U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn Joins Push for Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearing on Assassination Attempt of Former President Donald Trump

Sen. Marsha Blackburn

Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) was among the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans who sent a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-IL) requesting that he organize a committee hearing on the circumstances leading up to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump over the weekend.

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GOP Representative Considers Challenging Lindsey Graham in 2026 Senate Primary: Report

South Carolina GOP Rep. and House Freedom Caucus member Ralph Norman is weighing a 2026 Senate bid to challenge Sen. Lindsey Graham in the Republican primary, according to Politico.

Graham has served in the upper chamber since 2003 and has repeatedly beat out primary challengers, but was booed on July 1 by his own constituents at a rally for former President Donald Trump. Conservatives now see an opportunity for another Republican to emerge in 2026 and have been discussing a potential bid with Norman, a source familiar with the matter told Politico.

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Arizona Mom Says She Wore Cat Costume to School Board Meeting to Protest Woke Agenda Forced on ‘Vulnerable’ Children

A Phoenix mother whose attendance at her local school board meeting in a cat costume went viral says she used that opportunity to protest the confusing message a transgender board member was sending to elementary school children.

“This was a local school in my neighborhood where there was a member of the school board whose name is Paul Bixler,” said Lindsey Graham during an appearance Tuesday on Fox News’ Jesse Watters Primetime. 

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Michigan Sen. Gary Peters Opposes 15-Week Abortion Ban Bill

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) federal abortion ban proposal after 15 weeks has the backing of the majority of Americans, according to a recent poll.  

Graham’s abortion ban proposal would “bring U.S. abortion policy in line with other nations,” according to a press release from his website. The bill would restrict abortions after the 15-week gestation period, except in the cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother. According to the release, it “puts the United States in line with other modern societies – 47 out of 50 European nations limit elective abortion prior to 15 weeks gestation.”

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Biden Slams Graham over Abortion Ban: ‘My Church Doesn’t Even Make That Argument’

President Biden is reportedly criticized GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham over his proposed bill to ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, saying, “My church doesn’t even make that argument now.”

“Think about what these guys are talking about: no exceptions – rape, incest – no exceptions, regardless of age,” Biden, who is Catholic, said about the bill Tuesday at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York City, according to The Hill. 

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Sen. Lindsey Graham Introduces Federal Pain-Capable 15-Week Abortion Ban

South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a bill Tuesday that would ban, at the federal level, most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a point when many experts say unborn babies can experience pain during abortion.

“I think we should have a law at the federal level that would say after 15 weeks, no abortion on demand — except in cases of rape, incest, to save the life of the mother,” Graham said at a press conference in which he introduced the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act with pro-life leaders.

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Connecticut Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Leora Levy: Sen. Richard Blumenthal ‘Laughs Off’ Concern over Biden’s Creation of 87,000 New IRS Agents to Target Americans

Connecticut GOP U.S. Senate candidate Leora Levy observed Senator Richard Blumenthal’s (D-CT) mockery of Americans expressing concern over Joe Biden’s creation of 87,000 new IRS Agents in his legislation that will increase taxes on middle-income Americans and will do nothing to reduce inflation.

“I think the IRS is going to target the highest income Americans,” Blumenthal minimized concern over the Inflation Reduction Act on CNN’s State of the Union recently. “As the saying goes, that’s where the money is. That’s where they’re going to look to collect. The idea that there’s going to be this army of IRS agents defending descending on the average American is just preposterous.”

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Manchin, Sinema Defy Biden on Removing Filibuster for Abortion Law as Republicans Rally Opposition

U.S. Sens. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz. and Joe Manchin, D-W.V., both told news outlets Thursday they would not go along with President Joe Biden’s request that Congress remove the Senate filibuster to “codify Roe v. Wade.”

At a news conference in Spain Thursday during Biden’s last day of an overseas trip, Biden called on Congress to codify abortion protections in response to the Supreme Court’s recent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, but before his plane landed in the U.S. later that day, the two Democratic senators had already stopped his plan dead in its tracks.

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Commentary: America Needs a Red Flag Law For Senile Senators

America’s geriatric senators increasingly represent a threat to themselves and to others. Take Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) for example. She has filed paperwork to run again in 2024, despite the fact she turns 90 next year and associates say she can’t hold a coherent conversation or remember the names of close colleagues.

