Virginia Delegate Guzman Abruptly Changes Course on Bill That Would Have Criminalized Parents Who Do Not ‘Affirm’ Their LGBT Child

Virginia Democrat State Delegate Elizabeth Guzman has backed down from introducing a bill that would have expanded the definition of child abuse to include parents inflicting “physical or mental injury” on children due to their gender identity or sexual orientation.

The Epoch Times reports that Guzman first began drafting such legislation in order to counter Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin’s transgender policies in which parents of transgender children had to be made aware if their child wanted to transition or go by a different name at school.

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Youngkin Defends Gender Identity Policies: ‘Children Don’t Belong to the State’

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin defended his policy regarding gender identity rules for the public school system, saying children don’t belong to the state.

Under the rules, student bathrooms and sports teams should be based on sex assigned at birth, not gender identity. Parental approval would be required if a student wants to change their name, according to the new policy.

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Connecticut GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Leora Levy Challenges Woke Education Industry: ‘What Happened to the Fundamentals?’

The Republican candidate who hopes to unseat Connecticut U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D) asserts parents are outraged their children are failing to learn education basics while woke teachers and school boards attempt to indoctrinate them with radical Critical Race Theory and gender ideology.

In an op-ed at Fox News Monday, Leora Levy wrote that pandemic school closures, urged by the teachers’ unions and their political allies, and COVID mask mandates have been “catastrophic” for our children, particularly those from low-income families.

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Commentary: Back to School and New Radical Ideology on Campuses

In 2011, a “Dear Colleague Letter” (DCL) that required schools provide access to bathrooms, showers, and dorm rooms based on gender identity, rather than biological sex was introduced by the Obama Education Department. It defined sexual harassment as “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature”; required only that the alleged harassment potentially “interfere with or limit” access, rather than “deprive” the victim of access creating a “single-inquisitor” model where the investigator, prosecutor, and hearing officer could be the same person, and reduced the accused’s rights to a hearing to confront his accuser.

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Vermont High School Girls Volleyball Team Banned from Locker Room After Objecting to Trans Player’s Presence

The Randolph Union High School girls’ volleyball team in Vermont was reportedly banned from its locker room after some girls on the team objected to the presence of a biological male, who claims to be female, while the girls were changing clothes.

School officials, WCAX-TV reported, banned the girls from their locker room because Vermont’s policy states transgender athletes can participate on sports teams and use the private facilities consistent with their chosen gender.

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‘Anarchist’ Middle School English Teacher Admits to Indoctrinating Children: ‘F**k the Parents’

Project Veritas (PV) released a new video from its Secret Curriculum series Monday, exposing a middle school English teacher from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who claims to be an “anarchist” who indoctrinates children against their parents with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the American system of government.

Tyler Wrynn is an eighth grade English teacher at Will Rogers Middle School. In the video, Wrynn is heard describing himself to the undercover PV journalist as “an anarchist.”

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Whitmer Administration to Hire ‘Sexual Orientation’ and ‘Expression’ Consultant for Foster Kids

The administration of Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proposed a contract for a child foster care consultant on gender identity and sexual orientation, according to documents made public by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Children’s Services Agency, which “oversees all child welfare services for children,” is seeking a “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Consultant” as of Sept. 12, according to documents made public by the Washington Free Beacon. The consultant would be a part of the “Diversity Equity and Inclusion Unit” and would focus on determining the “needs and concerns of LGBTQ staff, families and children.”

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Pittsburgh Public Schools Board Adopts ‘Culturally Relevant’ Sex Ed Policy Based on National Standards

The Pittsburgh Public Schools Board unanimously adopted changes to the district’s sex education policy that is aligned with national standards, shifting the focus away from abstaining from sex and including “culturally relevant” information related to gender identity.

Rather than emphasize “sexual abstinence as the expected norm,” the new policy “stresses that abstinence from sexual activity is the only completely reliable means of preventing sexually transmitted infections and HIV when transmitted sexually,” the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Thursday.

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Michigan Parents of Different Faiths Organize to Protect Children from Radical Left Ideology in Government Schools

More than 800 parents, including Christians, Muslims, and Jews, organized in Dearborn, Michigan, to fight back against the radical left’s sexualization of their children in government schools.

The parents’ goal is “simple,” reported Patty McMurray at, a conservative site run by moms McMurray and Leisa Audette.

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Commentary: So-Called ‘Ethnic Studies’ Promote Antisemitism, Bigotry in U.S. Schools

Parents are understandably concerned with the divisive curricula now taught in America’s schools. Ideas like critical race theory and extreme gender ideology often replace the subjects traditionally taught in core classes like science and social studies. Students no longer learn the importance of our nation’s history. They learn a warped worldview that divides us into the oppressors and the oppressed.

