Analysis: Even Without Kennedy Running for Democratic Nomination, Biden Still Faces Challenge in New Hampshire Primary

When Robert Kennedy, Jr. pulled out of the national Democratic presidential primary, opting to run as an independent, it appeared that it might be clearing the way for President Joe Biden to run relatively unopposed in the primary.

Primary challenges, even ones where the incumbent wins, have served as omens for presidents who end up either withdrawing from the presidential race, or end up losing it, including Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.

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Commentary: Working Class Is Fully Aligning Behind the GOP

There was a time when the Democratic Party maintained a moderately believable facade as the voice of the middle class, claiming to represent the interests of blue-collar families and rural America while condemning Wall Street elitists, but that political dichotomy belongs back in the 2010s.

The modern Democratic Party is now inarguably the party of coastal elitism, censorship, and distain for the working class, with Democrats concentrating themselves into a few extremely wealthy regions with economic and political climates that do not represent the rest of country.

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Newly Declared Democratic Presidential Candidate Goes to New Hampshire

U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) says President Joe Biden is too old to be the party’s nominee, he is putting the White House at risk, and Democrats are “sleepwalking” into another 2016. Polls show many Granite State Democrats agree.

But can Phillips, a virtual unknown in New Hampshire politics, turn that common viewpoint into votes in the First in the Nation primary? Or will he get nothing more than the Granite State version of “Minnesota Nice,” with Democrats politely dismissing his candidacy?

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Commentary: Democrats Begin Scapegoating Biden

Listen closely and you will hear Biden being scapegoated for Democrats’ policy failures. In 2020, Democrats had only one candidate who could beat Trump, and Biden had only one candidate whom he could beat. It was a match made in heaven. Now, three years in, that heavenly match is looking devilishly difficult, and doubting Democrats have only themselves to blame.

Hardly a day goes by without a story about Democrat angst over the president’s poor poll numbers. After winning in November 2020 with 51.3 percent of the popular vote, Biden rose further in the approval polls, reaching 55.7 percent on April 4, 2021, according to the RealClearPolitics national polling average. From there it has been an unmistakable plunge. On Oct. 18, RCP’s average of national polling had Biden at just a 40.8 percent approval rating (versus 55.1 disapproval).

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Dem-Controlled FCC Moves Closer Toward Restoring Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) took a major step toward finalizing the restoration of net neutrality on Thursday.

Net neutrality rules force internet service providers to enable access to all websites and content providers at equal rates and speeds, regardless of their size or content. Democrats now outnumber Republicans on the FCC, and the commission voted in favor of a notice of proposed rulemaking Thursday at the meeting.

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Commentary: If the Elections Were Held Today, Trump Would Defeat Biden – and Democrats Can’t Stand It

Few outside some bitter Republican circles are still arguing that Donald Trump can’t win the 2024 election. What was conventional wisdom a few months ago has fallen to pieces. Trump has already won the primary, not that Republicans have any reason to regret it: he is outperforming Joe Biden in the polls, despite being indicted four times, a remarkable feat that only Trump could pull off. Notably, Trump ran far behind Biden in 2020, when Trump barely “lost,” something that enraged many liberals at the time.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Is ‘Just a Frontman,’ Pelosi Still Leads House Democrats

Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said Sunday that House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is “just a front man,” and that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “still rules with an iron fist,” during an appearance on Newsmax.

Gaetz made the comment while explaining why Republicans have had more public infighting than the Democrats. His recent motion to vacate led to the ouster of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

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Commentary: Hard Evidence Warranting the Impeachment of Joe Biden

In a staggering act of journalistic deceit, the New York Times is reporting that Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden without any “evidence of financial wrongdoing or corruption by the president.” Similar statements have been made by a massive array of media outlets and Democrat politicians.

In reality, overwhelming proof of Joe Biden’s corruption and wrongdoing has been found, including hard evidence like written records and corroborated testimonies from first-hand witnesses. Collectively, at least 12 sets of documented facts leave no reasonable doubt that Biden participated in his son’s illicit businesses deals, bribed foreign officials, and obstructed justice.

