Homeland Security Watchdog Concludes ‘Physical Barriers Work’ to Curb Illegal Immigration: FOIA

The Homeland Security Department’s inspector general found that a border wall is the most effective way to curb illegal immigration, according to a newly released report obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. 

The Immigration Reform Law Institute published a 2017 report last week from the Homeland Security watchdog, which found that in 25 border areas studied, a pedestrian fence, also known as a border wall, was the best solution to ending illegal immigration. 

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Commentary: Once a Vaunted Dream, Now ‘Liberty and Justice For All’ Is a Tattered Cliche

Throughout history, the tyrannical abuse of governmental power has been a fearsome thing to behold. Wise men instituted laws in an effort to tame that abuse. The Constitution of the United States, for example, was framed in large part as a prophylactic against the coercive power of the state. The Framers witnessed the “long train of abuses and usurpations” perpetrated by the British crown and resolved to respond. The Constitution dealt with many other things, to be sure, but concern about tyrannical abuse of power by the government and its minions is patent from the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence straight through the Constitution and its Amendments. The idea was that we Americans would live in a polity governed by “laws, not men.” That is to say, laws would be legitimately formulated, clearly defined, and administered impartially, so far as was humanly possible. How are we doing on that score?

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Analysis: Trump Has Led Biden in 20 Out of the Last 26 National Polls Taken, Biden Led Just Four of Them

Don’t look now, but former President Donald Trump appears to be opening up a consistent lead in national polls against incumbent President Joe Biden, with Trump beating Biden 47.2 percent to 43.7 percent, according to the latest average of polls compiled by RealClearPolitics.com.

In fact, for more than a month, Trump has led Biden in 20 out of the last 26 national polls taken. Biden led four of them, and two were tied. The leads vary in the polls, anywhere from 10 points to 1 point, but begin to tell a very important story with little more than a week to go until the 2024 New Year begins: a larger plurality or maybe even a majority of Americans would rather see Donald Trump be president than Joe Biden beginning in 2025.

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Trump Dominates in Swing States Against Biden for 2024: Poll

Former President Donald Trump is dominating in seven crucial battleground states against President Joe Biden ahead of a potential 2024 head-to-head rematch, a Thursday poll found.

Trump is leading Biden 47% to 42% across Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada and North Carolina, according to a Morning Consult/Bloomberg survey. The former president held his largest leads against Biden in North Carolina and Georgia by 9 and 6 points, respectively, and Trump’s smallest margin of victory came in Pennsylvania by 2 points.

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Court Rejects Trump Challenge to Gag Order

Donald Trump, courtroom

A New York appeals court rejected President Donald Trump’s bid Thursday to toss the gag order imposed on him in his New York civil fraud trial, along with the fines imposed for violations.

The court found that Trump had not used the right legal method to challenge the order imposed in October by Judge Arthur Engoron. Trump’s lawyers asked the court in November to vacate the gag order using a provision of the law to sue Engoron directly, which the court found was an “extraordinary remedy” not appropriate when the “potential harm is small,” according to ABC News.

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Supreme Court Takes Case with Major Implications for Trump, Jan. 6 Defendants

The Supreme Court agreed Wednesday to hear a case with major implications for hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants, as well as former President Donald Trump’s indictment on charges stemming from alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

In a brief order, the justices agreed to hear a case stemming from Jan. 6 defendant Joseph Fischer’s request to dismiss a charge against him for obstructing an official proceeding. His case provides the Supreme Court an opportunity to rule on the scope of a statute, Section 1512(c)(2), which he argues has been used to charge hundreds of other defendants in an “unprecedented extension of the statute’s reach.”

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Another Poll Shows Biden Struggling with Crucial Voting Bloc Ahead of 2024

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign faces headwinds ahead of 2024 among a crucial voting bloc that typically backs Democrats by huge margins, a new poll found.

Biden garnered only 63% support from black voters in a GenForward survey from the University of Chicago, while former President Donald Trump received 17% of the share and 20% said they wouldn’t back either candidate, Politico reported Tuesday. Several other recent surveys have also found Biden struggling among the black electorate, with support for the former president surging.