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Parent Group Reveals States’ Trans Policies Involve Keeping Students’ Gender Identities Secret from Parents and Inviting Students to Turn to LGBTQ Activists for Help

Parents Defending Education’s (PDE) new resource for parents seeks to inform them of their state education agencies’ policies about gender identity and reveals multiple states instruct teachers to keep their students’ gender identities a secret from parents.

As it continues to add information from more states, the national grassroots organization’s resource for parents currently provides links to the websites of 29 state education departments across the country along with their policies regarding transgender students and gender identity.

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FBI Whistleblower: ‘Nobody I Know Signed Up’ to Investigate Parents Who Vented at School Board Meetings

An FBI whistleblower who was recently suspended said in an interview this week that he became a whistleblower last November because of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s email ordering the FBI to use Patriot Act counterterrorism tools to target parents at school board meetings.

Special Agent Kyle Seraphin, who was indefinitely suspended on June 1 after nearly six years with the Bureau, said that he was so disturbed by the directive, he went to his congresswoman’s office in New Mexico, and made a “protected disclosure.”

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U.S. Military Educational Summit Pushed Gender Ideology Using a ‘Genderbread Person,’ Report Finds

The U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) hosted an “Equity and Access” summit in 2021 that featured presentations on gender ideology and anti-racism, according to a report by the Claremont Institute.

The “Equity and Access” summit trained military school educators on curriculum and practices which featured teaching gender identity using a “genderbread person,” according to the report by the Claremont Institute. The DODEA oversees more than 160 K-12 schools on military bases throughout the world and is responsible for educating roughly 69,000 students.

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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Tim Michels: Woke Politics, Gender Ideology Frustrating Wisconsin Parents

Tim Michels says Wisconsin’s State of Education speech was more of a political stump speech than a report card on the state’s schools.

Michels, who is running for governor against incumbent Gov. Tony Evers, told The Center Square Friday that State Superintendent Jill Underly’s focus on Pride flags and pronouns is frustrating parents across the state who want their kids to get back to the fundamentals.

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Legal Group Looks to Pressure Schools into Enforcing Trans Agenda

A pro-LGBT legal group based in St. Paul has released a “public education toolkit” to pressure schools into promoting transgender ideology.

In a September 12 news release, Gender Justice announced its “Cool 4 School” initiative to “inform students, their families, and their schools about legal protections for transgender, non-binary, two-spirit and other gender non-conforming students returning to Minnesota classrooms.”

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Memphis Science Museum to Host ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Show

A Tennessee science museum is hosting its first ever “family friendly” drag show as a part of its “Summer of Pride” program, according to the museum website.

The Museum of Science and History in Memphis, Tennessee, which is a “place to explore, discover and experience history, science, culture and nature” is promoting its “Memphis Proud Drag Show And Dance Party” on Sept. 23 to be “family friendly” and open to all ages, according to the museum website. The event will feature seven performers including “drag clown” Barbie Wyre, who is hosting the event, Angel Fartz and Siren Moss, who will “manifest the art of drag.”

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Connecticut High School English Teacher’s Woke Worksheet Draws Outrage

A Southington High School English teacher’s student worksheet that defined terms often associated with the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and radical gender theory drew anger from parents, students, board of education officials, and members of the community.

School board members said they were unaware of the three-page worksheet packet until they read about it on social media.

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A University of North Texas School Taught Four-Year-Olds Pronouns, Gender Identities in Class: Report

Texas mom Jennifer Cains told Campus Reform that she unenrolled her daughter from the University of North Texas (UNT) College of Education’s Center for Young Children (CYC) after learning that teachers were allegedly pushing gender theory and pronouns in a classroom full of four-year-olds.

The CYC is an “early childhood program within the College of Education” at UNT. The center describes itself as a “research-based, high-quality preschool program” used to give UNT’s college trainees experience and provide “care and education” for its young students.

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Project Veritas Exposes New York City K-4 Assistant Principal: Candidates Who Don’t Answer ‘Diversity’ Question Right ‘Automatic Not Hire’

An assistant principal of Neighborhood Charter Schools in Harlem with the New York City Department of Education revealed in a Project Veritas (PV) undercover video that he asks a “very specific” question of prospective hires in the area of “Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI),” and “if people don’t answer that question right, they are an automatic Not Hire.”

In this third episode of PV’s education series titled “The Secret Curriculum,” Todd Soper is heard telling the undercover journalist that his teachers are expected to be fully indoctrinated in DEI concepts which, as parents have discovered, are central to Critical Race Theory (CRT).