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Former Iowa Democratic Party Chair Says Giving Up First Caucus Status Is a ‘Dark Day’ All Around

After signing the 1938 Munich Agreement that gave Nazi Germany the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia in exchange for Adolph Hitler’s promise that he had “no more territorial demands to make in Europe,” British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said the deal had secured “peace in our time.”

Dave Nagle says Chamberlain’s spirit of appeasement lives on in the leadership of the Iowa Democratic Party.

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Commentary: Democrats Are Finally Changing Their Tune on Biden’s Border Disaster

“Close the border.” That was the demand Sunday evening. It came not from former President Donald Trump, or any of his Republican allies, but from Ingrid Lewis-Martin, chief advisor to New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

“The federal government needs to do its job,” she said in a TV interview when asked about New York City’s right-to-shelter policy. “We need the federal government, the Congress members, the Senate, and the president to do its job: Close the borders.”

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Republicans Achieve Highest Marks on the Economy in over 30 Years: Poll

The GOP holds its largest advantage on the economy in over 30 years, with 53% of Americans trusting Republicans more than Democrats on the issue, according to a poll released Tuesday.

Republicans held a 14-point lead over the Democrats, of whom only 39% of Americans said handle the economy better, according to a Gallup poll. The GOP scored 10 points higher on the economy than last year, marking the largest margin between the two parties since 1991.

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Commentary: Illegal Immigration Emerges as Democrats’ Achilles Heel

Immigration has emerged as a key wedge issue that may cost the Democrats the White House and their U.S. Senate Majority next fall.

According to a Harvard-Harris poll published earlier this month, 71% of registered voters think illegal immigration is getting worse. Democrats made up 37% of respondents to that poll, which means that a critical mass of President Biden’s base is dissatisfied with how his administration has handled the issue. Republicans comprised 36% of poll respondents, and 23% identified as independents. Of those who think illegal immigration is getting worse,12% did not identify as Republicans or independents. Even more damning, however, is the number of Democrats who said illegal immigration is getting worse, which was over half at 53%. 

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Purple Commonwealth: Virginia Poll Shows 42 Percent to 42 Percent Split Between Republicans, Democrats

Old Dominion residents go into the commonwealth’s Nov. 7 legislative elections equally split between Democrats and Republicans, with 42 percent of voters telling the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies poll of 1,000 Virginia adults conducted Sept. 5 through Sept. 11.

“Virginia has rapidly returned to its purple state status,” said Stephen J. Farnsworth, professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington, and the center’s director. The poll included 833 registered voters, 771 likely voters, and carries a 3-percentage point margin of error.

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Commentary: RFK Jr. as Independent Would Propel Trump to Deliver Crushing Blow

by Roger Kimball   So it looks as if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is just about to turn up the volume. It was bad enough for the Democratic establishment when he announced he was going to run for President on the Democratic ticket. Didn’t he know that The Committee already had its heir and a couple of spares, none of whom was named Kennedy? “Look at your poll numbers, Bro. Even against a senile and visibly failing puppet you are trailing by 50 or 60 points. Give it up now before you embarrass yourself further!” No such luck. It seems that Kennedy is in for the duration. A couple of days ago rumors started circulating that he would soon announce that he was going to run as an independent. Several sources put the magic day as October 9. As I have said elsewhere, I think Kennedy and Vivek Ramaswamy are — or at least were — the most interesting things to happen in the early stage of this campaign. Both are ferociously articulate. Both have lots of ideas. And neither is named “Trump,” the kiss of death among uniparty factota, Republican as well as Democratic. According to my astrolabe, the glitter has dissipated somewhat…

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Poll: One-Third of Democrats Say Americans Have ‘Too Much Freedom’ of Speech

A new poll from RealClearPolitics shows that a staggering number of registered Democrats think there is “too much freedom” to speak freely in the United States.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the RCP survey on Friday revealed that 34% of Democrats believe that Americans have “too much freedom” of speech, compared to just 14.6% of Republicans who believed the same. By contrast, 46% of Republicans believe that Americans have “too little freedom,” with only 22% of Democrats agreeing.