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Pro Golfer John Daly Says Former President Trump Is ‘One of the Greatest Human Beings’ He’s ‘Ever Met’

In episode 50 of his newest production, “The Tucker Carlson Encounter,” host Tucker Carlson interviewed professional golfer on the PGA Tour and PGA Tour Champion John Daly. 

Daly said he learned how to golf when he was young through golf digest lessons released by professional golfer Jack Nicklaus and practicing on a baseball diamond close to his childhood home in Dardanelle, Arkansas.

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Analysis: The Clock Is Ticking for Vivek Ramaswamy’s Campaign to Make a Move

Vivek Ramaswamy is currently polling fourth among Republican presidential candidates and, with the Iowa caucus fast approaching, will need to rapidly make up ground for a strong early showing. Yet in early primary contests where candidates are spending big on political advertising, his campaign is so far keeping its powder dry.

The businessman has spent significantly less on political advertisements than his chief political rivals, and has only reserved just over $100,000 on future ad buys, a figure dwarfed by the campaigns of Trump, DeSantis and Haley. While his campaign has instead opted for local engagement in the key early nominating states, Republican operatives in Iowa and New Hampshire warn that time is running out for a major push.

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Trump Endorses Hamadeh in Heated Arizona Congressional Race

by Cameron Arcand   Former President Donald Trump endorsed former Republican Arizona Attorney General nominee Abe Hamadeh in the competitive primary race to replace Rep. Debbie Lesko. The endorsement is notable because former Senate nominee Blake Masters is also in the race, and he was also endorsed like Hamadeh was in their losing 2022 bids. In a post on Trump’s social media platform “Truth Social” explaining his decision to give his “Complete and Total Endorsement” to Hamadeh. “Abe Hamadeh is a veteran, a former prosecutor and fearless fighter for our elections,” Trump posted. “He will be a true WARRIOR in Congress, and always put America First!” “He knows that if the flame of freedom is extinguished, it may never come back again,” the former president added. The congressional candidate welcomed the endorsement. “Thank you Mr. President, I can’t wait to fight alongside you to restore the America we love,” Hamadeh posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. 🚨🚨BREAKING🚨🚨 Thank you Mr. President, I can’t wait to fight alongside you to restore the America we love. “President Donald Trump endorses Abe Hamadeh for Congress” pic.twitter.com/U9e0lVG53b — Abe Hamadeh (@AbrahamHamadeh) December 8, 2023 Hamadeh and Masters ran as a ticket with former gubernatorial…

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Former Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark Appeals Denial of Removal of Bar Disciplinary Trial to Federal Court

Jeffrey Clark, an attorney who served at high levels of the Department of Justice under former President Donald Trump, is undergoing both prosecution and bar disciplinary proceedings for his slight involvement with the 2020 election challenges. The District of Columbia Bar, its disciplinary panel, and the federal trial court judge refused to let Clark remove the disciplinary proceedings to federal court, despite the fact there is a federal law providing for removal when the actions in question involve a federal official, so Clark filed an appeal with the D.C. Court of Appeals on Thursday.

Clark is being disciplined and prosecuted for drafting a letter to Georgia election officials after the 2020 election advising them of options the Georgia Legislature could take to address the concerns about election illegalities. The letter was never sent or even circulated. 

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Commentary: The Liberal Media’s Desperate New ‘Trump Will Be a Dictator’ Narrative

The leftwing media recently got its orders from the Biden campaign on a new narrative to smear Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential campaign. Because their previous narrative of Trump colluding with Russia and Vladimir Putin has been discredited, they are promoting anew one: if Donald Trump wins the November 2024 presidential election, he will become a dictator similar to Hitler or Napoleon.

This fear-mongering theme appeared in similar articles within days of each other in The Washington Post and The New York Times. The Atlantic is promoting the theme in a January/February special issue with 16 essays where liberal elite authors warn how a dictatorial Trump presidency in 2025 would threaten America and the world on issues ranging from abortion, NATO, climate, the courts, immigration, etc. The Atlantic has posted online 16 of these anti-Trump essays and plans to add more.