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Anti-Science Biden Administration to End Protections for Girls Title IX Ensured in 1972

The Biden administration is determined to undermine the science of biology in order to prop up an activist political agenda that will serve up a manufactured concept of limitless “genders” with a side order of government-approved child grooming opportunities.

The proposed Title IX rule, announced in June by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, is designed to overturn the Trump administration’s desire to continue enforcement of Title IX’s protections for girls and women in education. Former President Donald Trump also ensured due process rights protections for those students accused of sexual misconduct.

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New Hampshire Community in Turmoil as Political Activist LGBTQ Organization Scheduled to Conduct Teacher Training

The firestorm in New Hampshire School Administrative Unit (SAU) 21 is continuing over a scheduled teacher training September 13 by political activist LGBTQ organization Seacoast Outright, which also stands with Black Lives Matter.

“In SAU21, the upcoming teacher training on September 13th has caused political factions to argue against each other,” wrote education researcher and parental rights advocate Ann Marie Banfield at Granite Grok Friday.

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Connecticut Elementary Assistant Principal on Leave After Project Veritas Video Revealed He Ensures Rejecting Catholics and Conservatives as Hires

Assistant Principal Jeremy Boland of Cos Cob Elementary School is on leave in the wake of a Project Veritas (PV) undercover video that recorded his claims of how he ensures his school does not hire Catholics or conservatives in order to guarantee “subtle” leftwing indoctrination of children.

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Project Veritas: Connecticut Assistant Principal Shares How He Rejects Hiring ‘Catholics’ and ‘Conservatives’ to Allow ‘Subtle’ Child Indoctrination

Project Veritas released its latest exposé in which an assistant principal in a Cos Cob, Connecticut elementary school shares with an undercover reporter his strategies to ensure he never hires “Catholics” or “conservatives” to guarantee the children in his school are exposed to “subtle” leftwing indoctrination.

This first video of Project Veritas’ (PV) newly launched Education Series reveals how Jeremy Boland, assistant principal at Cos Cob Elementary School, part of Greenwich Public Schools, ensures he maintains a staff of primarily young, leftwing teachers who will introduce the children to “subtle” indoctrination of principles that align with the current Democrat Party.

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Debbie Lesko Demands Answers on Biden Administration Gender Ideology Training for Schools

Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ-08) recently sent a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, requesting information regarding gender ideology training for schools.

“The Biden Administration will stop at nothing to impose the gender ideology of the radical left in our nation’s schools,” Lesko said in a press release. “As the founder of the Protect Kids Caucus, I am requesting answers from the Department of Education [DOE] to ensure that schools are not forced to provide this training or promote gender ideology to young students without parental notice and consent.”

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World’s Youngest Trans Model Is Child of Two Trans Parents Who Plan His Gender Surgery at Age 16

The 10-year-old boy acclaimed as the world’s youngest trans model is the child of two transgender parents who say they plan to start him on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones before gender surgery at age 16.

“Noella” McMaher, who was “socially transitioned” at age 4, represented the Trans* Clothing Company brand during New York Fashion Week in February, but has now been signed on for continued modeling jobs until November, reported Metro UK.

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Report: The Gay-Straight Alliance Network Now Operates in More than 4,000 U.S. Schools

The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Network, which promotes radical gender theory in elementary, middle, and high schools, now operates over 4,000 “gender and sexuality alliances” under the guise of student “clubs,” reports Christopher Rufo at City Journal.

A senior fellow and director of the Initiative on Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the Manhattan Institute, Rufo explained the GSA Network is a “professionally staffed nonprofit with a multimillion-dollar annual budget. GSA Network serves as an umbrella organization for more than 4,000 “gender and sexuality alliances” across 40 states.”

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Vast Majority of Illinois School Districts Have Opted Out of Radical Sex Ed Standards

The grassroots website Awake-Illinois is reporting that only 23 of 860 school districts in the state have decided to adopt radical sex education standards, based on a national model, while 536 districts have thus far opted out.

Governor J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) signed SB 818 into law in August 2021, with his office claiming the standards are “voluntary” and will “emphasize health, safety, and inclusivity with age-appropriate resources.”

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Elite Nashville Girl’s School Will Allow Anyone Who Identifies as a Girl to Attend

An elite girl’s school that has become increasingly woke in past years now says that any student who identifies as a girl will be allowed to attend. 

“Harpeth Hall is a girls school. The school culture is unique and distinctly about girls, complete with the use of references to students as girls and young women and the collective use of female pronouns,” says a Gender Diversity Philosophy document obtained by The Tennessee Star. “Any student who identifies as a girl may apply to our school. Students who join and remain at Harpeth Hall do so because our mission as a school for girls resonates with them.”

