyond Welcoming: A Platform for Immigrant Inclusion for the Next Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, also disparages ICE agents as persecutors who set out to destroy immigrant families.

You can download the full document here (embedded below).

The TIRRC document focused on community organizing activities to put political pressure on state and local officials.

“Each week in Nashville, ICE is terrorizing immigrant neighborhoods and ripping residents away from their families and communities,” according to the document. (Page 3)

“As the federal government ramps up immigration enforcement, the state legislature has continued their efforts to make life harder for immigrant and refugee communities.” (Page 3)

The document calls on Nashville officials to embrace pro-immigrant policies and “help turn the tide in this country.” (Page 3)

Among only some of the document’s policy suggestions for Nashville leaders:

• Nashville should not help ICE deport illegal immigrants.(Page 4)
• The Davidson County jail must stop renting bed space to ICE.(Page 7) 
• Nashville should invest in taxpayer-funded workforce development programs (Page 11and affordable housing projects to help immigrants (Page 12).
• Nashville should create programs that “mitigate the harm that persistent fear of deportation can cause.” (Page 5)

[pdf-embedder url=”https://tennesseestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Beyond-Welcoming_Full_FINAL.pdf”]



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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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8 Thoughts to “Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition Demands Nashville Not Cooperate with ICE”

  1. […] Police not to assist U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, The Tennessee Star reported in August. This, according to the Nashville-based FOX 17 television […]

  2. Ed

    One would hope that Nashville would explain to the Immigrant and Refugee Rights
    Coalition this is not California or New York. There would not be a problem if people did
    not break the law jumping our border.

  3. 83ragtop50

    TIRRC represents what is wrong with our current invasion from the south. They put their feel good above the good of American citizens.

  4. Robert Roark

    It sounds as if TIRRC is insisting that immigrant and refugee communities should not be subject to American laws and regulations, that they should be treated differently because of their status. Are they are more equal under the law than American citizens?

  5. George

    Would that be because the state of Tennessee is so overwhelmingly prosperous, and generates such an enormous surplus of goods and services for its uniformly middle class and above citizens, that it seems that some way needs to be found to dispose of all that extra money and fruits of the labor of Tennessee’s citizens? And that instead of giving all that abundance to other states of the union whose citizens are not so overwhelmingly rich, the state should instead dispose of its wealth by supporting criminals who have snuck into the country illegally to take jobs away from fellow American citizens? Is that why they are demanding that Nashville not cooperate with federal law and legal authorities in defiance of the Constitution that made us the most prosperous country in the history of the world? Yeah, that seems reasonable . . .

  6. Russ

    Demand away, we choose to enforce the law.

  7. Bob Walker

    What a fncking mess the demonrats have made if our country on the hopes they can win an election with illegal immigrant votes. Not 5 years ago the demonrats were screaming protect and close our border. They lost the presidential election to a REAL PRESIDENT and it blew their minds. Now they are trying to collect votes from people that here illegally, should not be here, ARE CRIMINALS FOR ENTERING COUNTRY ILLEGALLY, using tax payers dollars to protect them and allowing groups like to AID AND ABET them who should also be arrested for breaking the law. WAKE THE FNCK UP SHEEPLE BEFORE IT TOO LATE! GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY AND PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR BEING A REAL PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT AND NOT A POLITICAL PAWN!

  8. John

    Deport them all and build the wall.