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Trump Endorses ‘WARRIOR’ Abe Hamadeh for Congress

Former President Donald Trump on Friday issued his endorsement to Republican congressional candidate Abe Hamadeh, handing the former Arizona Attorney General candidate a likely boost in a contested GOP primary that also includes former Arizona GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters.

“Abe Hamadeh is a veteran, a former prosecutor and fearless fighter for our elections. He will be a true WARRIOR in Congress, and always put America First! As everyone knows, Abe fought for our Country overseas, and knows that the American people are demanding the kind of bold leadership that ushered in peace and prosperity just three years ago,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

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Enthusiasm Plummets Young Voters Ahead of 2024

A majority of young voters are not planning on voting in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School poll published Tuesday.

The number of Americans under 30 “definitely” planning to vote dropped from 57% in 2020 to 49%, according to the poll. Democrats, who typically receive the most support from young voters, suffered the smallest drop from 68% to 66%, but young Republicans dropped 10 percentage points from 66% to 56%, with independents having similar results, going from 41% to 31%.

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Rick Santorum Says 2024 GOP Presidential Campaigns Are Seeking His Advice Ahead of Iowa Caucus

Former Republican presidential candidate and Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said 2024 GOP campaigns have reached out to him ahead of the Jan. 15 Iowa caucus, Politico reported Thursday.

Santorum narrowly won Iowa in 2012 after polling in the low-single digits for much of his campaign, inching out ahead of the eventual GOP nominee, Mitt Romney. The former candidate told Politico that at least two Republican presidential campaigns have sought his advice in recent weeks as candidates are running out of time to take down former President Donald Trump, who is currently leading the field by nearly 50 points nationally.

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Tennessee Secretary of State Certifies Presidential Candidates for 2024 Super Tuesday Ballot

The Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office announced it certified the names of nine Republicans and one Democratic presidential candidate for the Super Tuesday Presidential Preference Primary and County Primary Election.

The 2024 Tennessee presidential primary will be held on the same day as primaries in 14 other states on March 5, 2024, known as Super Tuesday.

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Haley on Defense as DeSantis, Vivek Take Turns Throwing Bombs

The fourth Republican presidential primary debate saw former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley play defense in the face of relentless attacks from Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis and tech executive Vivek Ramaswamy.

Haley has emerged as a media favorite in recent months, drawing considerable airtime and headlines, but has remained in a clear third place behind Donald Trump and DeSantis in most polls. At present, Trump boasts 61.0% support in the RealClearPolitics polling average, compared to DeSantis’s 13.5%, Haley’s 10.3%, Ramaswamy’s 4.9%, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s 2.5%.

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‘I Don’t Think He Makes It’: Trump Doubts Biden Will Be Democratic Nominee in 2024

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested that President Joe Biden’s physical health and mental capacity might prevent him from becoming the eventual Democratic nominee in 2024.

“I don’t think he makes it. I think he’s bad shape physically,” Trump said during an Iowa forum with Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “I watched him at the beach, he wasn’t able to lift a beach chair which is meant for children.”

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Liz Cheney Considering Third-Party Presidential Bid

Former Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is considering running as a third-party presidential candidate in 2024, citing her commitment to do “whatever it takes” to prevent former President Donald Trump from returning to the White House, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Cheney, who lost her 2022 reelection bid to the Trump-backed Harriet Hageman by over 37 points, warned of what she views as dangers a second Trump administration could bring during an interview with the Post. The former congresswoman would add to an already crowded field of third-party candidates, including independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, Green Party candidate Jill Stein and a potential No Labels ticket with West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin.

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Biden Is Increasingly Using ‘Wartime’ Powers to Interfere in the Economy

The Biden administration has increasingly relied on a law intended to shore up national defense in order to enact its economic agenda, boosting green energy initiatives and increasing production of certain goods to address economic issues.