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Commentary: The Left’s FISA Reform Trap

Republicans have had a crash course since 2016 in the ways the power of the intelligence community can be abused. To take a few examples, four consecutive judges operating under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act approved wiretaps of a Trump adviser, Carter Page, relying without question on the partisan fictions of the Steele dossier. Michael Flynn was ousted after he was the target of an unprecedented leak of another FISA intercept. And 51 former intelligence officers intervened in the 2020 election to dismiss without evidence the Hunter Biden laptop contents as likely Russian disinformation.

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Pennsylvania Special Election Tips State House to the Democrats

A Democratic candidate has won a special election for a seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, retaining the party’s one-seat majority in the chamber.

Lindsay Powell is a Democratic political aide who previously served as an aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. On Tuesday, she won a special election to Pennsylvania’s state House District 21, which covers the suburbs of Pittsburgh, by a margin of 29% over Republican candidate Erin Authenreith according to results published by the Pennsylvania Department of State, which gives Democrats 102 seats to the Republicans’ 101.

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Wisconsin Lawmakers Introduce Second Go at Constitutional Amendment to Ban Zuckerbucks in Election Administration

Looking to get around Democrat Governor Tony Evers’ veto pen, Republican lawmakers have introduced the second consideration of a constitutional amendment to bar the use of private funds in election administration.

Passage would send the proposed amendment to referendum, letting voters — not the liberal governor — decide if controversial “Zuckerbucks”-like funding of elections is legal in Wisconsin.

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Wisconsin State Senate Votes to Sack Controversial Elections Regulator, Overrides Evers’ Tax Cut Veto

Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled state Senate on Thursday rejected Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe’s nomination to serve another four-year term, a move that normally would end the controversial regulator’s tenure in office.

But liberals are already challenging the Senate’s overwhelming vote to fire Wolfe, and the bureaucrat has defiantly said she’s not going anywhere.

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RFK Jr. Rips DNC in Letter Before Delegate Procedure Vote, Says DNC Has ‘Hijacked the Party Leadership’

The Democratic Party has succumbed to the “siren of control,” according to a letter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. penned to the Democratic National Committee ahead of its controversial meeting that was expected to decide delegate procedures for the 2024 primary elections.

The Kennedy family scion running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, spares no feelings in calling out the party of his famous father and uncle for losing its way.

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Both Parties Take Credit for Pennsylvania’s Improved Financial Outlook

Pennsylvania’s finances have improved in recent years, with Moody’s Investor Services announcing it has revised the state’s financial outlook from “stable” to “positive.”

The financial services company noted the commonwealth’s “recently improved financial position and above-average long-term liabilities dominated by its unfunded pension burden.” 

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Commentary: American Despotism and the Weaponization of the U.S. Constitution

Washington DC

America is now in the deepest, most dangerous constitutional crisis since the hostility in the 1850s that led to secession and civil war.

This constitutional crisis is so widespread and threatening that House Republicans must dramatically widen their investigations. Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden are only a tiny part of a spiderweb of corruption, dishonesty, criminal behavior, and state weaponization. The rule of law is steadily being replaced by a frightening new rule of power.

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Commentary: Democrats Think They Can Capture Ohio After ‘Issue 1’ Abortion Loss but Data Shows Turnout Was the Issue

Ohio has been making waves over the past few days because voters rejected a Republican-backed measure that would have made it more difficult to change the state’s constitution to add abortion as a “state protected” right.  

The left has trumpeted the rejection of Issue 1 as a victory for Democrats and the Biden Campaign now believes Ohio is “in play” according to Politico. After the defeat of Issue 1, the Biden campaign is suddenly eyeing “long shot” states including Ohio and Florida, as well as focusing on three Rust Belt states Biden won in 2020.  

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Commentary: Georgia Indictment Is the Dems’ Latest Bid to Jail Trump, Imprison the Constitution

Rather than simply try to defeat Donald J. Trump, Democrats want him to die in prison. Neo-totalitarian Democrat campaign operatives masquerading as local, county, and federal prosecutors have deployed four criminal cases against the former president. The New York Post calculates that if he is convicted on all 91 charges he faces, Trump would spend 712 years behind bars. The surprisingly spry 77-year-old could enrage his critics even further, live until at least 2735 A.D., and regain his freedom at age 789.

