Woman With Alleged History of Disrupting Republican Events Elected Vice President of Tennessee Young Democrats

The Tennessee State University student and left-wing activist arrested alongside Justin Jones not once but twice since last fall is the newly elected vice president of the Tennessee Young Democrats.

Jeneisha Harris  announced this on her Twitter page this week.

The Tennessee Young Democrats is the official state chapter for young Democrats in Tennessee, according to the group’s Facebook page.

When announcing her new role with the group, Harris said her goals include “engaging young people, increasing black voter turnout, program implementation for marginalized groups and electing millennial democrats across TN.”

As The Tennessee Star reported, authorities arrested Harris and Jones last October after they allegedly disrupted a Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate rally in Nashville.

A judge dismissed that charge in January, said Patti Goodman, director of the General Sessions Court in Nashville.

Authorities arrested Jones once again in February for allegedly throwing coffee at Tennessee Speaker of the House Glen Casada at the Tennessee capitol.

That same day, authorities at the capitol arrested Harris on a charge of disorderly conduct, according to the February arrest affidavit. The affidavit accused her of fighting and threatening behavior by refusing an official order to leave the premises for public safety reasons.

As The Star reported, quoting a witness, Jones and Harris held up signs that day and demanded to know which chapter of the KKK Glen Casada belonged to.

“On Thursday morning, February 28, 2019, Ms. Jeneisha Chante Harris was a participant in a protest at the State Capitol on the second floor when she forced her way under ropes located around the Nathan Bedford Forrest statue and resisted troopers attempting to remove her from the area,” according to the affidavit.

“As I (Trooper Tara Lee) grabbed her left arm to take her into custody, she shouted threats and stated _If you touch me I swear to God it will be the last time you every touch anybody else. _ I took Ms. Harris to the ground floor of the Capitol for processing in the Executive Conference Room.”

Harris is scheduled for a court hearing in that matter on June 11, said Metro Nashville District Attorney Steve Hayslip.

Harris said on her Twitter page that authorities have since banned her from the capitol.

A woman by that same name chairs the National Black Action Committee, according to LinkedIn. That woman also interns for Tennessee Democratic gubernatorial candidate Karl Dean, her LinkedIn went on to say.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photos by Jeneisha Harris. 








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3 Thoughts to “Woman With Alleged History of Disrupting Republican Events Elected Vice President of Tennessee Young Democrats”

  1. Bill Delzell

    If the Republicans had any decency, maybe then the Young Democrats and other dissident groups would not feel the need for civil disobedience.

    Many years ago, the Republican Party (including the one in Tennessee) had at least a few half-way decent persons. But that was before the extreme right drove out the moderate and left-wing Republicans.

    1. 83ragtop50

      If I were to agree with your statement regarding the Republican Party, which I do not, that does not justify the foul behavior of this young woman and her cohorts.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Figures.The new leadership of the failed Democrat party.
