Vanderbilt University Selected to Host the Clinton Global Initiative University Annual Meeting in 2023

The Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) annual meeting will be held at Vanderbilt University on March 3-5, 2023.

Chelsea Clinton, Clinton Foundation vice chairwoman and former first daughter, made the announcement Tuesday during the Clinton Global Initiative 2022 meeting in New York City.

“We are so excited to bring student leaders from around the world to Vanderbilt next year, and to support their efforts to improve lives and experiences on their college campuses, in their communities, and across the globe,” Clinton said. “Vanderbilt is a campus dedicated to both social innovation and fearless inquiry, and we are delighted to announce that they will be our host campus partner for CGI U 2023.”

The Clinton Foundation’s CGI University is a “network of higher education institutions and professionals who support, mentor, and provide seed funding to leading student innovators and entrepreneurs,” according to the Clinton Foundation’s website.

The CGI U annual meeting is an “opportunity for students from around the world to collaborate with influential leaders, experts and innovators on solving humanity’s most pressing problems,” according to a press release from Vanderbilt University.

The press release additionally notes that more than 11,000 students have participated in the CGI U program, representing more than 1,000 schools, 163 countries, and all 50 states since 2007.

“Vanderbilt is honored to be the host campus for the 2023 Clinton Global Initiative University annual meeting,” Daniel Diermeier, chancellor of Vanderbilt University, said in a statement. “Our university and the Clinton Foundation share the beliefs that collaboration brings out the best in humanity and that diverse perspectives and open dialogue are needed to drive innovation and discovery. In assembling experts and students from around the world and across a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, this meeting will offer a tremendous opportunity to scale local solutions on a global level.”

While the CGI U program is free for members, those interested in joining must be “enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at an institution of higher education when they submit their CGI U application,” and “submit a detailed plan for their Commitment to Action, a social impact project that addresses a specific problem that they have identified in their application,” the press release notes.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Clinton Global Initiative University” by Clinton Global Initiative University. 




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16 Thoughts to “Vanderbilt University Selected to Host the Clinton Global Initiative University Annual Meeting in 2023”

  1. Monique

    Fauci needs to be held accountable for the remedevisir protocol that killed so many beautiful souls like my Father. Fauci knew that it Killed from the Ebola trials and still pushed hospitals to give this as only treatment. Vanderbilt Hospital followed his protocol.

  2. Lets Go Brandon

    and we used to think highly of Vanderbuilt??? Between their conducting sex change operations on minors and now this…..WOW!

  3. william r. delzell

    Hillary Clinton has enemies on the LEFT as well as on the RIGHT! I hope Vanderbilt students protest against her if she attends this conference and expose her abuses of human rights by the U.S. against the poor.

  4. Molly

    Billy will not do thing re Vander Med Ctr or the now separate Vanderbilt University
    Legislators won’t either
    Too much money in play “the Money-Go-Round” between politicians, and all levels of education & unions


  5. Tim Price

    As Nashville continues to sink into the depths of Liberal decadence!

  6. jw Mitchell

    I use to work there. I’m retired. Use to be proud of the institution. Now, I’m ashamed of it. A once proud institute of learning, the education gem of the south has now become a place of criminal profit and evil.

  7. Karen L Bracken

    It should be called the “Clinton Slush Fund. “ All they do is collect money to ingratiate themselves. Just ask the people from Haiti what they think of the Clintons. Vanderbilt is bought and paid for just like all the other Universities. It is all about money for all of them.

  8. 83ragtop50

    A great fit. Two losers patting each other on the back.

  9. nicky wicks

    Vanderbilt is just a liberal sewer, into all sorts of horrible things.

  10. Sim

    Can you imagine a “Mentally deficient” person thinking they are of a different gender than what they were born??

    Can you imagine a “Judge” agreeing with this mentally deficient person, even trying to justify it by Law???

    Can you imagine a “Doctor”, not only agreeing with the mentally deficient person but willing to chop off and cut up whatever parts of their bodies to make them look like the opposite gender????

    Can you imagine how fouled up a country would become governed by mentally deficient people such as this???

    Even worse, how fast both the country and it’s people who allowed this would go to “HELL”???

  11. Wolf Woman

    The Clinton Foundation’s meeting at Vanderbilt needs a protest with signs like, “Go back to Haiti on Epstein Airlines”

    When I was a student at Vanderbilt, we said:
    “People call Vanderbilt the Harvard of the South,
    but they never call Harvard the Vanderbilt of the North!”

  12. Karen

    This ought to tell you everything you need to know about Vanderbilt! The Clinton Foundation has been proven to be a fraud and a money bucket for the Clintons. Between this and yesterday’s transgender news, this needs to be the end of Vanderbilt!

  13. Ms Independent

    Most colleges are like this – even UT. This wokeness needs to stop. Belmont and David Lipscomb are no different.

    1. John Bumpus

      Just so that you know (in case that you don’t), Belmont University is no longer Baptist. Years ago, Belmont ‘big wigs’ decided that they really were embarrassed, after all, to be identified with all of those Tennessee Evangelical Christians (i.e., Baptists) who started the college, and then kept it financially afloat for decades thereafter (it was originally founded as an institution to train future Baptist denominational workers), so they clamored incessantly for years to be allowed to be independent from the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Finally, the TBC let Belmont ‘go its own way.’ I cannot now remember exactly when TBC cut ‘the apron strings’ although I do remember it happening–I will make an educated guess and say that this ‘divorce’ happened approximately forty years ago.

  14. John Bumpus

    In my opinion, Vanderbilt University is now just like Haaavaad University (which was reported on yesterday). Totally ‘woke,’ top to bottom, not worth a tinker’s you-know-what, and expensive too. Very expensive. More expensive than it is worth. Parents need to ‘pull’ their dollars, and their children, from this useless school. The place needs to go ‘bust.’ Too bad for all of the Vanderbilt alums. But it is all about values, and Vanderbilt does not represent mine.

    1. Karen L Bracken

      Vanderbilt gets a TON of TN taxpayer money and Governor Lee needs to defund them ASAP. I am sure they get enough money from other sources; They don’t need nor do the deserve our money. But Lee will cave like a cheap suit.
