‘Corporate Bailouts Must End’: 2024 GOP Candidates Weigh In On Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has sparked comments from 2024 GOP candidates and hopefuls about why the bank failed and what the government should do in its wake.

Declared candidates, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and former President Donald Trump, as well as contender Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, have spoken out about what might have led to SVB’s collapse and against government bailouts. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) took control of SVB after its Friday shut down when their stock plummeted following mass withdrawals.

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Third Party ‘No Labels’ Qualifies for Arizona 2024 Ballot, Causing Dems to Fret

A third party has qualified for Arizona’s 2024 election ballot, spurring concern and pushback from Democrats who view it as a “spoiler” party that could potentially harm Democratic election prospects, according to the Hill.

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes announced Tuesday that the third party, the No Labels Party, has garnered enough signatures to appear on the ballot and qualify for federal and state races in the 2024  primaries and general election. Democratic think tank Third Way released a memo earlier in the day criticizing the party, stating that it would only serve as a spoiler for Arizona Democrats.

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Donald Trump Tops National Primary Polls, But DeSantis Leads in Key States

While former President Donald Trump continues to lead national polls for the 2024 GOP primaries, state polling is more of a determining factor, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is topping several important states.

In states with the most recent primary polling, DeSantis leads in five– Alabama, California, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. There are several other states in which he leads, but with several caveats.

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Koch-Backed Americans for Prosperity Indicates It Won’t Back Trump Again in 2024

The Americans for Prosperity Action, the campaign arm of billionaire Charles Koch, indicated Sunday it will not support former President Donald Trump’s reelection efforts. 

“So the best thing for the country would be to have a president in 2025 who represents a new chapter,” Americans for Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel said in a memo addressed to staff and activists at her agency. “AFP Action is prepared to support a candidate in the Republican presidential primary who can lead our country forward, and who can win.”

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Former Georgia U.S. Senator Loeffler: Grassroots Can Be the GOP Ticket to Success in Elections

Former Georgia U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler, a Republican, says that if the GOP can’t out raise the Democrats during campaign season, their best bet is to win on the ground.

“If we can’t win the funding game, we can win on the ground,” Loeffler says on the John Solomon Reports podcast airing Monday. “That’s why it’s so vital that we organize. We have to become activists and organizers.”

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Trump Leads GOP Primary with DeSantis as Runner-Up: Poll

Former President Donald Trump is the top choice for the 2024 Republican presidential primary, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis coming in as the runner-up, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll released Friday found that 48 percent of GOP voters said they would support Trump if the primary were held today, while 25 percent said they would vote for DeSantis. If Trump does not run in 2024, 48 percent of GOP voters said they would support DeSantis, with former Vice President Mike Pence as the runner-up with 15 percent support.

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Commentary: Six Bold Ideas for Trump, Republicans to Rebound from 2022 Midterms

After an underwhelming midterm election, the Republican Party and its enigmatic leader Donald Trump find themselves in a political wilderness, much like Ronald Reagan did after losing the 1976 nomination.

The Biden Democrats with hiding Kathy Hochul and hobbled John Fetterman seemed as beatable as bumbling Gerald Ford, and yet somehow the Reagan and 2022 GOP teams lost the process even though polling data showed they had won the hearts of the faithful. And the despair of knowing a far left regime (Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden) might rule for another election cycle led many to throw hands up and point fingers.

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Trump Calls DeSantis an ‘Average’ Governor, Says He Was ‘Politically Dead’ Before Endorsing Him

Former President Donald Trump criticized Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida Thursday in a statement posted on Truth Social, calling him an “average” governor who was “politically dead” and in “desperate shape” before Trump endorsed him in 2017.

“Ron came to me in desperate shape in 2017 – he was politically dead, losing in a landslide to a very good Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam, who was loaded up with cash and great poll numbers. Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would Endorse him, he could win,” Trump said in the statement.

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Liz Cheney Says She Will Leave GOP if Donald Trump Is 2024 Nominee

Rejected by her own voters in Wyoming, Rep. Liz Cheney says she won’t remain a Republican if Donald Trump is the GOP presidential nominee in 2024.

“I’m going to make sure Donald Trump, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he is not the nominee. And if he is the nominee, I won’t be a Republican,” Cheney told the Texas Tribune festival on Saturday.

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Commentary: The MAGA Book of Political Offense

by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch   Too many conservatives constantly stay on the defensive. They have no strategy, let alone tactical plans or a complete gamebook to go on offense and run up points. You don’t win by playing defense. You win by scoring points and controlling – dominating – the opponent or opposing team. In recent articles in this publication, I have suggested we need to get serious and take back the four corners of deceit we have been dealt by progressive liberalism: in government, academia, media, and science. Precisely how should we go about doing that? Here is the beginning of a plan to do nothing less than dominate, starting in January 2023 and earnestly after the 2024 presidential election. Doing this, as someone you all remember once said, “will make you get tired of winning.” Let’s start with a definition, so we are all on the same page. In sports and in politics, offense, from Latin offendere, means to attack or strike against. It is the action of attacking or engaging an opponent. Republicans, at least conservative ones, need to capture and live by this definition. By going on the attack, we can pick our battles and accomplish our goals. This is not a…

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POLL: Most Democrats Do Not Want Biden to Run in 2024

A majority of registered Democrats would like someone other than President Joe Biden to be their party’s nominee in 2024, according to a poll released Monday.

Nearly two-thirds of Democrats responded that they would rather somebody else at the top of the ticket, with respondents citing the economy, inflation and President Biden’s age as major determinants for their opposition to his leading the party in 2024, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll. Biden fared particularly poorly with younger voters; 94% of Democrats under the age of 30 said they would prefer a different presidential nominee.

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Ned Ryun Commentary: You Can Bet Trump Will Be Back in 2024

We’re going to get a massive red wave this fall. The 2021 results in Virginia, out of control inflation, Joe Biden’s dismal approval ratings in recent polls (for perspective, Obama’s approval rating was 44.7 percent in October 2010, just before the midterm mauling Democrats got that year), soaring gas prices, and a porous southern border indicate that even places Biden won by 20 points in 2020 are in play this fall.

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New Poll: In Head-to-Head 2024 Match up, Trump Beats Biden

A poll released Friday by Emerson College shows former President Trump beating President Biden in a 2024 hypothetical matchup.

Biden, dealing with a COVID resurgence a messy Afghanistan departure, still handily defeats such possible GOP challenges as including Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, in a direct matchup. However, the poll show Trump defeats Biden by one percentage point.

Forty-seven percent of respondents said they would vote for Trump, in rematch of 2020, compared to 46% saying they would stick with Biden.

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Commentary: Is Trump the Future of the Republican Party?

People think of Trump Derangement Syndrome as mostly a phenomenon of the Left, and mostly unprecedented. It’s easy to get the impression that Donald Trump has taught the Left to hate as they have never hated, and that all previous Republican presidents were moderate by comparison and much more broadly acceptable to America.

But the Left was just as vicious about George W. Bush in his day, and they hated him just as much. He was called a threat to world peace, a devotedly evil man, a stupid man, or all of these: To quote a 2004 Slate article, “he chose stupidity. Bush may look like a well-meaning dolt. On consideration, he’s something far more dangerous: a dedicated fool.”

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