This is a woman who has the power to vote to send Americans to war. Just this past spring, she helped pass legislation that sent billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, a country currently at war with a nuclear power. America’s senators have enormous power to harm the country. They have access not just to firearms but to the world’s most powerful military force and even nuclear weapons.

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TN-5 GOP Primary Candidate Tres Wittum Blasts Lindsey Graham’s Response to Removal of Ortagus and Starbuck from Ballot

In a statement, state Senate aide and TN-5 GOP primary candidate Tres Wittum blasted U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham’s response to the removal of carpetbaggers Morgan Ortagus and Robby Starbuck from the ballot.

The statement said, “On Thursday morning Tres Wittum took to Twitter to address the ongoing controversy with the Tennessee GOP Executive Committee’s decision over GOP ‘bonafide’ credentials to run as a Republican candidate on the 2022 ballot. On Wednesday, South Carolina U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham had tweeted what Wittum calls ‘overreaching and offensive speech’ towards the Volunteer state.

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Commentary: Paul Ryan Was an Ineffective Leader of the Republican Party

Paul Ryan

We aren’t actually governed by Paul Ryan, whose brief time as House Speaker ended in what can only be described as a surrender. Ryan bolted from the Speaker’s chair the minute the 2018 elections were over. He was happy to leave Congress to take a “cashing-in” job on the Fox Corporation board while his party took an electoral bath in those midterms he could blame on Donald Trump.

But as readers of The American Spectator know, in this space we’ve been exploring the premise that Americans are governed by people who suck. And Ryan put himself in that category even from outside the elective-office sphere this week when he offered up a tired and tiresome narrative about the future of the Republican Party.

What is it with these washed-up politicians, who are clearly the party’s past, demanding the GOP follow their instructions as to its future? Do we have to exhume the remains of Nelson Rockefeller and Thomas Dewey or conduct seances with them for guidance in how to defeat the 21st-century Left?

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Senate Panel Releases 11 Interview Transcripts from Investigation of Crossfire Hurricane

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday released transcripts of 11 interviews conducted as part of an investigation into the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe.

The interviews were conducted with current and former FBI and Justice Department officials between Mar. 3 and Oct. 29, 2020, according to a press release from Sen. Lindsey Graham, who chairs the committee.

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Senator Marsha Blackburn’s New Bill Tackles Big Tech Censorship and ‘Fact-Checkers’

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is co-sponsoring a reform bill tackling Big Tech’s censorship and “fact-checking” policies. The bill, “Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act,” is a reform of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act (CDA).
Section 230 hasn’t been updated in nearly 25 years. The goal of the reform is to “clarify the original intent of the law and examine Big Tech’s content moderation practices.”

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GOP Senators Press FBI Director Christopher Wray to Produce Trump-Russia Documents

Republican Senators are pressing FBI Director Christopher Wray to provide documents related to the Trump-Russia probe.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Monday sent a request to Wray for documents related to a briefing that the FBI provided to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) in February 2018 regarding the primary source for former British spy Christopher Steele.

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Blackburn Bill Aiming to Hold China Accountable for Coronavirus Passes Through the Senate Judiciary Committee

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said in a statement that a bill she is sponsoring that would allow Americans to sue China over its role in COVID-19 has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The bill, called the Civil Justice for Victims of COVID Act, would allow suits to be brought in federal court over China’s role in spreading the Chinese coronavirus.

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Tennessee Star National Correspondent Neil McCabe Speculates About Rod Rosenstein’s Hearing and Questions Antifa’s Network

Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed Tennessee Star National Correspondent Neil McCabe to the newsmakers line.

During the third hour, McCabe weighed in on the Rod Rosenstein Senate hearings and questioned Antifa’s roll in the George Floyd riots.

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Commentary: Dear AG Barr and Sen. Graham, the Time to Expose Spygate, Russiagate and the Impeachment Coup Is Closing

Don’t look now, but in just one short year, the American people will be headed back to the polls to decide whether to reelect President Donald Trump, and at times it seems the country is no closer to piercing the veil of what really happened in 2016, when the Obama administration, intelligence agencies and the Justice Department unconstitutionally, illegally spied on the opposition party — the Trump campaign and the GOP — in an election year on bogus charges they were Russian agents.

