As Joe Biden Promised Tax Fairness, His Son Rushed to Erase His Delinquent Taxes, IRS Memos Show

As Joe Biden marched toward the presidency in 2020 with a promise to force the wealthy to pay their “fair share” of taxes, his son Hunter was scrambling behind closed doors to clean up a trail of his own delinquent taxes before they became an election scandal, according to once-secret IRS memos made public recently by Congress.

IRS agents would soon discover that the future first son was continuing to allegedly misrepresent his income and deductions to the very accountant he had hired to help, the memos show.

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Another Poll Shows Biden Trailing Trump in Battleground States

President Joe Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in four key swing states for a potential 2024 head-to-head rematch, according to a Thursday poll.

Biden would lose to Trump in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona by anywhere from 2 to 8 points among likely voters, and is tied in Wisconsin and narrowly leading in Michigan, according to an Emerson College survey. The poll comes after a series of other surveys suggest similar margins where the former president is beating Biden in crucial battleground states, most of which Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020.

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Biden Admin’s Regulatory Overhaul Will Burden Americans in the Name of Fighting Climate Change

President Joe Biden’s administration finalized guidance Thursday likely to burden Americans with costlier regulations to fulfill administration priorities such as combating climate change.

Biden’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is enacting new guidance that would require regulators to consider priorities like inequality and climate change when analyzing the costs and benefits of regulation. The White House argued the guidance is necessary so that regulations are issued with up-to-date analysis and information.

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Commentary: Trump’s Popularity Is Not Inexplicable

In a routine that has become familiar of late, CNN’s Jim Acosta reports the ongoing ascendancy of Donald Trump in the polls with a mixture of dismay and disbelief. With these emotions front and center on his November 5 cable show, Acosta grimly reported the latest polling on the 2024 presidential candidates, noting that Trump is now ahead of Biden in five out of six crucial swing states. In Nevada, where Trump lost by 2 percentage points in 2020, Trump is now up by 11 points over Biden.

As Acosta proceeded to interview experts in an attempt to make sense out of this, the prevailing message was Biden is too old, and that has voters worried. David Frum, a reliable uniparty stalwart, reassured Acosta that “Trump is only three years younger than Biden,” and that Trump is so weak and elderly that he “can’t even open a jar of pickles.” The men then proceeded to applaud Biden as physically hale and hearty, dismissing concerns about his age as unwarranted.

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Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ Pre-Caucus Endorsement of DeSantis Could Prove Costly to Kickoff Caucus State

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ endorsement this week of Ron DeSantis for president a little more than two months before the Iowa caucuses could give the Florida governor a bit of a lift, but it very well could hurt the state GOP’s future prospects.

Former President Donald Trump, who leads DeSantis by nearly 30 percentage points in the latest Iowa poll, has clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with Reynolds’ rallying around DeSantis — especially after he accused Iowa’s popular governor of playing political footsie with DeSantis earlier this year.

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‘Too Favored to Fail:’ Taxpayers Bailout Biden’s Green Friends

While America struggles to buy groceries, President Joe Biden has a green slush fund worth billions of dollars, and he’s not afraid to use it.

Recent revelations uncovered that the CEO and lobbyists of Rivian, an electric vehicle manufacturer, held a quiet meeting at the White House with Biden’s Climate Czar, John Podesta. That’s right, the same John Podesta who served as chairman of Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated 2016 presidential campaign before being pulled from the ranks of profitable green consulting to oversee distribution of $369 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).  Biden selected a political operative with green company ties to dole out the goodies from one of the largest slush funds in history. Now green CEOs who are hemorrhaging cash are beating a path to his White House office, presumedly with hat in hand.

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RFK Jr. Pulls Massive Support in Battleground States: Poll

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. secured a large portion of the vote in six key swing states against former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for 2024, according to a Sunday poll.

Kennedy, who recently left the Democratic Party, won over 20% support in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as well as 24% across all six states compared to Trump’s 35% and Biden’s 33%, accordingto a New York Times/Sienna College poll released Nov. 5. Though Kennedy didn’t secure enough support to win any of the battlegrounds, his candidacy led to the president narrowly winning only one state, the former president winning three and Biden and Trump tying in two.

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Analysis: New Polling Finds Trump’s Lead Jumps to 5 Points in a Four-Way Race as Calls for Biden to Step Aside Rise

Former President Donald Trump continues to press his advantage against incumbent President Joe Biden in the latest HarrisX-Messenger poll, 51 percent to 49 percent, a lead that jumps to five points when Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Cornell West are included in the mix, with Trump garnering 41 percent, Biden 36 percent, Kennedy 11 percent and West 2 percent.

