The Tennessee Star Announces Blockbuster Month with Over a Half-Million Visits

Tennessee Star


FRANKLIN, TENNESSEE (Wednesday, June 21) — In another stunning announcement, The Tennessee Star released updated web traffic reports in a tweet Wednesday that shows the online news, information, and opinion website surpassed 500,000 visits in the last thirty days.

“In three months and two weeks we went from zero at our launch to over one million visits. Now, in just the last thirty days – a quarter of that time – we have been visited more than five hundred and twenty-five thousand times,” said managing editor Christina Botteri.

“If there was a Moore’s Law for journalism and readership, we’d be doubling it right now!” Botteri said, referencing Intel founder Gordan Moore’s observation that computer processing speed doubles every 18 months.

The explosion in traffic can be traced directly to The Star’s coverage of the top three areas of most concern for Middle Tennesseans, as reported in the Tennessee Star-Triton Poll released ten days ago, together with a fundamental understanding of the algorithms that drive social media traffic.

“The poll results reflect what we observe personally, which is that there are three over-arching areas of great interest for the people of Middle Tennessee,” Botteri said. “They are immigration, the repeal of the gas tax, and constitutional carry.”

Botteri explained:

Our staggering web traffic – a manifestly deliberate action on the part of tens of thousands of individuals across the Volunteer State – further confirm the accuracy of our polling, which is that people are deeply concerned about the very real issues of unregulated, lawless immigration policy; insatiable and cavalier government taxation and spending; and the seemingly constant infringment of their Constitutional protections by well-connected special interests.

The Tennessee Star’s article on Megan Barry’s promise to disregard the U.S. Constitution and honor the Paris Climate Agreement ‘even if President Trump doesn’t’ began the latest surge of website traffic.

Next, The Star published a series of reports on the ‘Sanctuary City’ ordinance proposals making their way through the Metro Nashville Council, which, if passed, would make Nashville and Davidson County the most liberal ‘sanctuary’ in the nation.

In the same period, a shocking series of Tennessee Star articles reported on the prevalence, risk, and absolute disregard by medical professionals and government officials of the life-altering abuse of female genital mutilation here in Tennessee.

“Look: we completely own the narratives on lawless immigration policies, refugee resettlement and the scourge of female genital mutilation, the duplicitous arguments and shady passage of Gov Haslam’s unpopular gas tax hikes, the real struggle within Christendom against the secular forces promoting social justice doctrine and the government’s assault on religious freedom. No one is reporting on these issues in any kind of substantial or honest way like we are. No one,” she said.

Botteri continued, “And perhaps not-so-coincidentally, these are the very same ‘America First’ issues that fueled the Tea Party sea change from 2009 through the 2016 elections, resulting in well over a thousand wins by Republicans across the country. These are the same issues that President Trump ran and won on; and the same issues that have delivered wins to the Republican candidates in each of the special elections so far this year.”

The Tennessee Star is a for-profit enterprise, and has attracted a significant number of local advertisers since its launch in February.

“We have made a profit during our first – and now second – quarter of operation, which is incredibly rare for a new media start-up!” Botteri said. “And we can do all of that because we have some of the best investigative journalists, columnists and analysts in the business working with us to deliver quality, original reportage and opinion readers can not find anywhere else.”

“We are quite literally the only consistently conservative hard-news outlet in Tennessee and I predict for that reason, The Tennessee Star will continue to shine while others burn out and fade away.”


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2 Thoughts to “The Tennessee Star Announces Blockbuster Month with Over a Half-Million Visits”

  1. Bob

    Where can we donate?

  2. Bob

    Great news. Thank you for providing the “Star”.