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Commentary: Lindsey Graham Gets the Kurds and Syria Backwards

“We can’t abandon the Kurds now,” said Senator Lindsey Graham during a recent appearance on Fox & Friends. “When Turkey goes into Syria, they’re not going in to fight ISIS. They’re going in to kill the Kurds because in their eyes they’re more of a threat to Turkey than ISIS,” the South Carolina Republican said on “Fox & Friends. According to reporting by William Cummings for USA TODAY Graham added that “every military person” has told Trump not to pull the troops out.

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Portman Resists Lindsey Graham’s Call for New Special Counsel to Investigate FBI

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and other Republicans are calling for an investigation, and possibly the appointment of a new special counsel, into the FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign. Graham told reporters on Monday that he wants to investigate the surveillance warrants obtained by the FBI against Carter Page, an adviser to the Trump campaign, which were ultimately used to wiretap Page. The warrants, however, were granted partially based on material contained in the infamous and uncorroborated “dossier” produced by Christopher Steele. Graham and his colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee want to get to the bottom of the matter, and determine if the warrants were used as “a back-door to spy on the campaign.” “Whether or not it’s illegal, I don’t yet know,” Graham said. “What makes no sense to me is that all of the abuse by the Department of Justice and the FBI—the unprofessional conduct, the shady behavior—nobody seems to think that’s much important. Well that’s going to change, I hope.” Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), however, told The Columbus Dispatch that he opposes calls to have Attorney General William Barr appoint a new special counsel to investigate what Graham called “the other side of the story.” Portman…

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Graham Promises ‘Judges, More Judges, Then Some More Judges’ in Colorful CPAC Address

by Jason Hopkins   Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the newly-minted chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) attendees that his panel will move on judicial confirmations at an ambitious clip. “Judges, more judges, then some more judges,” Graham joked in a Thursday afternoon speech. “We’re going to process as many conservative judges as we can.” The senator opened his remarks with a paean to Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s bitter confirmation. “Why is Kavanaugh on the Court? Because Trump is tough,” Graham said. Earlier in the day, Graham and other Judiciary Committee Republicans voted to forward Neomi Rao’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to the full Senate. If confirmed, Rao would succeed Kavanaugh on a court often referred to as the second most powerful bench in the country. The Senate’s most recent judgeship vote came Wednesday with the confirmation of Eric Miller to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Miller is the president’s third appointment to that court, which has repeatedly stymied administration policy priorities. Four other nominations to the 9th Circuit are pending. Miller spent a decade as an attorney in the Department of Justice before…

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Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Scheduled for Prosecution in March for Disrupting Marsha Blackburn Rally

Members of the Davidson County District Attorney General’s office are scheduled to prosecute left-wing activist Justin Jones in March on charges of criminal trespass and resisting arrest, according to a spokesman for that office. Jones, a Vanderbilt Divinity School student, seems to claim he is a victim of political persecution. In a story that made national headlines, Jones caused a scene at a campaign rally for then-U.S. Senate Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn in late October. Blackburn won the election the following month and has since taken the oath of office. Authorities charged Jones with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest for disrupting the Blackburn event at the Ray Stevens’ CabaRay Showroom in Nashville. Blackburn appeared at the event alongside U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Stephen Hayslip, spokesman for Davidson County District Attorney General Glenn Funk, confirmed in an email to The Tennessee Star Friday that Funk’s office will prosecute Jones. Jones himself went into greater detail on his Facebook page Friday. “We have been set for a hearing on Tuesday, March 18th at 9 AM in courtroom 5D. It is deeply troubling that a democratically elected official is choosing to carry the extremist mantle of suppressing people from…

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Commentary: Senator Lindsey Graham Makes A Great Point

by CHQ Staff   Ever since the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings Senator Lindsey Graham has been on a roll, and his appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday was a great example. Graham warned that the ongoing partial federal government shutdown over border wall funding cannot end as long as the “radical left” insists on reflexively calling Republicans racist for supporting immigration officials. Democrats who want to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and deride Border Patrol agents for using tear gas hold too much power in the ongoing shutdown negotiations, Graham said. “We’re having to negotiate with people who want to abolish ICE, not support ICE,” Graham said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday. “We’re having to negotiate with people who see border patrol agents gassing children, rather than defending our borders as professional law enforcement officers.” He continued: “And we’re negotiating with people who will accuse all of us who support a wall as part of border security as racists. As long as the radical left is in charge, we’re not going to get anywhere. … The goal is to fix a broken immigration system, to bring reality to this table.” Sen. Graham is right but fixing our broken…

