Feds Warn Employers Can Be Punished for Failing to Use Preferred Transgender Pronouns, Restrooms

Gender Neutral Restroom

In landmark guidance, the federal commission created to fight racial and sexual discrimination declared Monday that employers that fail to use a worker’s preferred pronoun or refuse them the chance to use the restroom of their choice will be engaging in prohibited harassment.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published the new harassment guidelines Monday after voting along partisan lines on Friday to approve them, even in the face of opposition from nearly two dozen red states. Three Democratic appointees approved the rules while two Republicans opposed them.

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Job Creators Network to Sue Biden Admin over Emissions Regulations

The Job Creators Network Foundation Legal Action Fund plans to sue the Biden administration over proposed vehicle emissions standards that the White House unveiled this month.

The administration asserts that the regulations would prevent the emission of roughly 10 billion tons of CO2, lower consumer costs, and accelerate a transition to clean energy-reliant vehicles.

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Over 40 Percent of Small Business Owners Give Biden Failing Grade on Helping Main Street: Poll

Roughly 43% of small business owners gave President Joe Biden an “F” grade on his support for small business, according to the Job Creators Network’s monthly Small Business IQ poll, obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Small Business Intelligence Quotient — a measure of small business optimism where scores of 100 and 0 represent the best and worst possible conditions respectively — slid to 52.9 in November from 53.3 in September and October, returning to just above the yearly low of 52.7 set in June, according to the poll conducted by pollsters Scott Rasmussen and John McLaughlin. On a monthly basis, small business owner’s optimism about current conditions climbed 0.2 points to 55.9, but expectations about the future slipped 0.09 points to 50.6.

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Job Creators Network Partners with Newt Gingrich for ‘American Small Business Prosperity Plan’

A small business advocacy group has partnered with former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich to announce a plan on Wednesday to boost small businesses, fix the economy and provide opportunities for all Americans. The group announced the plan at Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill Club with a variety of speakers, including Gingrich who appeared live from a virtual location.

The Job Creators Network says the purpose of their American Small Business Prosperity Plan is to give members of Congress and their midterm challengers specific policies that would move America toward a positive, pro-growth economic agenda.

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Job Creators Network and Gingrich Call on Congress to Adopt Their ‘Small Business Prosperity Plan’

The Job Creators Network rolled out a “small business prosperity plan” endorsed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Wednesday.

Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz said small businesses need regulatory and tax policy certainty, and the prosperity plan gives lawmakers a roadmap to follow. He said that Congress and President Biden should make the Trump-era Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent.

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Commentary: Coverage of One Million COVID Deaths Must Include the Pandemic of Bad State Responses

This week, the United States officially hit the sad mark of one million COVID-19 deaths. The mainstream media coverage has detailed how this death toll has varied based on age, race, and vaccination status. However, it has conspicuously ignored how these COVID-19 deaths have occurred independently of differing state policies regarding economic and education restrictions.

Many Democrat-run states imposed severe restrictions in 2020 and 2021 that did nothing to stop the virus and much to harm small businesses and ordinary Americans. Job Creators Network called on policymakers to “flatten the fear” when it became clear the virus couldn’t be controlled by hiding at home or a big government response, yet we were ignored by blue-state officials. Any reckoning of the nation’s COVID response at one million deaths must incorporate these unforced errors that exacerbated the pandemic’s wrath.

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Job Creators Network Calls for Reversal of Biden Vaccine Mandate Following Judicial Ruling

The Job Creators Network (JCN) on Saturday called for a complete reversal of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, after members of the federal judiciary blocked the measure.

A three judge panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a temporary stay against the broad mandate, citing “cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate”

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Small Business Group to Sue Biden over Vaccine Mandate

The Job Creators Network announced plans to sue the Biden administration over its mandate requiring private sector workers to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

The advocacy group said it would soon file a lawsuit alongside several of its small business members, according to a Thursday announcement. The Job Creators Network (JCN) argued the mandate would make hiring more difficult, harming small businesses that are already struggling to find workers amid a slowing economic recovery.

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Job Creators Network Bring Small Business Back Tour Coming to Waukesha, Wisconsin

The Job Creators Network’s (JCN) Bring Small Business Back (BSBB) tour is coming to Waukesha, Wisconsin on Tuesday. Wisconsin Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (R-05-WI) will be attending and will be given JCN’s “Defender of Small Business” award. The tour will be in Waukesha at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 14, at Weldall Manufacturing. Participants can register to attend on EventBrite. According to a press release, the speakers at the Waukesha stop will include Rep. Fitzgerald and JCN Chief Communications Officer Elaine Parker.

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U.S. Economy Added Just 235,000 Jobs in August, Way Short of Economists’ Projections

Woman organizing table contents in restaurant

The U.S. economy added 235,000 jobs in August and the unemployment rate fell to 5.2%, according to Department of Labor data released Friday.

The number of unemployed people decreased to 8.4 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report. Economists projected 720,000 Americans — roughly three times the actual number — would be added to payrolls prior to Friday’s report, The Wall Street Journal reported.

“Despite the delta variant, there is still an opening up of the service sector of the U.S. economy,” Nationwide Mutual Insurance Chief Economist David Berson told the WSJ. “While that started some months ago, it’s not nearly complete.”

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Job Creators Network President Alfredo Ortiz Slams Biden for Taking Credit for Economic Recovery

After the monthly jobs report was released on Friday, President Joe Biden attempted to take a victory lap, claiming to be the cause of the increase in available positions.

However, many individuals such as the Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz criticized Biden for claiming credit for the economic recovery and highlighted that the unemployment rate increased despite the added jobs.

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Judge Rejects Bid to Move MLB All Star Game Back to Georgia

A federal judge Friday ruled against a nonprofit that sued Major League Baseball for moving its All Star game from Atlanta to Denver. 

“U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Carponi ruled against a not-for-profit organization representing small businesses, saying a lawsuit had failed to provide proof that its members have suffered any injuries by the decision to move the game,” Associated Press reported. 

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MLB Sued for Moving All Star Game from Atlanta

A Texas nonprofit is suing Major League Baseball (MLB) after the league moved its 2021 All Star game from Atlanta to Denver, Colorado in protest over a recently-implemented voter ID law.

“A 21-page lawsuit by conservative small-business advocacy organization Job Creators Network, filed Monday in federal court in New York, demands the immediate return of the game to Atlanta and $100 million in damages to local and state small businesses,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. “The suit also seeks $1 billion in punitive damages.”

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