Tennessee Sends Bill Hagerty to the U.S. Senate


Tennessee voters elected Republican Bill Hagerty to the U.S. Senate Tuesday in a landslide vote.

According to Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett’s website, Hagerty had 62 percent of the vote, or 1.6 million votes, versus his Democratic challenger Marquita Bradshaw, who had 35 percent of the vote, or slightly more than 928,000 votes.

Hagerty, on his Facebook page, described himself as blessed.

“Tonight the people of Tennessee chose Tennessee values, conservative values, over socialism,” Hagerty wrote.

“I will fight for a prosperous America for everyone, and I’ll fight to keep every Tennessean — and every American — safe and secure.”

Bradshaw, as of Tuesday night, said nothing about her election loss on her Facebook page.

As The Tennessee Star reported in August, Bradshaw is an environmental activist and former AFL-CIO organizer. Bradshaw’s campaign website describes her as “a lifelong environmentalist and activist for worker, social & economic justice who has proudly fought alongside the people of Tennessee.”

The website also lists her as a community organizer who volunteers for, among other groups, the AFL-CIO, the left-leaning Sierra Club Executive Committee, and the Tennessee African American Environmental Justice Network.

As reported last month, Hagerty warned Wednesday that the November 3 election is “a choice between freedom and socialism.” Hagerty cited, among other things, what he said was the Democrats’ embrace of the Green New Deal and their calls to defund the police and alter America’s judiciary. Tennessee voters, Hagerty said, tell him they oppose socialism and fear they might lose the nation they love because of it.

As The Star reported in August, Tennessee Republicans elected Hagerty as their nominee to compete in November’s general election.

Hagerty will replace the retiring U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

At a press conference earlier in the day in Brentwood, Hagerty said he wants an America that will continue to move in the direction of freedom and to see prosperity rebound again.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Marquita Bradshaw” by Marquita Bradshaw.








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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee Sends Bill Hagerty to the U.S. Senate”

  1. Stuart I. Anderson

    On his way to Washington Bill has a decision to make, will he vote like Marsha (Heritage-85%) and be a Senator for as long as he chooses without having to face serious challenge or will he vote like his friend Mitt Romney (Heritage-72%) and face a well financed challenger in the Republican Primary in 2026. It is up to Tennessee conservatives to closely monitor Hagerty’s voting record and be ready in 2026 to provide Senator-elect Hagerty with that challenge.

  2. John

    Bradshaw didn’t say anything on her fb page because there was noting to say after a butt whoopin’ like that. She had no business running against Hagerty. What idiot runs a campaign solely on the promise of bringing racial environmental justice to Tennessee? A damp wash cloth would have been a better candidate than her.

    Goodbye honey. Go back to Memphis and continue your role as community agitator, where I’m sure you’ll be a shining example of how to bring ‘hope and change’ to those poor citizens.