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RFK Jr. at 22 Percent in Three-Way Race with Biden, Trump: Poll

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has emerged as a formidable, and potentially race-defining, contender in the 2024 presidential contest.

In a hypothetical three-way contest between himself, former President Donald Trump, and President Joe Biden, Kennedy earned 22% support in the latest Quinnipiac survey. Biden and Trump earned 39% and 36%, respectively. Kennedy led with independent voters with 36%, while Trump placed second with 31%, and 30% backed Biden.

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Former Biden New Hampshire Co-Chair Backs Phillips in Primary

Former New Hampshire Speaker of the House Steve Shurtleff (D-Penacook), who co-chaired Joe Biden’s 2020 Granite State campaign, announced Tuesday he’s endorsing Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) in the First in the Nation primary.

“Because of the New Hampshire primary, that is my prime reason for supporting the congressman,” Shurtleff told WGIR radio host Chris Ryan. “For 100 years now, we’ve done the New Hampshire primary right.”

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Commentary: Women in Swing States Could Cause Problems for Biden in 2024

President Biden continues to trail across the country singing the virtues of “Bidenomics”, but voters aren’t buying it – especially female voters in highly contested battleground states that will play an outsized role in 2024.

Biden won women by a wide fifteen-percentage-point margin in 2020, but new polling shows he is suffering double-digit losses with women across key battleground states, and the economy, rising crime, inaction on the border, and foreign policy all play a role.

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House Oversight: Joe Biden Received $40,000 ‘Loan Repayment’ After Hunter Shook Down CCP-Linked Business Partner

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Committee released more evidence Wednesday showing that Joe Biden personally profited from the family’s influence-peddling operation.

Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) released a video and a bank records memorandum revealing how “the Big Guy” received a cut of a Chinese Communist Party-linked payment to Hunter Biden after it was laundered through several of the family’s business entities.

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The Leading Presidential Candidates Face Ballot Issues: Trump in Two State Lawsuits, Biden in New Hampshire

The two leading presidential candidates are facing ballot issues for the primaries next year, with former President Donald Trump going to court to be placed on the GOP ballot in two states and President Joe Biden opting out of being on the ballot of the first Democratic primary in New Hampshire. 

Trump is facing hearings in two lawsuits this week that each argue that the 14th Amendment’s “insurrection” clause in Section 3 bars him from running for the Oval Office again. Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign announced that the president will not be on the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire next year. 

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Commentary: Republicans Rein in Biden’s Local Zoning Scheme

In the 2024 transportation and housing appropriations bill, House Republicans are once again poised defund a bid by the federal government to take over state and local zoning laws via a Department of Housing and Urban Development regulation to condition $3.3 billion of community development block grants on changes to those zoning laws.

Appearing in section 233, the new bill, to be voted on this week by the U.S. House, updates the language to reflect the most recent regulation in whack-a-mole fashion: “None of the funds made available by this 24 Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce the proposed rule entitled ‘Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing’ published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Federal Register on February 9, 2023 (88 Fed. Reg. 8516), or to direct a grantee to undertake specific changes to existing zoning laws as a part of carrying out the interim final rule entitled ‘Restoring Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Definitions and Certifications’ published by such Department in the Federal Register on June 10, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 30779).”

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Step Aside Hillary, Joe Biden May Become King of Email Scandals as New Stash of Emails Alarms Investigators

The National Archives’ stunning admission that it has located 82,000 pages of potentially government-related emails from Joe Biden’s pseudonymous private accounts not only threatens to supplant Hillary Clinton in the annals of email scandals, it could also provide a boon to the ongoing federal and congressional investigations into the Biden family.

The public is also sure to scrutinize the matter in upcoming elections.

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More Americans Are Going Hungry as Biden Boasts About the Economy

The number of Americans who were food insecure increased from 2021 to 2022, despite President Joe Biden boasting about the success of the economy following the recent release of new economic data.

In 2022, 12.8% of American households, or 17 million households, had difficulty at some point during the year providing enough food for all members of their family, compared to 10.2% in 2021, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The data, which was released in October 2023, comes as Biden testifies to the strength of the American economy following substantial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 4.9% in the third quarter of 2023.

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Newly Declared Democratic Presidential Candidate Goes to New Hampshire

U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) says President Joe Biden is too old to be the party’s nominee, he is putting the White House at risk, and Democrats are “sleepwalking” into another 2016. Polls show many Granite State Democrats agree.

But can Phillips, a virtual unknown in New Hampshire politics, turn that common viewpoint into votes in the First in the Nation primary? Or will he get nothing more than the Granite State version of “Minnesota Nice,” with Democrats politely dismissing his candidacy?

