Republicans Call for Justice Department Investigation Into Comey, Clinton, Others

by Robert Donachie   A group of House Republicans are calling for the Department of Justice to investigate a laundry list of former agency heads and people involved in the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server. The letter is addressed to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah John Huber. It asks that each of these men use their respective powers to investigate “potential violation(s) of federal statues” on the part of Clinton and of former FBI Director James Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, FBI agent Peter Strzok, and FBI counsel Lisa Page. The representatives include members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus—including Rep. Ron DeSantis of Florida, Dave Brat of Virginia, and Paul Gosar of Arizona—and other GOP House members, like Claudia Tenney of New York. “Those in positions of high authority should be treated the same as every other American” and because of that the members want to be sure that any “potential violations of law” be “vetted appropriately,” the group of Republican lawmakers wrote. “In doing so, we are especially mindful of the dissimilar degree of zealousness that has marked the…

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Commentary: Is it Time to Shut Down the FBI?

by CHQ Staff   Once known as the Nation’s premier law enforcement agency, today the Federal Bureau of Investigation is mired in corruption, incompetence, careerism, and brazen political dirty tricks. There was a brief glimmer of light when Christopher Wray was appointed to replace his corrupt predecessor, James Comey, but that light has faded. Wray has proven himself to be unequal to the task of cleaning up the corruption and careerism that have become endemic at the Bureau’s DC headquarters and his leadership has not resulted in higher standards of competence or focus at the field level where “known wolf” terrorists and psychopaths are routinely ignored until they kill. The latest example of FBI incompetence – failing to follow-up credible citizen information that Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland, Florida school assassin, had made threats to shoot-up his school and kill law enforcement officials, prompted Florida Governor Rick Scott to demand Director Wray’s resignation or firing. And in a society where personal responsibility, honor and integrity were still traits of the ruling class Wray would have tendered his resignation after the preventable bloodbath in Florida, but careerism, not honor or integrity is apparently the principle guiding Mr. Wray. The one good thing that…

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New Texts Between FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page Show Obama Wanted Updates on Clinton Investigation

A new batch of text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page revealed President Barack Obama wanted updates on the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email serve, according to a Fox News report. On Sept. 2, 2016 – just weeks away from election day – Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok, her lover, about preparing a report for then-FBI Director James B. Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Fox News said.

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In Shocking Move, Feds Drop All Charges Against Senator Bob Menendez

In a shocking turnaround, the U.S. Justice Department has dropped its case against Sen. Robert Menendez. In a court hearing in Newark today, federal prosecutors moved to dismiss the corruption indictment against the New Jersey Democrat. Last week, a federal judge had acquitted Menendez and his co-defendant, Salomon Melgen, of seven of the 18 counts against them after a deadlocked jury could not reach a verdict in the high-profile case in November.

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Commentary: Senator Grassley Unloads on the FBI and DOJ, Demands to #ReleaseTheMemo

by CHQ Staff   Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate’s Committee on the Judiciary, claims that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are actively obstructing his investigation of Obama-era abuses of power. Grassley has demanded that the House Intelligence Committee release its report, which he says the Senate cannot review pre-release, and also the underlying FBI and DOJ documents, with necessary redactions to protect national security. The Federalist’s Sean Davis reports Grassley is outraged that the FBI is using false classification assertions to prevent his office from releasing certain pertinent information to the public, including one piece of information which the FBI says the Senate cannot release that the Deputy Attorney General himself repeatedly shared with Senator Grassley “in unsecure space and on an unsecure phone line.” Davis tweeted: Grassley just leveled both barrels at the dossier operation: “Steele, who was working for Fusion GPS, who was working for the DNC and the Clinton campaign, was working with the Russians. So, who was actually colluding with Russians? It’s becoming more clear.” In the meantime, the Democrats are not letting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes dominate the narrative on the bombshell revelations contained in a soon-to-be…

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Commentary: The SEIU Is No One’s Friend


By Richard McCarty   The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is one of the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful unions in the country. Unfortunately, because SEIU is exploitative, fundamentally dishonest, and unethical, it’s also one of the last organizations anyone should ever want on their side. For example, one of the ways that SEIU manages to collect over $300 million a year is by skimming union dues off of the Medicaid checks that are sent to provide care for sick and disabled people. Most of the home health care providers receiving these checks never asked SEIU to “represent” them, but instead had the union imposed on them. In fact, many of these caregivers have tried to leave the union, but SEIU has schemed and fought to keep collecting their dues money. In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that home health care providers cannot be forced to join or pay fees to a union. In the wake of this decision, the right-leaning Freedom Foundation began working to notify Washington State caregivers that they could opt out of paying union dues. Unwilling to let its members leave without a fight, SEIU went to war with the nonprofit foundation. One of the shady…

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Judge Declares Mistrial in Senator Bob Menendez Federal Corruption Trial

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY — A hopelessly deadlocked jury brought an end to the corruption trial of U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez Thursday with the declaration of a mistrial, after a contentious 11-week courtroom drama that concluded without a final act. The government now must decide whether to retry the Democratic lawmaker from New Jersey and co-defendant Salomon Melgen, a…

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The SCOTUS Case That Let Clinton Hijack Party Fundraising

Former Democratic party leader Donna Brazile called the Hillary Clinton campaign’s takeover of party fundraising a “cancer.” Writing in Politico Thursday, Brazile said it “broke my heart” to discover that her predecessor as party chair had given the Clinton campaign power over the Democratic National Committee’s “finances, strategy, and all the money raised” during her primary…

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Were You Meant to Be Immortal?

For God did not make Death. He takes no pleasure in destroying the living. —The Book of Wisdom 1:13 I have a good friend who often tells people he is going to live forever. I think he believes it. Stranger, I think I believe it. Not just that he could possibly live forever, but that any human being can potentially live forever, or at the least, significantly longer than the average person is living today. According to the Bible, God created Adam and Eve without sin and therefore with the ability to live forever. God gave them all they needed for eternal life in the Garden; but He warned them not to eat fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or they would die, as would all their descendants. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. –Genesis 2:17 KJV The serpent convinced Eve that not only would they not die if they ate the fruit, but to the contrary… …your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil….…

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