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Bipartisan Support for New Federal Gun Controls Is a Red Flag

by Jose Nino   Is more gun control legislation coming to Congress? The 2018 midterm elections produced a split Congress with Democrats gaining control of the House and Republicans gaining seats in the Senate. The change in House leadership will signal changes in gun control legislation in the near future. The Guardian has detailed House Democrats’ desire to pass gun control legislation in the upcoming Congress: “Ted Deutch, a Democratic congressman from Florida who represents Parkland, where a February school shooting left 17 dead, said this week that he expected House Democrats to focus on bills with more bipartisan support. Those measures included bump stock bans and “extreme risk protection orders”, also known as red flag laws, which give law enforcement and family members a way to petition a court to temporarily bar an unstable person from buying or owning guns.” Red flag laws might just be the “come together” moment establishment politicians have been looking for. What Are Red Flag Laws? Red flag laws or Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) are the euphemistic label for new gun-control measures. Under red flag laws, law enforcement has the ability to confiscate an individual’s firearms who is deemed a threat to themselves…

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White House Says US Will Start Withdrawing Troops From Syria

by Wayne Lee   The White House said Wednesday the United States has begun withdrawing troops from Syria, shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted the U.S. has defeated the Islamic State terror group there. “We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign,” White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders said in a statement. She added the defeat of ISIS does not mean the military campaign by coalition forces is ending in Syria. “The United States and our allies stand ready to re-engage at all levels to defend American interests whenever necessary, and we will continue to work together to deny radical Islamist terrorists territory, funding, support, and any means of infiltrating our borders,” Sanders said. Later on Wednesday, Pentagon spokesperson Dana White said in a statement that “the coalition has liberated ISIS-held territory, but the campaign against ISIS is not over.” ISIS an acronym for the Islamic State terror group. “We will continue working with our partners and allies to defeat ISIS wherever it operates,” she said, giving no details as to a timeline, noting “force protection and operational security reasons.” Just last week, U.S. special presidential envoy for the global…

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Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Court Date Set for January

Justin Jones, the Nashville activist who disrupted a rally for then-U.S. Senate Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn, is scheduled to have his day in court next month. Jones, a Vanderbilt Divinity School student, will have a hearing January 11 at 8:30 a.m. That hearing is scheduled to take place at the Davidson County Criminal Court, said Stephen Hayslip, spokesman for Davidson County District Attorney General Glenn Funk. Jones’ hearing was originally scheduled for last Friday before it was reset, Hayslip said. As reported, Jones said he only attended the Blackburn rally, in late October, to hear what Blackburn, now the U.S. Sen.-elect, had to say. Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was the event’s keynote speaker. Blackburn held the event at the Ray Stevens’ CabaRay Showroom in Nashville. As The Star reported, however, organizers recognized Jones as someone with a history of causing trouble at other political events and gave him a direct order to leave. Jones refused and later claimed the police officers who showed up to force him out wanted to beat him. He also denied Tennessee Republican Party officials’ claim he intentionally went to the rally to cause a scene. Jones, who identifies as African-American, said GOP officials…

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Video Confirms Intent of Far-Left Protesters Who Showed Up ‘At a Republican GOTV Rally to Perform a Citizens’ Arrest on Marsha Blackburn & Lindsey Graham’

Members of a far-left group called the Tennessee Activist Coalition live streamed a video last weekend on their Facebook page promising viewers a citizens’ arrest of both Marsha Blackburn and keynote speaker Lindsey Graham. “Tennessee voters have shown up at a Republican GOTV rally to perform a citizens’ arrest on Marsha Blackburn & Lindsey Graham,”  self-described journalist Taralei Griffin wrote in a post last Sunday on the Tennessee Activist Coalition Facebook page as she initiated a livestream from inside Nashville’s CabaRay Theater as the rally began. That planned arrest, of course, never happened. With private security and law enforcement everywhere, it is highly unlikely members of this group could have carried out their mission. Whether they planned to use force is unknown. They never got a chance to carry out their objectives. That’s because members of the Tennessee GOP recognized one protestor, Justin Jones, 23, at the Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom, from previous encounters and had him removed. The group’s plans to carry out the arrest evidently unraveled at that point. According to its Facebook page, the Tennessee Activist Coalition is a far-left group with more than 5,700 followers around the state. The group lists an official website, apart from social media, but,…

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Nashville Judicial Commissioner Refused to Issue Arrest Warrant Police Requested for Protester at Blackburn Rally on Charges of Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest