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Study: Transgender Industry’s ‘Transition or Die’ Youth Suicide Narrative ‘Factually Inaccurate and Ethically Fraught’

A recent study finds the often “inaccurate” and “incomplete” informed consent process engaged in by transgender industry clinicians is propped up by the activist “alarmist” narrative whereby parents are told their failure to approve their child’s transgender medical treatments could likely result in his or her suicide.

In the study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, Dr. Stephen B. Levine, of the Department of Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University, and his colleagues note the “unprecedented rise in the numbers of children and adolescents seeking gender transition” in under a decade.

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Pennsylvania Department of Education Instructs Teachers to Host ‘Gender-Neutral Day’ with Southern Poverty Law Center Affiliate’s Resources

The Pennsylvania Department of Education is encouraging teachers to host a “Gender-Neutral Day” for children with resources from the disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Learning for Justice social justice education program.

The education department’s webpage titled “Gender/Gender Identity: Creating Gender-Inclusive Schools and Classrooms” contains a list of “Words You Should Know,” from “The Gender Spectrum,” which was published in 2013 by SPLC’s former Teaching Tolerance program.

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Britain’s National Health Service to Shut Down Gender Clinic Pushing Puberty Blockers

Britain’s Tavistock & Portman National Health Service (NHS) Clinic is shutting down following a review that found the clinic, which has led the way in prescribing puberty blockers for young children claiming to be transgender, is not a “safe or viable long-term option.”

The north London clinic “has been accused of rushing teenagers into life-altering treatment on hormone-blocking drugs,” The Times of London reported Friday, opening the way for potential lawsuits by patients with claims of mistreatment.

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Air Force Diversity Festival to Include Drag Show

Joint Base Langley-Eustis will host a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival” on Saturday, which will reportedly include a drag show.

Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, will headline the drag show, according to the Daily Wire. The event’s planners have advertised it as being family friendly, listing bouncy houses and face painting among the activities for children.

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Biden Plan to Restore Obamacare’s Protection of Transgender Rights in Federal Healthcare Programs Poised to Stoke Religious Freedom Lawsuits

The Biden administration will once again sow its seeds of division by proposing a rule to “protect” those claiming “gender identity” discrimination in federal healthcare programs, a move that is expected to generate religious freedom disputes.

The Biden Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Monday its proposed rule will implement Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to affirm that “protections against discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity” are “consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding in Bostock v. Clayton County,” and to reiterate “protections from discrimination for seeking reproductive health care services.”

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Anti-Christian Bully Dan Savage’s ‘It Gets Better Project’ Sends $10K to 50 School Districts to Push Gender Ideology

LGBTQ activist organization the It Gets Better Project has awarded $10,000 in grant funds to 50 school districts across the country to promote gender ideology.

The project was founded by LGBTQ activist Dan Savage as an organization that provides anti-bullying support for LGBTQ teens, but Savage has a history of bullying teens himself – particularly, those who identify as Christian.

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‘Non-Binary’ Teacher Boasts First-Grader ‘Came Out as Trans’ After Reading Book About Pronouns to Class

An alleged teacher claiming to be “non-binary” gushed in a video posted to the Twitter account of Libs of TikTok that two of her students, including one first-grader, “came out as trans” to her after she read a book to her class that pushes gender ideology and pronoun usage to very young children.

“[I]t was such beautiful proof that kids of any age are absolutely capable of accepting anything that they are taught with love,” the teacher touted.

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World Health Organization Trashes Science of Biology: ‘Sex Not Limited to Male or Female’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its 2011 manual titled Gender Mainstreaming for Health Managers: A Practical Approach, to include new guidance that now claims “sex is not limited to male or female.”

In a press release two weeks ago, the global health agency of the United Nations (UN) said it would now be recognizing “that gender inequality is a cross-cutting determinant of health that operates in conjunction with other forms of discrimination based on factors such as age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity or place of origin and sexual orientation.”

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Google Funding Vox Media Effort to Normalize Fringe Gender Theory

Google is funding a Vox Media initiative to promote gender ideology and activist language in newsrooms nationwide, according to an announcement from Vox Media.

The Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge, a project that funds online journalism, is funding Vox Media’s new language guide for writers, “Language, Please,” Vox Media said in an article announcing the publication of the guide. The guide, which is meant to be used by outlets across the country, encourages journalists to avoid gendered words like “boy” and “girl” and links to “inclusivity readers” they can hire to correct their language.

