While Visiting Nashville, Beto O’Rourke Says America and Confederate States Were Founded on White Supremacy


During a campaign visit in Nashville Monday, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said that Nashville and Texas and other “places that formed the Confederacy” are bigoted and America was formed on white supremacy.

In the same breath as mentioning Nashville, he mentioned his home state of Texas and linked them to racism.

“Those places that formed the Confederacy, that this country was founded on white supremacy. And every single institution and structure that we have in our country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow and suppression, even in our ability to vote and participate in our elections.”

He went on to mention purging of voter rolls.

O’Rourke made the comments during a roundtable discussion in Nashville hosted by advocacy organization Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC).

A full video of the roundtable discussion is available here. The remarks come in the final two minutes of the video.

O’Rourke made several stops in Nashville on Sunday and Monday, as The Tennessee Star reported.

TIRRC’s political action committee affiliate, TIRRC Votes, tweeted, “During our roundtable with @BetoORourke we talked about ending worksite enforcement and expanding federal protections for undocumented workers. Raids are designed to instill fear and workers and make them less likely to report dangerous conditions.”

A shorter version of the video is available here.

TIRRC Votes provides more information on the roundtable and describes on its website how it, and O’Rourke, want to open America’s borders to everyone who wants to come in. They also say white nationalism and Islamophobia are on the rise.

TIRRC Votes also discussed how the politics of fear that fueled Trump’s rise and allowed for the implementation of the Muslim Ban have long found fertile ground in Tennessee and will outlast the Trump presidency. Sabina shared the experiences of Muslim-Americans in Tennessee and asked O’Rourke to commit to developing a robust strategy to counter the rise of white nationalism and Islamophobia in the United States. TIRRC Votes staff reminded O’Rourke that outside of policy changes that will be required of the next administration, the president has a role in helping the country transition into a more multicultural democracy.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Beto O’Rourke” by Beto O’Rourke. 




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9 Thoughts to “While Visiting Nashville, Beto O’Rourke Says America and Confederate States Were Founded on White Supremacy”

  1. […] philosophies and institutions. “This country was founded on white supremacy,” Beto O’Rourke averred. According to Joe Biden, the precepts of English common law—little things like the equitable […]

  2. […] country was founded on white supremacy,” Beto O’Rourke recently told a group of immigrants and new American citizens, “and every single institution and structure that […]

  3. Dan Nelson

    Americans should be very concerned when extreme radicals like O’Rourke disparage our founding documents, especially to groups such as TIRRC. Don’t be surprised when they eventually advocate replacing with a new socialized version.

  4. […] During a campaign visit in Nashville last week, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said that Nashville and Texas and other “places that formed the Confederacy” are bigoted and America was formed on white supremacy, The Tennessee Star reported. […]

  5. John W Niven Jr

    The party that worked like blazes to PERPETUATE slavery was the southern Democrats. The President who worked like blazes to END slavery was Republican Abraham Lincoln. It ultimately cost him his life; he was assassinated by a southern radical who was mad because the south lost the Civil War.

    Facts are stubborn things
    ……………John Adams

    1. A Stenberg

      It seems Democrats cannot accept the past history of their party. They just keep lieing, and lying and lieing. A little research would bring the light of the truth, but people apparently are too lazy to check the lies.

  6. “And every single institution and structure that we have in our country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow and suppression, even in our ability to vote and participate in our elections.”

    Hmmm, every one of these things mentioned are democrat-based. When you focus your efforts on the least-educated, facts like these are irrelevant. Maybe Robert Francis should stick to campaigning in Mexico.

  7. Bill Delzell

    Both northern and southeastern states had constitutions supporting white supremacy. The difference was that northern states did not want any Native Americans or blacks (whether slave or free) residing in their region as they viewed them and slavery as an economic threat to free white labor. The Southeast, by contrast, with a few exceptions like Appalachia, decided to keep slavery mainly as a form of cheap labor for the few wealthy people who could afford large numbers of slaves and land. Under this system, even the majority of whites who could not financially afford slaves were brainwashed by the Slaveocracy into deluding themselves into thinking that they too could eventually become millionaires and slave owners. How else could one explain the naive fanaticism that poor Southeastern whites initially displayed in support of a slavery system that would never benefit them? Never mind that the small wealthy oligarchy that ruled the Southeast had already achieved a lock on the best land and on the most profitable slaves.

  8. John Schwab

    And they let the idiot leaf town without a gift of coal tar and chicken feathers, riding a fence rail?