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Prosecutor Says Biden Bribery Claim Was Credible Enough for Further Investigation, but FBI Resisted

In bombshell testimony, the federal prosecutor who initially probed the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine told Congress his team had corroborated enough of an FBI informant’s claim of an alleged bribery scheme involving Joe Biden to merit further investigation but he encountered unprecedented foot-dragging and “reluctance” inside both the FBI and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office that took over the case, Just the News has learned.

Former Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady revealed to the House Judiciary Committee that his team found enough credible evidence in its initial review of Hunter Biden’s dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and possible corruption by Joe Biden to refer criminal matters to three separate U.S. Attorney’s offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Delaware for further investigation.

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Minnesota Democrat Calls on Phillips to Resign for Challenging Biden

A Minnesota state senator is calling on fellow Democrat Dean Phillips to resign his congressional seat over reports that he will challenge President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary.

“[Rep. Dean Phillips] it’s time for you to resign your seat. I could not be more disappointed in you. You will never have my support again for any elected office, including your Congressional seat. Make America Affordable Again? Pretty rich coming from a multi-millionaire,” said Minnesota Sen. Bonnie Westlin, DFL-Plymouth, who represents portions of Phillips’ Third Congressional District in the state Senate and has campaigned with the congressman in the past.

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Commentary: Kamala Harris Continues to Fail at the Border

By now it is notorious that President Joe Biden’s choice as vice president and possible successor, Kamala Harris, has dismally failed in her first assignment: to do something about the flow across the American border of Central Americans. She is the latest in a series of Throttlebottoms of both parties who have been nominated for the vice-presidency: Who can forget William Miller, Thomas Eagleton, John Sparkman, Estes Kefauver, Spiro Agnew, Geraldine Ferraro, and Sarah Palin? Yet even to a person of her limited education and intelligence, there are a number of measures that should have suggested themselves.

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Commentary: Bidenomics Takes Its Toll on Biden 2024

Drops in inflation-adjusted compensation and wages preceded the losses of Harry Truman in 1952, who opted not to run, Gerald Ford in 1976, Jimmy Carter in 1980, George H.W. Bush in 1992 and Donald Trump in 2020, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis data.

They also preceded the historic wipeouts of Republicans in 2008 by Barack Obama and Senate Democrats in the 1958 midterms, and the Republican House wins of the 2010 and 2022 midterms.

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Virginia Voters Split: General Assembly Battle Poll Shows Democrats, Republicans in Virtual Tie

Control of the commonwealth’s General Assembly is up for grabs, with 42 percent of voters choosing Democrats, 41 percent choosing Republicans, according to a poll conducted by the Wason Center for Civic Leadership September 28 through October 11 of 800 likely voters.

The poll carries a 4-percentage point margin of error, putting the battle for the state house at a virtual tie.

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Tennessee Congressional Delegation Members Push Back on President Biden’s Lump Funding Request for Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security

A group of Tennessee congressional lawmakers have criticized President Joe Biden’s budget request for Congress to fund an aid package for both Ukraine and Israel.

On Friday, the White House announced the details of Biden’s $105 billion funding request, with the majority of the funding – $61.4 billion – intended for Ukraine. Further, under Biden’s request, Israel would receive $14.3 billion. The rest of the requested funds would go towards humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and other places and fund various initiatives geared toward the Indo-Pacific.

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Trump Gaining Ground with Young Voters: Poll

Former President Donald Trump is gaining ground with young voters ahead of 2024, and is faring better than President Joe Biden among the electorate, according to a Friday poll.

Trump is leading Biden among voters aged 18 to 29 by 2 points, as well as with 30- to 39-year-olds by 11 points, according to an Emerson College survey. Trump is also leading Biden in a head-to-head matchup 47% to 45% nationally, with 8% remaining undecided.

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Minnesota Rep. Signals to Colleagues He’s Planning to Challenge Biden for Presidential Nomination: Report

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips has signaled that he is planning on running against President Joe Biden in 2024, Politico reported Thursday.

Phillips has been considering a White House bid for months, and relayed his aspirations to run to House colleagues, two sources familiar told Politico. The congressman has signaled that he’s inching toward a presidential campaign, as the outlet reports that he reached out to the New Hampshire Democratic Party last week and approached potential staffers to bolster his expected efforts in the key early state.

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Commentary: Biden’s Failures on Economy, Immigration, and Foreign Policy Are Driving Youngest Voters Away

President Biden’s failures with young voters goes far beyond the crippling double-digit declines in support he is suffering across battleground states compared to 2020. Democrats are utterly failing to secure loyalty from Gen Z leading into the 2024 election and are facing lower approval ratings from Zoomers than they are from slightly older Millennials.   

