Tennessee Lawmakers React to August Inflation Numbers

Tennessee lawmakers are issuing statements regarding Tuesday’s report showing the latest inflation numbers from August.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the costs of goods and services advanced 0.1 percent in August and are up 8.3 percent in the last 12 months.

In response, President Biden released a statement on the report, saying in part, “Today’s data show more progress in bringing global inflation down in the U.S. economy. Overall, prices have been essentially flat in our country these last two months: that is welcome news for American families, with more work still to do.”

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reacted to President Biden’s statement on Twitter, saying, “Only the Biden administration would celebrate 8.3% inflation as a win.”

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) released a statement, saying, “Yet another month of blistering inflation. While the Biden Administration tries to distract and deflect, the American people know the pain of inflation is anything but alleviated after enduring yet another month of feeling the brutal pinch of inflation, seeing their savings depleted, and having their wages eroded by this unprecedented bout of inflation. In the 19 months since President Biden came into office, inflation has now risen by 13.2 percent, and our economy has officially entered a recession. Try as they might, no baseless victory lap or out-of-touch press release from the Biden Administration will change the stark reality that financial hardships are greater and wallets are emptier since Joe Biden stepped into office.”

Congressman John Rose (R-TN-06) released a similar statement, saying, “August marked another month under the Biden Administration where inflation exceeded expectations forcing Tennesseans to continue to bear the brunt of President Biden’s disastrous fiscal policies. Borrowing and spending more federal money won’t ease the pain we feel in our pocketbooks, nor will it get us out of this recession. The only solution is to end one-party control of Washington and restore our country’s fiscal common sense.”

In response to a FoxBusiness.com video highlighting the inflation report, Congressman Mark Green (R-TN-07) tweeted, “FACT: Inflation is still ravaging communities from coast to coast. Try as they might, the Biden administration can’t gaslight their way out of this—it’s still higher than anyone expected.”

Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN-08) reacted to the same video, tweeting, “Inflation is up 8.3 percent over the past year. As families and Main Street businesses across West #TN are struggling to make ends meet, Democrats continue their reckless spending.”

Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN-03) also reacted to the inflation numbers, tweeting out his statement that reads, “Today’s report showing that inflation increased in August to reach 8.3 percent shows that the Biden Administration’s and Democrats’ economic policies are doing nothing to slow inflation or get our economy back on track. Every time workers and families go to the pump or grocery store, they are paying the price for Biden’s and Democrats’ outrageous spending spree. Our country desperately needs a change of course from Biden’s economic mismanagement that is hurting Tennesseans and Americans nationwide.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Photo “Bill Hagerty” by Senator Bill Hagerty. Photo “John Rose” by Congressman John Rose. Photo “Mark Green” by Congressman Mark Green. Photo “David Kustoff” by Congressman David Kustoff. Photo “Chuck Fleischmann” by Congressman Chuck Fleischmann. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by Martin Falbisoner. CC BY-SA 3.0.


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