President Joe Biden once again used the Defense Production Act (DPA), a law established in 1950 to give the president authority over domestic industries necessary for the national defense thanks to demands caused by the Korean War, in late November, this time to invest $35 million in domestic manufacturing on medicine components to address shortages, according to a statement from the White House. The use of the DPA is one of many following President Donald Trump’s expansion of the act during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to increase the production of equipment related to national health.

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Team Trump Declares Victory as Arizona Court Dismisses 14th Amendment Ballot Case

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign on Tuesday celebrated a court victory in Arizona as a federal court in the state rejected an attempt to keep him off the ballot under the 14th Amendment.

“Today, federal court in Arizona dismissed another bad faith, 14th Amendment challenge to President Trump’s ballot status. President Trump remains undefeated in beating back these scurrilous lawsuits brought forth by a thirsty, Biden-allied troll in a desperate publicity campaign,” said campaign spokesman Steven Cheung. 

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Commentary: The ‘Jan. 6 Jurisprudence’ About to Be Unleashed on Trump

Defense attorneys have coined the term “January 6 Jurisprudence” to describe the treatment received by the more than 1,200 defendants arrested so far in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This carve-out legal system involves the unprecedented and possibly unlawful use of a corporate evidence-tampering statute; excessive prison sentences and indefinite periods of pretrial incarceration; and the designation of nonviolent offenses as federal crimes of terrorism.

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Trump’s Former Attorney John Eastman Files Closing Statement in Disbarment Trial, Cites ‘Orwellian’ Nature of California Bar’s Charges

The disbarment trial of Donald Trump’s former attorney and constitutional legal scholar, John Eastman, ended November 3, with closing written arguments submitted last Friday. California Bar Disciplinary Judge Yvette Roland announced at the end of the trial that she found Eastman culpable, and will issue a written decision soon indicating whether she will fully disbar him or give a lesser punishment. Eastman is expected to appeal any negative decision.

The State Bar of California charged Eastman with violating his oath as an attorney to uphold the Constitution, by providing the Trump administration with options to handle the 2020 election illegalities that included a couple of scenarios where Vice President Mike Pence would delay or reject acceptance of the electoral slates from disputed states. 

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Analysis: Biden’s Support from Independents Hits a Record Low, Democrat Support Wavers Over Middle East Turmoil

President Joe Biden continues to trail former President Donald Trump by several percentage points with the latest national polls showing Trump ahead by four points and ahead in five of six battleground states. While Biden’s support has eroded within his own party, swing voters retracting their support is at the heart of the president’s plummeting polling numbers.

A collection of polling across the past month shows Biden losing double-digits with young people, minorities and Independents compared to 2020 as well as struggling with female voters in battleground states.

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Commentary: Where Are the J6 Committee Videos?

January 6 Riot

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s criminal case against Donald Trump for the events of January 6 is inextricably tied to the work of the special House committee that conducted an 18-month investigation into what happened before, on, and after that day.

In fact, one could safely argue that Smith lifted much of the language directly from the committee’s findings to prepare his 45-page indictment. Three of the four criminal referrals made by the committee, formed by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in June 2021, are reflected in Smith’s indictment. As Kyle Cheney, Politico’s legal affairs reporter recently noted, “the words in Smith’s filing are almost verbatim the case that the committee’s vice chair, Liz Cheney, made at the panel’s first public hearing.”

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Commentary: Forget the Media Doomsaying — the GOP Will Be Ok

Congress Building

If you follow politics and didn’t know that voters in Charleston, South Carolina, elected the city’s first Republican mayor in almost a century and a half, you can be forgiven. A lot of people missed it because, while it was covered, the legacy media failed, unsurprisingly, to recognize it for the landmark it is.

The scant attention paid to the outcome of that race compared to, say, the GOP’s failure to take over the Virginia Legislature is a discordant note that throws off an otherwise harmonious national narrative that has the Republican Party hopelessly divided and unable to win elections now that Bidenomics is working.