Gen Z voters – ages 18 to 24 – are emerging into a chaotic economy fraught with crippling inflation, waves of illegal immigration, rising crime, and an unstable world stage, and many are blaming Democrats to a degree that Obama-generation Millennial voters didn’t.

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Commentary: Democrats Begin Scapegoating Biden

Listen closely and you will hear Biden being scapegoated for Democrats’ policy failures. In 2020, Democrats had only one candidate who could beat Trump, and Biden had only one candidate whom he could beat. It was a match made in heaven. Now, three years in, that heavenly match is looking devilishly difficult, and doubting Democrats have only themselves to blame.

Hardly a day goes by without a story about Democrat angst over the president’s poor poll numbers. After winning in November 2020 with 51.3 percent of the popular vote, Biden rose further in the approval polls, reaching 55.7 percent on April 4, 2021, according to the RealClearPolitics national polling average. From there it has been an unmistakable plunge. On Oct. 18, RCP’s average of national polling had Biden at just a 40.8 percent approval rating (versus 55.1 disapproval).

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Commentary: Trump Ahead in Battleground States

New polling from Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows Former President Trump ahead of President Biden in four out of six battleground states, including two he lost by razor-thin margins in the 2020 election. The data also shows Biden losing double-digits compared to 2020 exit polls with one group mainstream pundits seem to believe Democrats will always win – young people. Voters between 18 and 24 are moving away from Biden by double-digits compared to 2020 and in one state Trump is on track to win Gen Z by 29-percenatge points after losing them by 12 points in 2020.

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Blumenthal and Other Democrat Lawmakers Urge Biden to Reduce Energy Costs

A group of Democratic senators are calling on President Joe Biden to provide more funding for fuel assistance with winter approaching. 

In a letter to Biden administration officials, Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, led by nearly 30 other Democrats, urged the White House Office of Management and Budget and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to “take additional steps” to reduce energy costs for Americans through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. 

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Biden Admin Unveils New Chip Controls Focused on China

President Joe Biden’s administration finalized semiconductor sanctions on Tuesday to prevent China from accessing the advanced technology.

The new export controls close loopholes in current limitations and decrease the export of equipment necessary to make advanced semiconductor chips, according to the rules announced by the Department of Commerce. The restrictions will expand upon the administration’s ambition to block China’s military from using artificial intelligence (AI) in harmful ways, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said, according to Axios.

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Commentary: If the Elections Were Held Today, Trump Would Defeat Biden – and Democrats Can’t Stand It

Few outside some bitter Republican circles are still arguing that Donald Trump can’t win the 2024 election. What was conventional wisdom a few months ago has fallen to pieces. Trump has already won the primary, not that Republicans have any reason to regret it: he is outperforming Joe Biden in the polls, despite being indicted four times, a remarkable feat that only Trump could pull off. Notably, Trump ran far behind Biden in 2020, when Trump barely “lost,” something that enraged many liberals at the time.

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New Poll Shows Trump Leads Biden in 5 of 6 Battleground States with RFK Jr. on the Ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s declaration of independence from the Democratic Party is bad news for President Joe Biden’s prospects for a second term, according to a new poll by United Kingdom-based pollster Redfield & Wilton Strategies.

The poll of swing state voters, in partnership with The Telegraph, finds former President Donald Trump leading Biden in five of the six swing states.

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House Committee Launches Oversight of Biden’s ‘Climate Corps’ Jobs Program

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee is seeking answers and information from AmeriCorps about President Joe Biden’s “American Climate Corps” (ACC) program, according to a letter sent by the Committee obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Friday letter to AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith, signed by Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky and Republican Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, requests that Smith hand over internal cost projections for the program, any communications between AmeriCorps and federal agencies related to the program, as well as any communications that AmeriCorps had with the White House and a host of environmental groups about the program, according to the letter’s text. Biden unveiled the ACC in September using executive action to help about 20,000 people find work in climate-related fields, including facilitating pathways to working in federal civil service.

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Commentary: Hard Evidence Warranting the Impeachment of Joe Biden

In a staggering act of journalistic deceit, the New York Times is reporting that Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden without any “evidence of financial wrongdoing or corruption by the president.” Similar statements have been made by a massive array of media outlets and Democrat politicians.

In reality, overwhelming proof of Joe Biden’s corruption and wrongdoing has been found, including hard evidence like written records and corroborated testimonies from first-hand witnesses. Collectively, at least 12 sets of documented facts leave no reasonable doubt that Biden participated in his son’s illicit businesses deals, bribed foreign officials, and obstructed justice.

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