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Prestigious Nursing School Adds ‘Transgender Non-Binary Health Care’ Program

Columbia University’s School of Nursing certificate program in “Transgender Non-Binary Health Care for Advanced Practice Nurses and PAs” is launching for the fall 2022 semester.

Students will learn “pubertal suppression, hormone therapy, gender affirming surgical care, sexual health and fertility, as well as writing letters of support, and care planning for surgery,” according to the university website.

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Milwaukee School Counselor Under State Investigation for Opposition to Transgender Ideology

An elementary school counselor from Milwaukee is refusing to resign or change her mind about gender identity, even after the state opened an investigation that could cost her her job.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction sent Marissa Darlingh a letter on April 29, explaining that she was under investigation for what she said at a rally in Madison just six days before.

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Biden Admin Ties Federal Funds for School Lunches to Gender Identity

The Biden Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that all state and local agencies that receive federal funding for meals, a category that includes schools, must not discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

In a press release dated May 5, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced it would now interpret the ban on discrimination based on sex included in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and food-related legislation and programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp program, to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

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State Farm Announces End to Transgender Book Project Amid Backlash

State Farm has announced that, amid “news and customer inquiries,” it will discontinue its support for an LGBTQ+ activist group’s program that asked the insurance company to donate books, to schools, community centers, and libraries, that serve to indoctrinate young children into gender ideology under the guise of acceptance, diversity, and inclusion.

The company issued a news release Tuesday focused on an explosive leaked email obtained by Consumers’ Research that revealed State Farm urged its Florida insurance agents to donate radical books celebrating gender ideology that target children as young as age five.

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Leaked Email Reveals State Farm’s Move to Indoctrinate Florida Kindergartners in Woke Gender Ideology

An explosive leaked email obtained by Consumers’ Research reveals State Farm is urging its Florida insurance agents to donate radical books that indoctrinate children as young as age five in gender ideology.

The redacted email memo, dated January 18 and sent from Jose Soto, State Farm Corporate Responsibility Analyst, specifically requests local State Farm agents to receive books, titled A Kids Book About Being Transgender and A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary, from the GenderCool Project, and donate them to classrooms, community centers, and libraries to enable kindergarteners to have access to these books.

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Parents Raise Alarm over Gender Ideology and Race Essentialism Pushed in Classrooms Through ‘Social Emotional Learning’

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not the only three-word phrase that has parents concerned; Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the latest curriculum headache that education experts warn is permeating the American public school system.

SEL purports to teach students social skills that aid their mental health and emotional wellbeing, yet has been criticized as both a tenet of and a euphemism for CRT, which has become a hot button issue among parents, teachers and politicians concerned about the state of the country’s public schools. Educators are teaching gender ideology and race essentialism under the guise of SEL, education experts told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Poll: 64 Percent of Americans Say Being Transgender Not Healthy, 72 Percent Oppose Teaching Sexual Identity-Based Curriculum in Elementary School

A wide-ranging poll on the issues surrounding gender ideology and sexual identity has found nearly two-thirds of Americans believe transgenderism is not healthy, while 72 percent say schools should not teach elementary school-age children about sexual identity and sexual behavior.

Summit Ministries, which provides education and curriculum resources that promote a biblical worldview, and renowned polling firm McLaughlin and Associates released results of the national poll Tuesday, one that surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide between April 22-26.

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Veteran Child Psychologist Describes Surge in Patients Identifying as Transgender

A leading clinical child psychologist with over 15 years’ experience says she has seen a sharp increase in young patients now identifying as transgender.

According to a report at the Daily Mail’s Mail on Sunday, the mental health expert states she has seen the increase in the number of young patients claiming to be transgender since the COVID-19 lockdowns.

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Behind the Scenes of Christopher Rufo’s ‘Drop Disney’ Campaign

Disney is known as the “happiest place on Earth.” Manhattan Institute senior fellow Christopher Rufo could not disagree more.

Rufo, who has done extensive reporting on Critical Race Theory (CRT), launched the “Drop Disney” campaign against the company earlier this month over the company’s opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, as well as its CRT trainings and promotion of gender ideology in children’s programming. Rufo’s goal is to instruct conservatives to “stop giving money to people who hate you,” and involves boycotting the company’s services and products.

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Self-Described ‘Marxist Lesbian’ Elected Next President of American Library Association

The same American Library Association (ALA) that promotes Drag Queen Story Hours for young children, and has bestowed awards on books containing explicit descriptions of sexual behavior for children as young as 12 years, has now elected a self-described “Marxist lesbian” as its next president.

Idaho native Emily Drabinski, interim chief librarian at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, posted to Twitter following her victorious election bid she “just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of” ALA.”

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