Commentary: Re-Inventing Kamala in 63 Days

Kamala Harris

In theory, it should be hard for Kamala Harris to win the presidency of the United States.

Under pressure, Harris just completed her first “live interview” — a disastrous performance that was mysteriously taped, edited, and emotionally supported by her co-interviewed running mate. During the interview, she claimed that her values remain the same even though her manifestations of them have admittedly changed. Translated, that means for the next 63 days, she will advocate for popular policies antithetical to her own values, which will inevitably resurface after the election once the current façade fades away.

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Education Department to Open Civil Rights Probe into UC Berkeley Allegedly Banning White People from Farm

University of California Berkeley Campus

“We envision a vibrant community farm, a model of shared governance and co-stewardship that helps restore community resilience,” the farm’s website reads.

The Department of Education is looking into an allegation that the University of California at Berkeley is prohibiting white residents from using a community farm on Saturdays.

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Governments Across America Spend Millions to Put Homeless in Hotels

In states like California, Colorado, Washington and Arizona, cities this summer are spending millions buying hotels and converting them to shelters for the homeless.

In Los Angeles, there is a ballot initiative in 2024 to require hotels to use vacant rooms to house homeless people besides paying customers. The American Hotel & Lodging Association has objected to the proposal.

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Commentary: The Difference Between Free Speech and Violent Rhetoric (It’s Not What You Think)

United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hit the airwaves to connect the recent assault on Paul Pelosi with “fascism” and “white nationalism.” She insists that both are now ubiquitous. And both prompt increasing politically motivated violence. (Ocasio-Cortez remains oblivious to the greatest sustained political violence in our recent history; the 120 days of Black Lives Matter and Antifa-fueled rioting, arson, looting, and mayhem of summer and fall 2020—often cheered on or defended by public officials and social media.)

The deplorable violent attack on Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), has been described as the logical reification of increasing bitter political discourse. Shrill accusations spread even as full details of the attack are still not known. But the general picture of the assailant is one of an unhinged conspiracy freak of all flavors. He seems to have been a lunatic, drug-crazed white supremacist and anti-Semite, a former hemp jeweler, and nudist, who was either homeless or was living in a cluttered hippie-like commune in Berkeley plastered with pride and BLM flags. 

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UC Berkeley Gave Hundreds of Thousands to Left-Wing Charity That Has Funded Groups Trying to Empty Prisons

The University of California, Berkeley gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2021 to a left-wing nonprofit funding groups that seek to empty prisons across the U.S., according to California financial records.

Berkeley sent over $262,500 to the Heising-Simons Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity that opposes “mass incarceration” and backs prison reform, according to records obtained by the transparency watchdog OpenTheBooks. The charity has granted huge sums to groups trying to overhaul the criminal justice system and get inmates back onto the streets, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.

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Berkeley to Become First City in the Country to Ban Unhealthy Food in Supermarket Check-Out Lanes

Berkeley, California next year will implement a first-in-the-nation ban on junk food in supermarket checkout aisles, per a regulation passed this week by the city council. 

The Healthy Checkout Ordinance seeks to “eliminate the encouragement of unplanned purchases of unhealthy foods and beverages” that proliferate at supermarket checkouts.

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Commentary: Yes, the Democratic Mob is Real

by Donald Wilfong   Yes, the Democratic mob exists, and it is very real. It is a faction that aims disrupt to our representative government in an uncivilized manner. They are the reason for the Justice Brett Kavanaugh outrage, the senseless attack of the GOP’s charity baseball team last year, and Senator Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) wife Kelley sleeping with a loaded gun on her bedside table. The mob is real and while Democrats and the mainstream media try to avoid this fact, it is something that Republicans should label for what it is. It has no place in our republic. In an interview at Oxford, England, Hillary Clinton urged Democrats across America to be more uncivil and hostile towards Republicans across America, it is clear there is a real threat. While some news organizations will laugh and poke fun at the word “mob,” I ask, what better word is there to describe it? Webster’s Dictionary describes a mob as “a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.” The three key components to describe a mob are there being a large crowd, disorderly, and violent. Were the people outside the Capitol and…

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Commentary: Exposing Antifa, the Shock Troops of the Democrats’ Civil War

by George Rasley   Police in the Far-Left enclaves of Berkeley, California and Portland, Oregon had to deal with riots created by violent Far Left so-called Anti-Fascist (Antifa) thugs over the weekend. Now, according to our friends at the Berkeley police department posted the arresting information via Twitter, with Department’s tweets including arrested individuals’ names, ages, city of residence, as well as the charge on which they were arrested. According to the UK’s Guardian, the Berkeley PD said it had arrested 20 people on Sunday at an “alt-right” rally, citing many of them for “possession of a banned weapon” or “working with others to commit a crime.” Most, if not all, of the people arrested were counter protesters, according to lawyers and activists working with the “demonstrators.” Fox News reported that Berkeley police characterized the riot as being caused by “an extremist element among a large group” that damaged 21 city vehicles, setting one on fire, and slashed their tires. The group also set fires in trash bins. Keep in mind that in addition to sundry assaults and acts of vandalism, these thugs also trashed the local Marine Corps recruiting office (naturally no Marines were present). Videos taken during the “protest”…

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Ben Shapiro Brings a Fresh Perspective to the Leftist Bastion at Berkeley

After weeks of hand-wringing and over a half-million dollars spent in “security precautions,” Ben Shapiro was finally allowed to deliver his speech at the taxpayer-funded University of California, Berkeley Thursday. Once known as a prestigious institution that could have their pick of the best in academia and scholars in the world, UC Berkeley was birthplace of the free speech movement in the 1960s – a beacon of the best and brightest. Since then, as the locals know, Berkeley has shamefully descended to a frightfully expensive and middling school, a product of generations of the unique, hard-left progressivism found in the San Francisco Bay area of California. But the prestige earned so many years ago has not yet completely faded, which is how Shapiro, along with an entourage of security amid a crowd of police arrived to say his peace in a speech he titled, “Say No to Campus Thuggery.” Ben Shapiro was in top form, rattling off his remarks in his trademark rapid-fire cadence. He gave generously of his time and stuck around at the end for an extended question-and-answer period. One exchange in particular that caught my attention was a student’s challenge to Shapiro’s position opposing abortion. “Why exactly…

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Six People, Including Officer, Injured in Berkeley Rioting as Leftists Attack Cops, Political Foes

Six people were injured, including a police officer, and 13 protesters arrested Sunday after a violent black-masked antifa mob swarmed Berkeley in order to protest a previously cancelled rally against Marxism. “One officer was injured during an arrest and several officers were struck with paint,” said the Berkeley Police Department in a press release. “Six people…

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