Tennessee U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty Urge Joe Biden to Fire Kamala Harris as Border Czar


U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) have joined nine other U.S. senators to formally ask that U.S. President Joe Biden replace Vice President Kamala Harris with a new border czar.

This, considering Harris’s failure to stem the flow of illegal migrants to the United States and her failure to work with our neighbors to secure the border, Hagerty said in an emailed press release Thursday.

“Your administration’s rhetoric caused a surge in illegal immigration into our country. From August 2020 to August 2021, there has been a 317 percent increase in encounters at the border. The current surge is the largest in 20 years as illegal border crossings have increased substantially since you took office,” the U.S. senators told Biden in a letter.

“For example, migrant encounters at the border have increased for six consecutive months. In August 2021, there were nearly 209,000 migrant encounters as compared to August 2020 when the number was only 50,000. Additionally, since January, your administration has released at least 225,000 migrants into the United States who illegally crossed the border. Finally, and most concerning, encounters with unaccompanied children are also rising; up 24 percent from June to July of this year alone.”

Hagerty, Blackburn, and the other U.S. senators also said that, despite those alarming numbers, Harris has only visited the southern border once “and that visit was hundreds of miles from the epicenter of the surge.”

“Even her trip to Guatemala and Mexico intended to address the ‘root causes’ of illegal immigration into America was a public relations disaster with absolutely no substantive policy commitments from neighboring countries,” the U.S. senators wrote.

“As if to prove the point, last month, Panama’s foreign minister suggested your administration ignored early warnings as thousands of Haitian migrants made their way north, and eventually crossed the southern border near Del Rio, Texas,” according to the letter.

“At one point, media reports indicated there were more than 14,000 migrants camped under a bridge near the border. Many of these migrants—despite originally being from Haiti—reported they came from South and Central America. Many stated that they made the dangerous journey because you, and Vice President Harris, promised to open America’s borders.”

Also signing the letter were U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK), U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), and U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi).

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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7 Thoughts to “Tennessee U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty Urge Joe Biden to Fire Kamala Harris as Border Czar”

  1. 83ragtop50

    No reason to fire hot “Tamale”. She is not doing anything which could be a blessing in disguise. The worst case scenario for Washington is that bunch of swamp creatures (including the pass RINOs) actually pass legislation. It seems that each time that happens with tax paying citizens get dumped on. I love gridlock.

  2. John

    Marsha Empty Suit Blackburn. Why don’t you call for Mitch McConnell to step down?

    All this woman and her new RINO partner care about is making headlines. It’s time for a change.

  3. Kevin

    Big talk by two RINO’s. Both of them need to be sent packing!

    Where were they when they could have stopped this s**t show back in January? No, you see they believe that they’ve already had their tickets punched to the main event. So they’ve got nothing to worry about, while the rest of us are forced to tread water and hopefully keep our heads above the high tide mark.

  4. Dan G

    By doing so, they are tacitly conceding the 2020 election. Their every intent and effort ought to be demanding the prosecution of the criminals behind the 2020 election steal.

  5. Trevor

    I agree fire the VP. Why don’t you two RINOs publicly call for RINO McConnell to step down as leader? He caved in to the Democrats! The national debt is a problem for Tennesseans because inflation and your collective actions are hurting working people by supporting McConnell who has continually raised the debt. Please spend more time with working Tennesseans and get out of Washington and you will see first hand how debt and inflation hurts. Weak Marsha you caved to the DC swamp and McConnell in January by breaking your promise to support Ted Cruz andJosh Hawley to support the voter integrity act! You promised hard working Tennesseans you would support the act! Dizzy Bill Hagerty please ask to be out ion a committee that actually helps Tennesseans every day life. Foreign relations committee is a committee that Little Bob Corker served on and we all know what history says about that loser! I predict McConnell will stay as leader and cave in again in December the next time the debt ceiling has to be raised. Weak Marsha and Dizzy Bill will be saying how smart RINO McConnell is next year win the senate elections are over and the GOP is the majority. Please Marsha retire you have become part of the swamp and lost your way with the Tennesseans you are representing! Please bring McConnell to Tennesseans and you will experience first hand how unpopular McConnell as leader and his policy are in your state.

  6. Truthy McTruthFace

    well kamala wasn’t actually supposed to do anything but allow people to flood over the border. in Empty Shelves Joe’s view she is doing great!

  7. rick

    Harris, what a joke! This whole Democratic administration is like a bad nightmare. Hey its kinda like Commie Cooper, I thought Cooper said he possibly was going to lower the percentage you have to pay on property taxes. OH WELL, JUST ANOTHER DEMOCRAT LIAR, that is what they are good at !! Ttwo things actually lying and cheating!!