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Democrats’ Star January 6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Made Significant Changes to Her Story, Memo Shows

Three months after she testified as the Democrats’ star witness at the Jan. 6 congressional hearings, former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson submitted significant changes to statements and information she had provided in transcribed interviews with the U.S. House of Representatives dating to February 2022, according to an errata sheet reviewed by Just the News that was kept from the American public. 

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Commentary: It’s Time to Unite Behind Trump If We Want to Win in 2024

Donald Trump Podium

The 2024 Presidential election is rapidly approaching. In many ways it can’t come soon enough. Americans have now spent nearly three painful years waking up every day astonished to learn that the Biden administration has outdone its previous act of insanity.

The shocking revelation, for example, that the Biden Administration is covertly flying illegals into the interior of the U.S. is quickly forgotten when new revelations emerge that the same Administration is sabotaging Texas’ efforts to secure the border—ordering federal agents to cut through the wire barriers erected by the state of Texas.

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Appeals Court Reinstates Trump Gag Order

Donald Trump Courtroom

A New York appeals court reinstated Thursday the gag order imposed on former President Donald Trump by the judge overseeing his civil fraud trial.

Trump asked the appeals court earlier this month to vacate Judge Arthur Engoron’s order, which blocks him from speaking publicly about members of Engoron’s staff, along with the $5,000 and $10,000 fines imposed on him for violations. Associate Justice David Friedman temporarily paused the order on Nov. 16.

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Koch-Backed Group Endorses Nikki Haley

A Koch-backed group endorsed former Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for president, according to a memorandum released by Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP).

Charles Koch and his late brother, David Koch, are the billionaire sons of Fred Koch, who founded Koch Industries, a multibillion-dollar holding company that is the second-largest private corporation in the United States. Known for their heavy funding of Republican candidates, the Koch network’s AFP Action signaled on Tuesday that it would endorseHaley’s campaign, calling her “a candidate who can turn the page and win.”

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Court Papers Say Ex-Virginia Election Official on Trial ‘Altered Election Results’ in 2020 Election

The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election, according to court documents recently obtained by Just the News. However, the current general registrar says that his predecessor’s alleged conduct didn’t impact any election outcomes. 

In a county where President Joe Biden received 54% of the vote in the 2020 presidential election to former President Donald Trump’s 44%, an election official at the time allegedly “altered election results” in the state’s reporting system, leading to three grand jury indictments last year.

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Commentary: Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He’s the Favorite to Win

There’s a strange disjunction in the discourse about the 2024 elections. On the one hand, when presented with the proposition “Trump can win,” people will nod their heads sagely and say something along the lines of: “Of course he can; only a fool would believe to the contrary.”

At the same time, whenever polling emerges showing that Donald Trump is performing well in 2024 matchups, a deluge of panicked articles, tweets (or is it “X”s?), social media posts, and the like emerge, reassuring readers that polls aren’t predictive and providing a variety of reasons that things will improve for President Biden.

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NBC Claims Trump’s Former Attorney John Eastman ‘Takes Digs’ at Him, Cites No Evidence

Constitutional legal scholar John Eastman, who served as an attorney to former President Donald Trump during the 2020 election lawsuits, is being prosecuted in both Georgia and Washington, D.C., and has undergone a disciplinary trial by the State Bar of California due to his role. Eastman’s criminal attorney filed a pleading in the Georgia RICO prosecution on Monday asking to move up the date to accept a plea agreement in that case so his trial can proceed sooner, explaining that his situation was different than Trump’s which needs a later date. The mainstream media claimed Eastman was attacking the former president, with NBC reporting that Eastman “takes digs” at Trump.

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Commentary: Young People Turn on Biden over Stagnant Wages and Inability to Launch

Young voters were one of the core coalitions that installed President Biden in the White House, supporting him by a twenty-four-point margin in 2020. Peering deeper into the data, young voters have been slowly drifting away from Democrats in each election since 2012. That drift has rapidly accelerated in the past three years as economic issues have become paramount for young adults. New polling suggests Biden is on track to lose double-digits with voters under thirty compared to the 2020 election, and economic issues are at the center of the problem.  