Nashville Metro Police Department spokesman Don Aaron told The Tennessee Star on Monday city court officials refused to issue an arrest warrant for Justin Jones, the man who made national headlines and caused the biggest disruption at the Marsha Blackburn and Lindsey Graham political rally Sunday. “Justin Jones was physically arrested and transported downtown where the officer requested warrants for the offenses of criminal trespassing, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. The judicial commissioner refused to issue the warrants and instructed the officer to charge Mr. Jones with only criminal trespassing by citation. As reported to us the commissioner’s name is Carolyn Piphus,” Aaron told The Star. “I have no information on why she did that.” Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill said that the video and photographic evidence clearly shows Jones resisting arrest and physically assaulting those attending the event and fighting with the police officer. “The fact that the judicial commissioner refused to issue the warrants requested by the police officer raises a serious question about whether she was motivated by partisan political considerations,”  Gill said. “Is there a blue thumb being placed on the scales of justice in Nashville courts?” Gill asked. “It is hard to believe that…

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Leftist Protesters Kick, Scream, Punch at Nashville Rally for Marsha Blackburn Featuring Lindsey Graham

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina visited Nashville Sunday to campaign for Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07)  and express disgust over how Democrats treated Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination hearings. “They played dirty. They lost,” Graham said at a press conference that followed a Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate rally at Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom. “Because of what they did, I really want them to pay a price at the ballot box.” Graham said the adversarial nature of Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings so appalled him he decided to take up for Republican U.S. Senate candidates whenever and wherever he’s welcome. Blackburn is running as a Republican against former Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat. Some of Bredesen’s supporters showed up — and, for their behavior got dragged out while cussing, screaming, punching, and even kicking. This, of course, mirrored much of how leftists behaved during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. One protester even disrupted a moment of silence for victims of Saturday’s mass shooting in Pittsburgh. That protester, a female, screamed “Marsha Blackburn is a white supremacist.” Security promptly showed her the door. The incident appalled Blackburn. “How despicable that you cannot even have…

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Senator Lindsey Graham: We’re Not Going to Build a 1,900-Mile Border Wall

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday that the $25 billion for a U.S.-Mexico border wall and other infrastructure in President Trump’s immigration proposal can be spent wisely, and that he doesn’t envision constructing a bona fide 1,900-mile wall. Mr. Graham said lawmakers included some $42 billion for border security in a 2013 immigration bill the U.S. Senate passed, so the $25 billion for a border wall and infrastructure in Mr. Trump’s proposal isn’t an “outrageous” number.

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Lindsey Graham Calls for Special Counsel Probes of Democrat Ties to Russia, Fusion GPS, Uranium One

Sen. Lindsey Graham called Sunday on a special counsel to investigate the Democratic Party’s links to Russian involvement with the Fusion GPS dossier and Uranium One deal, adding that President Trump should stay out of it. “I think we need a special counsel to investigate the Fusion GPS episode between the Democratic Party, Mr. [Christopher] Steele…

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Lindsey Graham Warns Donald Trump on Firing Jeff Sessions: ‘There Will be Holy Hell to Pay’

Tennessee Star

Republican senators are warning that any effort to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be met with stiff resistance – with Sen. Lindsey Graham saying Thursday that “there will be holy hell to pay” if the attorney general is pushed out. President Trump has lashed out at Mr. Sessions repeatedly in recent days, saying he’s disappointed…

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Lindsey Graham Demands to Know if He Was Unmasked; Intelligence Officials Demur

Officials from the Justice Department, FBI and National Security Agency refused to tell a GOP senator and former 2016 presidential candidate whether his conversations with a foreign leader abroad had been incidentally collected and unmasked during a hearing Tuesday about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, probed national security and intelligence…

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Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican: ‘I Want to Hear From Loretta Lynch’

Sen. Lindsey Graham told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that he wants to hear from former Attorney General Loretta Lynch following ousted FBI director James Comey’s testimony last week that she requested he call the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email a “matter.” “I want to hear from Loretta Lynch,” said Mr. Graham, South Carolina Republican…

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Rand Paul: Lindsey Graham ‘Needs to Mind His Own Business’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) suggested Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) “mind his own business” after his colleague asserted he is a definite lost vote on repealing and replacing Obamacare, during an interview Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Paul has been a staunch advocate for completely, rather than partially, repealing Obamacare. The Kentucky senator did express dissatisfaction…

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