Tennessee Pastors Network Criticizes Bill Lee for Ignoring His Christian Conservative Base

In a letter to Governor-Elect Bill Lee delivered on the eve of his inauguration, Dale Walker, President of the conservative Tennessee Pastors Network, has expressed “concerns” about recent appointees to the Lee Administration.

The letter notes that Walker “requested a meeting with the Governor-elect weeks ago and was informed he didn’t have time to meet with concerned Pastors. Apparently, Bill Lee has been so busy meeting with these liberals he couldn’t meet with conservative Bible-Believing Pastors that stood for electing what we thought was a conservative Governor.”

Walker says that there are many qualified Tennessee conservatives that Bill Lee could have appointed to top positions in his Administration that have been intentionally overlooked in order to promote the liberal Democrats and moderate Republicans he has named instead.

“The Tennessee Pastors Network met with Knoxville Mayor Rogero regarding a scripture verse that had been removed at the Knoxville Police Department,” Walker said. “She was completely tone deaf to the importance of Biblical values in our culture. I cannot explain why Bill Lee would approve hiring someone from the top of her ultra-liberal Administration while he purports to be a conservative Christian leader!”

Tennessee Pastors Network is again requesting a meeting with the new Governor to express the concerns of Pastors across the state who feel that he has deceived them.

Walker points out that many conservatives who helped elect Bill Lee are not attending the Inaugural events because of the unexpected liberal tilt of his Administration. “We are praying for him,” Walker said, “and remain hopeful he will quickly return to the principles and issues he talked about while seeking our support rather than continuing to follow the bad advice of those who now have his ear as Governor.”

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Photo “Dale Walker” by TN Pastors Network.







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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Pastors Network Criticizes Bill Lee for Ignoring His Christian Conservative Base”

  1. […] In a January letter to Lee, before he took office, Dale Walker, president of the conservative Tennessee Pastors Network, expressed “concerns” about recent appointees to the Lee Administration, The Tennessee Star previously reported. […]

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Great idea Becky! I wish one of us would have thought of it sooner. Nothing like recall petitions in active circulation throughout the state even before Gov.-Elect Disingenuous takes his oath of office to provide him a taste of what is to come for the next eight years if he continues to tack left.

    2. Karen Bracken

      You cannot recall a Governor in TN. Sorry. You all should have known better than to vote for him. I am proud to say I fully vetted all the candidates (including the Independent candidstes) and voted for an Independent. Pity more voters didn’t do the same. The result could have been a lot better for TN.

  2. Robert

    So typical of liberals to use conservative campaigning to win office so they govern as liberals. Absolute fraud of the highest degree!

  3. Rob Dickson

    I had heard many people say that the Lee Company was definitely not a conservative company. Why did no reporter ask his employees off the record

  4. Ron W

    The Governor-elect campaign on. “Ten 4 Tenn” conservative agenda. And I was told that he, unlike Giv Haslam, supported Constitutional Carry which is precisely to the DECLARED RIGHT of armed self defense in Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee Constitution to which he will take an oath to uphold. It is UNLAWFUL to require a permit to exercise a right.

    So Gov-elect Lee, as a professed Christian hearken unto the Word of God on these matters:
    If a man makes a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. –Numbers 30:2 NKJV

  5. Dave Vance

    But apparently he had time to meet with the Islamist from AMAC on Jan 10th!

  6. Joshua Read

    Wow! Bil Lee, “Didn’t have time to meet with concerned Pastors” ?

    Sorry to be so blunt, but soon to be Governor Bill Lee appears to have soiled in his own mess kit. This is not going well at all.

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      I only pray that the fact that Lee is making such a fool out of every conservative who voted for him so soon after they cast their vote that it’s enough to make an indelible impression on almost all of them so that never again will they vote for a No Record Candidate when a viable candidate with a proven conservative record is available.