Stagnant wages, crippling inflation, a housing affordability crisis, the importation of cheap foreign labor, and an absurd regulatory environment that stifles small business growth are issues all Americans face, but young people are hit particularly hard in Biden’s economy.

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Biden Impeachment Inquiry Builds Evidence

The impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden is gaining momentum as more evidence comes out to back allegations that the president himself financially benefited from the overseas business dealings of his son, Hunter.

While Republicans will find it very difficult to get the needed supermajority to impeach Biden, the mounting evidence and media coverage would be another obstacle for Biden to overcome as he campaigns for reelection.

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Commentary: Fentanyl Letters Show How Partisan Journalists Operate

The true danger to American democracy comes from the radical left. Just don’t expect to hear it from the mainstream media.

On Nov. 9, Americans learned that law enforcement intercepted a handful of fentanyl-laced letters intended for election offices across at least five states, including Georgia’s Fulton County. While alarming, fentanyl isn’t like anthrax – briefly touching it isn’t deadly. But ingesting it is – just ask the families of the 74,000 Americans who died from fentanyl in 2022 alone, much of it produced in China and smuggled in through President Biden’s wide-open southern border.

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Trump Widens Lead over Biden in New 2024 Poll

Former President Donald Trump has widened his lead over President Joe Biden by 5 points for a 2024 head-to-head matchup, according to a Tuesday poll.

Trump is beating Biden 47% to 40% among registered voters, with 13% remaining undecided, according to a Messenger/HarrisX poll. The former president’s margin of victory grew from his 2-point lead reflected in a previous Messenger/HarrisX survey released on Nov. 1, when 12% of registered voters were not sure of their choice.

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Exclusive: Former TN GOP Candidate Stewart Parks, Sentenced to 8 Months on Jan. 6, 2021 Conviction, Claims Obama-Appointed Judge ‘Colluded’ with Prosecutors

Stewart Parks is now looking at eight months in federal prison for, among other things, being in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. He is marked by the Left as an “insurrectionist” on a conviction of five federal charges.

The 30-year-old Nashville man was sentenced on Wednesday by, according to Parks, a vindictive U.S. district court judge who helped the prosecution work out its case against him in the trial.

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Trump Might Enter 2024 Election Unscathed as Court Dates Are Delayed, Legal Attacks Falter

Trump Courtroom

As former President Donald Trump’s legal difficulties continue to stack up, scheduling conflicts and trial delays offer relief and highlight an emerging path for him to enter the 2024 election without a conviction, should he be the Republican nominee.

Facing the strain of four separate criminal indictments while running a presidential campaign, Trump has sought to postpone trials in his cases until after the election. At least two judges — the one overseeing his Florida classified documents case and another overseeing his New York case for allegedly falsifying business records — have signaled a willingness to delay, while Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis believes the Georgia trial may not conclude until early 2025.

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Emerson Poll: Trump Up in Ohio, Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown Leads All GOP Challengers

Emerson College Polling and WJW-TV Fox 8 Cleveland published results of a poll on Thursday revealing how likely voters in Ohio would vote in the 2024 presidential and Senate race.

In the 2024 presidential election, the poll shows former President Donald Trump with a 12-point lead (50 percent-38 percent) over incumbent President Joe Biden in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup in the Buckeye State while 12 percent of voters remain undecided.

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Commentary: Two Judicial Strikes Against Efforts to Keep Trump Off Ballot

Two state courts, the Minnesota Supreme Court and the Michigan Court of Claims, have thrown out the attempts by anti-democratic groups to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment, at least with respect to the presidential primary election.

The attempt to take away the ability of voters to make their own decisions on Trump’s candidacy has been temporarily halted in those states.

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Nikki Haley Surges in New Hampshire: Poll

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley jumped by 14 points to second place in the key early primary state of New Hampshire, according to a Wednesday poll.

Haley received 18% support, a massive increase from her 4% support in August, behind only former President Donald Trump’s 49%, according to an Emerson College poll. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie came in third with 9% support, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis fell to fourth at 7%.

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