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New Memos Undercut Biden-Ukraine Narrative Democrats Sold During 2019 Impeachment Scandal

Just weeks before then-Vice President Joe Biden took the opposite action in late 2015, a task force of State, Treasury and Justice Department officials declared that Ukraine had made adequate progress on anti-corruption reforms and deserved a new $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee, according to government memos that conflict with the narrative Democrats have sustained since the 2019 impeachment scandal.

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Commentary: Uniparty’s Plan to ‘Save Our Democracy’ Unfolds

The fish are plentiful today. There’s Hunter Biden and his various lies: about the sources of his prodigious income, his payment (that is, non-payment) of taxes, drugs, guns, child support, laptops and prostitutes. There’s Joe Biden and his lies, the sources of his prodigious income, and—the latest—his use of pseudonymous email accounts when writing to Hunter and Hunter’s business partners to discuss the weather—or was it the whether and how to siphon 20 million of the crispest into virtually untraceable bank accounts?

There’s the seemingly endless series of indictments directed at Donald Trump. The latest new there, if I am up to date, is that he told people to watch election returns on One America News Network. Clearly part of a RICO conspiracy. Someone whose math is sharper than mine calculated that President Trump is potentially on the hook for 450 years in the slammer for . . . well, his torts are mostly in the eye of the beholder.

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Commentary: The Left’s Relentless, Unjustified Assaults on the Supreme Court’s Legitimacy

In recent years, the Supreme Court has been the target of a relentless and strategic campaign aimed at undermining its credibility and impartiality.

Left-wing publications such as ProPublica, Slate, and The Guardian have led an orchestrated assault against the high court’s Republican-appointed justices, and their message has been amplified by Senate Democrats.

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Biden, Dems Tap New Data Trove That Includes Contact Info for Almost Every Voter in America

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign and other Democrats are tapping into a new database that provides contact information for nearly every voter in America for 2024, Axios reported Thursday.

The Democratic Data Exchange (DDx) has obtained data from 500 groups compiled over the last ten years, identifying 90% of voters’ contact information that Biden and Democrats will have at their disposal next year, according to Axios. With Democrats and Republicans fighting to use technology to their advantage in the 2024 cycle, Biden is hoping to reach crossover voters with the new information from the DDx.

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Disillusioned Black Voters May Cost Democrats the 2024 Election

Recent surveys suggest that black voters, the most loyally Democratic voting bloc in the country, may see a reduced turnout in 2024 that could cost Joe Biden his re-election bid.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, a recent poll by the New York Times shows President Donald Trump and Biden in a dead heat, at 43 percent each; the close race is attributed to Trump making “gains among black, Hispanic, male and low-income voters.”

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Commentary: Biden’s Corruption Implicates the Entire Political Establishment

The basic contours of the Biden family’s corruption scandal have been known for years, but the details have been suppressed. What the public knows, it knows despite the efforts of the media, the Democrats, and the “intelligence community” to bend, twist, and bury the truth. For instance, it is no secret that Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s business partners. In fact, Biden bragged about it. But in the conventional narrative, Biden was doing this not out of personal interest, but as part of an institutional effort to root out corruption. This is the kind of obtuse, self-serving nonsense that passes for “journalism” today.

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Commentary: Bill Lee Conspiring with Democrats and Conducting ‘Secret’ Meetings to Craft Surprise Gun Control Agenda for Special Session

In a constitutional republic with a so-called conservative Governor in a “red state” like Tennessee, few would expect that the Governor would be conspiring with gun control advocates and conducting “secret” meetings away from the capitol in order to craft a gun control package, including his demand that Tennessee enact a Red Flag law, to be revealed perhaps only once “his” Special Session is called? Well, if you are a Second Amendment advocate who has watched this particular Governor and several in the Republican legislative caucus over the last 13 years, you might be one to expect exactly that kind of shenanigans.

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New Republican Voter Registrations Continue to Outpace Democrats by over Three Times as Much in Maricopa County

Recent voter registration numbers from the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office show an increasing number of voters in Maricopa County registering as Republican rather than Democrat. Between last fall’s election and April, Republican voter registration in the county increased by 9,905 to 851,047. Democratic voter registration increased by only 2,791, less than a third as much. Republicans maintained their registration advantage at 34.39 percent, while Democrats dipped below 30 percent to 29.69 percent.

