Tennessee Republican Leaders React to Inflationary Rate Rising to Highest Level Since 1981

Tennessee Republican leaders took the Biden administration and Democrats to task on Wednesday over reports that the inflationary rate rose to 9.1 percent, the highest level since 1981.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.3 percent in June after rising one percent in May, reported on Wednesday.

“Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 9.1 percent before seasonal adjustment,” said the bureau.

U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) released a statement in response, placing the blame squarely on the Biden administration.

“Despite promises by the Biden Administration that inflation would be transitory, the CPI is now at 9.1 percent—a 41-year high. Yet unbelievably, instead of working to bring relief to Americans by getting back into the domestic energy business and by pursuing pro-growth economic policies, the Biden Administration is desperately trying to resurrect their deleterious tax-and-spending spree that had already been pronounced dead,” he said.

“And while the White House and Democrats are sure to promise this bill will reduce inflation, the obvious truth is that their reckless spending is what catapulted us off the cliff into this abyss of inflation in the first place. For the sake of the people and the country they serve, this Administration needs to put an end to their partisan blame game and stop throwing fuel on the inflationary fire,” added Hagerty.

In a tweet, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) blamed Biden’s reckless spending saying, “Inflation continued to skyrocket in June because of Joe Biden’s reckless spending. Inflation rose to a historic 9.1%, the highest level since 1981.”

U.S. Representative John Rose (R-TN-06) noted that the Senate Democrats are negotiating another trillion-dollar spending deal.

“The latest CPI report released today shows inflation is not slowing down. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats are negotiating a trillion-dollar spending bill to totally transform our economy. The reckless spending needs to stop,” he exclaimed.

U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) stated, “Inflation is taxation.”

In an official statement, U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN-03) blasted the Biden administration and the Democrat control of both houses of the U.S. Congress.

“Under the Biden Administration’s and Democrats’ one-party rule in D.C., inflation continues to hit records not seen in decades. It is painfully clear that the current economic policies are not working for Tennessee families and Americans nationwide. I am disheartened and disappointed that instead of prioritizing economic relief, the White House and Congressional Democrats are continuing to focus on restarting their harmful tax-and-spend spree and doubling down on their war against domestic energy production. I urge President Biden and my colleagues in Congress to change their course and work with Republicans to get inflation under control,” said Fleischmann.

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs also commented on the latest inflation numbers.

“Inflation is a policy choice, the result of irresponsible money printing and reckless federal spending,” he tweeted.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, Truth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn (First from Left)” by Marsha Blackburn. Photo “Diana Harshbarger (Third from Left)” by Diana for Congress. Photo “




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