Corey Comperatore Former Fire Chief Dies Protecting Loved Ones in Trump Assassination Attempt

Corey Comperatore

Corey Comperatore, the man fatally shot at attempted assassination of President Trump, was a former fire chief from Butler, Pennsylvania. Comperatore was known for his dedication to his family, love of Jesus and service to the community. He was attending the rally with his family when the shooting occurred. Despite the immediate medical intervention by an emergency room physician, Dr. James Sweetland, Comperatore’s injuries were too severe. Comperatore was seated behind former President Trump at the rally.

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Illegal Immigration a Top 2024 Election Issue with Immigrant Crime Map, Poll Shows Problem

Illegal Immigrants Arrested

Illegal immigration is one of the most important problems for Americans, and a new “Illegal Alien Crime” map as well as a poll about language surrounding the issue highlights the significance of the border crisis in the minds of voters ahead of the 2024 election.

Polling from Gallup shows that U.S. adults have consistently ranked immigration as a top issue every month since at least November 2023. The polls come as the Biden administration has overseen record numbers of illegal immigrant encounters.

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Commentary: 2024 Is America’s Last Chance to End the Obama-Biden Anti-American Revolution

President Joe Biden with former president Barack Obama

Given the realities of the past three years of the Biden Administration, this article expands on the thesis we have made in these pages that the American presidential election of 2024 will be the most important since 1860. That is not hyperbole, but a recognition of the grave conditions the American people face—these are matters of life and death for the country. Like in 1860, the election on November 5, 2024, will determine the course of history and whether or not the United States survives as a constitutional republic. While the deep roots of this crisis have been many decades in the making, the immediate causes are found in the Biden administration’s unconstitutional, illegal, reckless, and revolutionary actions against President Trump, his advisors, the leaders and supporters of the Make America Great Again movement—and ultimately the American people.

At root, this radical neo-Marxist revolution started under the Obama administration with the declaration to “fundamentally transform” America and has continued under the Biden administration, which has implemented and executed the tenets of that revolution across all aspects of the United States, our government and against the citizenry. This has taken many forms, but the most important has been, and continues to be, the permanent weaponization of government against political opponents to cause their defeat, to decapitate their political movement, and to coerce and demoralize their members and supporters so that there is no challenge to their power. The tactics employed against President Trump have been specifically designed by the totalitarian left to interfere in this presidential election by consuming his time and draining resources away from his campaign in this critically important election year. The raids, indictments, trials, and gag orders against a former president—and leading 2024 presidential candidate—demonstrate that these neo-Marxist totalitarians will violate the constitutional rights of the most prominent political figure in American politics in this century. The direct and stark implication is that if this can happen to Trump, then it can happen to all Americans.

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Ousted Legislator Liz Harris Redeemed with Election as RNC National Committeewoman for Arizona

Gina Swoboda presiding over the Arizona Republican Party State Delegate Convention

Former legislator Liz Harris, expelled in 2023, was tapped by Arizona Republican Party members to represent the Copper State as National Committeewoman at the State Delegate Convention held at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix on Saturday. Freedom Caucus Chair State Senator Jake Hoffman won the position of RNC National Committeeman. Over 1,200 elected delegates gathered to determine who would represent Arizona at the 2024 National Convention in Milwaukee.

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Commentary: Biden Administration Abuses U.S. Intelligence Community to Undermine Netanyahu’s Leadership

President Joe Biden and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Something reprehensible happened this week during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on the U.S. Intelligence Community’s annual worldwide threats report. In addition to discussing threats to our country from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and terrorist groups, the report questioned the leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said large protests in Israel demanding his resignation could drive him from power.

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Commentary: The High Price of Gaslighting Americans on Bidenomics’ ‘Success’

Anyone still wondering why voters trust former President Trump more than President Biden on the economy should read what the White House posted on X about inflation last week: “Ahead of the holiday season, costs are down for everything from airline tickets and car rentals to toys and TVs.” Biden and his underlings continue to believe public disapproval of his disastrous economic performance can be improved with happy talk and cherry picked statistics. It assumes Americans can’t remember how much less the cost of living was when Biden was elected.