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Commentary: There is a Good Reason Why Democrats are so Frightened of ‘Moms for Liberty’

For most Americans, “Mom” evokes images of kindness, courage, sympathy and love. Likewise, “liberty” calls up concepts like individual rights, freedom of expression, equality and justice. Yet, the perversity of the current political environment is such that a parental rights group whose name combines these two words has been demonized by Democrats, the corporate media and the reactionary left. Just recently, a New Hampshire Democrat denounced the group as “Assholes with casseroles,” the Hill ran a story titled, “Six reasons why Moms for Liberty is an extremist organization,” and the Southern Poverty Law Center added them to its Hate Map.

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Commentary: Michelle Obama Could Really Be the Choice of the Democrat Establishment

The Democratic establishment is laying the groundwork to dump Joe Biden. When the New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Axios, and the Atlantic desert a liberal president, you know the knives are out. Which raises two questions: when will they stick the shiv into Biden? And how do they plan to deal with the “Kamala problem”?

To all but her most ardent fans, it is obvious that having Kamala on the 2024 ticket would be a disaster for the Democrats. Her 2020 campaign collapsed before a single vote was cast. Biden made her his running mate, not because she was a good candidate, but solely because he had backed himself into a corner when he promised he would choose a black woman as his running mate.

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Democrats Lost 26 Points with Hispanic Voters in 2022 Midterm Elections, Says Pew Research Center

The Republican Party saw significant gains during the 2022 midterm elections in large part due to Hispanic voters, according to a new poll released by the Pew Research Center on Wednesday. 

Pew Research Center found that while most Hispanic voters still favor Democratic candidates overall, the Democratic advantage among Latino voters decreased by 26 points, from a 47-point margin in 2018 to 21 points in 2022. 

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Analysis: Kennedy’s Polling Numbers Trump Biden’s in New Poll

A recent Economist/YouGov poll shows Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with a significantly higher favorability rating than President Joe Biden. The survey found 49 percent of respondents expressed a positive view of Kennedy, while 30 percent held an unfavorable opinion of him, giving Kennedy a net favorable rating of 19 points. Biden on the other hand holds a favorability rating of -11 points.

This comes on top of a recent Emerson Poll showing Kennedy at 15 percent among Democratic Primary voters, up from 10 percent two months ago in another poll.

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Michigan Dems Have ‘Pleaded’ with Gretchen Whitmer to Run for President in 2024: Report

Democrats in Michigan have “pleaded” with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to run for president in 2024, citing concerns about President Joe Biden, according to Politico’s Jonathan Martin.

State lawmakers are encouraging Whitmer, Michigan’s two-term Democratic governor, to seek the party’s nomination in 2024 despite her previously ruling out a White House bid, sources familiar told Martin. Several Democratic colleagues from other states have pushed the Michigan lawmakers to plead with the governor to reconsider, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, citing concerns over the president’s low approval ratings.

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Mark Levin: Target Refuses to Sell Book Critical of Democrats

Mark Levin, author and host of “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Fox News, claimed in a Wednesday tweet that Target told him it will not carry his new book because customers may be offended by the title.

Target reportedly informed Levin’s publisher, Simon & Schuster, that the retail giant will not carry his new book, “The Democrat Party Hates America,” which is set to be released on Sept. 19, because the title may offend customers, Levin said on Twitter. Target has been the center of several recent controversies that include selling LGBTQ merchandise for children during Pride Month and funding an anti-militarization group.

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Liberals, Pro-Dem Groups Fret That Third-Party ‘No Labels’ Ticket Could Hand 2024 Election to Trump

Liberal and groups aligned with the Democratic Party fear that a centrist organization’s third-party ticket could erode support for President Joe Biden in 2024, and hand the White House to former President Donald Trump, according to The Wall Street Journal.

No Labels is planning on running a third-party candidate in 2024 in the event that there’s a rematch between Biden and Trump, whom the group believes each represent the most extreme ends of their respective parties. Liberal and/or pro-Democrat groups, like the Lincoln Project, MoveOn and Third Way, have voiced their concerns over the centrist organization’s electoral path, according to the WSJ.

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