U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen Admits He Hates Donald Trump, Says President ‘Threatened My Life’


U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) this weekend confirmed what he said a lot of people already suspected about him.

Cohen said, yes, he hates Donald Trump.

Cohen said it not once but twice as he appeared on MSNBC.

“I hate Donald Trump. He’s caused nearly 400,000 people to die of Coronavirus. He’s ruined my last 10 months. He has threatened my life at the Capitol,” Cohen said.

“He has wreaked havoc and destruction on the building that I work in and love. He has destroyed the faith that people should have in the government and shown that he’s been a crook for four years, and I hate him.”

Later, Cohen compared Trump to 1920s-era gangster Al Capone and said that the president sells his power to pardon. Cohen did not provide evidence to back up that claim.

“Donald Trump was responsible for every single one of the state capitals having to prepare and to defend themselves. Donald Trump should pay every states’ expense for the extra security. He should pay the United States government for all the security for [Joe] Biden. He ought to pay for the riot,” Cohen said.

“I have introduced legislation and have asked the administration to go after him. [I have asked] the speaker and the U.S. Senate leader to go after the Trump team and the Trump family for the expenses to the government for the repairs to the [U.S.] Capitol and the defense. Trump has caused us just unheard of havoc for four years. He has 77 hours left. He’ll do more bad things. But he’s a crook, and some people say when they hear me say that and see me on television and they’ll say ‘You hate Donald Trump.’ Yes. I hate Donald Trump.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, Cohen pouted on Twitter that he had to travel alongside people who didn’t wear COVID-19 masks, all of whom he assumed were Donald Trump voters — although Cohen didn’t provide evidence to back that up.

As reported, Cohen last year said that African-American U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) “might as well be” white and ridiculed the death of former presidential candidate Herman Caine. Cohen also endorsed a video of actor Robert De Niro bragging he wants to punch Trump in the face.

Cohen also bashed MyPillow, Inc. CEO Mike Lindell as just some guy who “makes pillows” and kisses Trump’s posterior. This, after Lindell appeared alongside Trump at a press conference and announced his company would manufacture face masks for hospitals across the country. Lindell said his company would do this to help alleviate the national shortage of N95 respirator masks in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Cohen also expressed delight over the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives no longer requiring people to say “so help me God” under oath. He also used a rape analogy to describe Trump’s time as president.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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21 Thoughts to “U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen Admits He Hates Donald Trump, Says President ‘Threatened My Life’”

  1. William Finch

    Cohen is such a BABY! From one real Tennessean to a fake one, go home and hide. LOL!!!

  2. Evelyn Mashburn

    Isn’t there some state rules regarding the actions of the state that can be taken to against Steve Cohen? This is inciting hate and discontent against the white males every where and not just in our military. He is a threat to our white male children participating in the school ROTC programs. This is his hate of the white American. He is just trying to obtain votes from other races while promoting his hate of the white males. I believe he is violating certain Articles in the Consitution and of our state of TN.

  3. mikey whipwreck

    this man is mentally ill

    1. Citizen99

      Indeed, TDS should be characterized as such. His comments are detached from reality. I can only hope my fellow conservative Tennesseans rise up at the local level and fight to protect the ballot box and replace these insane politicians.

  4. jo boo

    If ever there was a need to contact the authorities regarding someone with mental disabilities…………………………………………………………..!