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Washington Post Disavows Its Own Poll Showing Trump Up by 10 Over Biden

The Washington Post cast doubt on its own poll with ABC that showed former President Trump up by 10 points over his likely rival President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential contest.

Trump leads Biden 52 percent to 42 percent in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to the Post. The outlet suggested that, given other polling showing a closer race, its own poll is “probably an outlier” and appeared to cast doubt on the sample.

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Commentary: The Left Fights Against Children, We Must Continue to Fight FOR Them

The Marxist Left, dedicated to undermining the liberties, traditions, and values that make America unique and exceptional, is waging a war on children – both born and unborn – in the United States and even right here in Tennessee.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Marxist Left fought to keep schools shuttered and to forcibly mask our kids, resulting in an anxious, confused, and undereducated generation.

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: President Trump, Bud Light, Target, and the L.A. Dodgers

Millions of Americans’ negative reactions to the indictment of President Donald Trump are not all related to his personal appeal. They are responses to the cultural civil war being waged by an aggressive, immoral, and potentially dictatorial elite minority.

There is a parallel between what is happening to President Trump and the American people’s rejection of woke brainwashing.

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Busy Week In Iowa as Parade of GOP Presidential Contenders Calls on the Caucus State

Home of the first-in-the nation caucuses, Iowa takes center stage in the 2024 presidential nomination chase this week, with stops from GOP heavyweights either in the race or seriously mulling over a run. 

Fresh off announcing her presidential bid in her home state South Carolina and in first primary state New Hampshire, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is slated to make two campaign stops in Iowa this week.

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Former Ambassador to China Terry Branstad Says Biden’s Handling of Spy Balloon a ‘Disaster’

A former U.S. ambassador to China says President Joe Biden’s handling of the recent spy balloon affair has been a “disaster.” 

Ambassador Terry Branstad, former longtime Iowa governor and President Trump’s top diplomat in China, tells The Iowa Star the Chinese Communist Party “respects strength” and the only thing Biden has shown them is weakness. He said it’s the latest in a long line of foreign policy blunders by the administration. 

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Former President Trump Speaks to Energized Crowd at FFC Road to Majority Conference in Nashville

Former President Donald Trump addressed an energized crowd at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference on Friday.

While the former president addressed many issues during his address, Trump took strong aim at the January 6 Commission, blasting it in his speech.

“The committee is taking the testimony of witnesses who defended me for eight hours, chopping it up and truncating sound bites to make it sound like what they said was absolutely terrible,” he said.

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Exclusive: Beth Harwell Releases Border Security Plan After Visit to U.S. Southern Border in May

In an exclusive document provided to The Tennessee Star, TN-5 candidate and former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell announced that she visited the U.S. southern border in May and released her border security plan.

Harwell’s campaign confirmed that she visited the U.S. southern border on May 26, likely making her the first TN-5 candidate to make that trip.

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Newt Gingrich Urges GA-6 Voters to Support Jake Evans on May 24

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich released a video on Facebook urging the voters of Georgia’s 6th Congressional District to vote for Jake Evans in the Republican primary that is scheduled for May 24.

“I’m Newt Gingrich. I was Speaker of the House and we developed the Contract with America to get America back on track with solid, conservative ideas – balancing the budget, reforming welfare, cutting taxes – and I wanted to take a minute or two just to share with you about a good friend of mine who’s running for Congress,” he said.

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TN-5 Candidate Beth Harwell Calls on Congress to Finish Trump’s Border Wall

Former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives and candidate in the Republican primary for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District Beth Harwell called on Congress to finish former President Donald Trump’s border wall.

Harwell said in a tweet, “Drugs & crime are pouring over our southern border as a result of the Biden Admin’s failed border policies. Open borders don’t work. For the safety of our border patrol agents & families, Congress must prioritize finishing Trump’s Wall & funding our law enforcement officers.”

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President Trump Amplifies Accusations That Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Blocked Election Integrity Bill

President Trump amplified accusations that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp used Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan to block an election integrity bill in a Monday morning email to supporters and media.

Trump shared a statement issued by VoterGA, a Georgia-based election integrity group. Its website says it is “a coalition of citizens working to restore election integrity in Georgia. We advocate for independently verifiable, auditable, recount-capable and transparent elections.”

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Sen. Hagerty: Biden Is Partnering with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s Drug Cartels Against America with End to Title 42

Senator Bill Hagerty said the Biden administration is teaming up with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s drug cartels against Americans with his decision to end Title 42, a public health order by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from March 2020 that empowered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to expel illegal border crossers.

Lifting Title 42 “creates more incentives for illegal immigration into America and in doing so, they’re essentially partnering with the drug cartels and the Chinese Communist Party who are profiting immensely from this,” Hagerty said.

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Former Navy SEAL Leads Money Race in Campaign for Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District

Derrick Van Orden

Former Navy SEAL Derrick Van Orden leads the financial contest in the race to replace retiring U.S. Representative Ron Kind in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District, outpacing the nearest competitor by over a million dollars.

According to FEC records, Van Orden has raised $2,654,181.52 and has $1,427,840.31 cash on hand in the bank as of the December 31, 2021 deadline. Records also currently show that no other Republicans that have filed paperwork with the FEC. Orden has been endorsed by President Trump, as well as Wisconsin’s 3rd District Republican Party, and others.

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GOP Candidate for Governor Hopes Trump E-mail Will Spur Investigation into Zuckerberg Funding of 2020 Election in Michigan

Can President Trump move the ball in Michigan to get legislators to do a serious investigation into how outside money was spent in the 2020 election? No one else has been able to get legislators to pay attention to the $12 million that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shipped to an obscure supposedly “non-partisan” non-profit to influence voters in Michigan, but gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon hopes that a recent email by Donald Trump will spur action.

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Commentary: If Polls Are Right, Democrats Are Doomed But If They’re Wrong, It’s Worse

In less than three months, President Biden’s approval rating has tumbled from a remarkable position in a polarized nation to the lowest of all but two presidents since 1945. Democrats are panicked though refusing to course-correct, hoping the pandemic will retreat, the economy will rebound, and their agenda will pass through Congress and turn out to be popular down the line.

The standing of the party with voters, at this time, isn’t in doubt. It’s awful. Biden’s average job approval rating on July 20 was 52.4% in the RealClearPolitics average before tanking precipitously and taking the party’s fortunes with him as the delta variant surged and American troops withdrew from Afghanistan in a deadly and tragic exit. RCP currently has him at 43.3%. His approval in Gallup has dropped 13 points since June, six points in this last month. The latest Quinnipiac University poll had Biden’s approval/disapproval at 38/53, down four points in three weeks. Specific findings on leadership questions were dreadful, with Biden’s numbers falling since April by nine points on the question of whether he cares about average Americans, seven points on whether he is honest, and nine points on whether he has good leadership skills.

The latest Morning Consult/Politico findings from last week showed Biden’s approval underwater across the board, at 45% approval overall, at 40% on the economy, 44% on health care, 40% on national security, 33% on immigration and 36% on foreign policy. The only number not underwater was Biden’s COVID approval of 49%-46%, 30 points lower than it was last spring. Across all polling Biden’s approval on the questions of competence and accomplishment have suffered. And that Morning Consult/Politico survey stated, “The shares of independent and Democratic voters who say Biden has underperformed expectations have doubled over the past three months.”

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Former NFL Star Herschel Walker Releases Video, Officially Launches Campaign for U.S. Senate

  Former NFL star running back Herschel Walker ended months of speculation on Wednesday, releasing a video to announce his candidacy to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate. In a Twitter video that lasts approximately 90 seconds, Walker pledged to “protect the American Dream for everybody” and “stand up for conservative values and get our country moving in the right direction.” “Where else could a poor kid from a small town in Georgia become valedictorian of his high school, earn the Heisman Trophy, play professional football, represent the United States in the Olympics, and become CEO of multiple companies? I have lived the American Dream, but I am concerned it is slipping away for many people,” Walker said of his past opportunities. Walker joins a crowded GOP primary field, including Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black. However, unlike other contenders, Walker has the backing of former President Donald Trump. Months before Walker declared his candidacy, Trump released a statement encouraging the former University of Georgia football player to enter the race. “Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the legendary Herschel Walker ran for the United States Senate in Georgia? He would be unstoppable, just like he was when he played for…

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Former President Trump at Alabama Rally: ‘Joe Biden Is a Failed President’

“Joe Biden is a failed president. He will always be a failed president,” former President Donald Trump told a crowd of thousands at a rally held Saturday night in Cullman, Alabama.

“No administration in history has gotten off to a worse start than the Biden administration,” the former president added.

The 45th president of the United States also blasted President Biden for his botched handling of the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Billions of dollars of American equipment, as well as an estimated 10,000 American citizens, have been left behind as the Taliban took over the country in a matter of days earlier this month.

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Ohio U.S. Senate Hopeful Timken Joins Calls for Biden to Resign, Adds Sacking of Secretaries of State, Defense and Joint Chiefs Chair

U.S. Senate candidate Jane Timken joined several Republicans calling for President Joe Biden to resign in the aftermath of the chaotic withdrawal of American troops and diplomatic personnel from Afghanistan.

U.S. Representative Jeff Van Drew, (R-NJ-2) began the call for Biden’s resignation Sunday evening as video streaming from broadcast news outlets showed Afghanis crowding U.S military air transports, desperate to leave with the fall of the Afghani capital of Kabul as well as provincial capitals to the extreme Islamists known as the Taliban.

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University of Minnesota Website Scrubs Reference to China Origin for COVID after Bias Complain

Person in green protective gear in lab with safety glasses and mask on

The University of Minnesota system’s Bias Response and Referral Network asked students to report suspected bias “related to the COVID-19 outbreak.”

As a result, it appears that the School of Public Health removed a reference to COVID-19’s origin in China.

The College Fix filed a public records request with the University of Minnesota system for all COVID bias reports for the past year. This is the first response to the request.

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Former President Trump Blasts Cleveland Indians Name Change

President Trump Blasts Cleveland Indians

Calling the move a “disgrace,” former President Donald Trump blasted the decision by the Cleveland Indians to change their name to the “Guardians.”

“Can anybody believe that the Cleveland Indians, a storied and cherished baseball franchise since taking the name in 1915, are changing their name to the Guardians? Such a disgrace, and I guarantee that the people who are most angry about it are the many Indians of our Country,” Trump said in a statement on Friday.

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Poll Shows That Large Number of Arizonans Believe Election Audit is Important

"I Voted" Stickers

A recent poll conducted on the Arizona election audit demonstrated high levels of support from Republican voters and that almost half of the state’s residents believe the ballot examination is important.

The Arizona Public Opinion Pulse poll showed that the majority of Republican voters view the audit favorably, and 62% believe that the results of the audit will show that former president Donald Trump received more votes in Arizona than President Joe Biden.

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Trump Praises Efforts of State Sen. Burt Jones, Hits Gov. Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger

Former President Donald Trump praised State Senator Burt Jones (R-Jackson) for his efforts in examining the results of the 2020 election, while knocking Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for their lack of action.

“Thank you to Senator Burt Jones and all of the other Patriots for continuing the fight. Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger have done an absolutely terrible job of watching over Voter Integrity in Georgia. They must be held accountable!” Trump said in a statement.

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Former President Trump Slams Fulton County Recount After New Claims of Irregularities

Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Wednesday slamming the recount of the 2020 election in Fulton County, Georgia — after a lawsuit alleged there was a 60% error rate in the hand count audit.

“The news coming out of Georgia is beyond incredible. The hand recount in Fulton County was a total fraud! They stuffed the ballot box—and got caught. We will lose our Country if this is allowed to stand,” Trump said.

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Biden Awards Never Trumper, Former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake with Ambassador Position

Jeff Flake, a frequent critic of former President Donald Trump and former Arizona Senator, was awarded with a position in the Biden administration as the ambassador to Turkey.

Biden’s move to nominate the Republican lawmaker with a position in his administration comes after Flake endorsed and campaigned for Biden during the November 2020 election.

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Ohio Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno Raises More Than $2 Million, Dramatically Outpacing Opponents

Bernie Moreno, a businessman and GOP candidate to replace retiring Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), announced on Tuesday a massive fundraising haul to end the quarter — totaling $2.25 million.

Moreno’s donations greatly outnumber the totals of his opponents on both the Republican and Democratic side. The closest candidate was Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH-13), who is running largely unopposed.

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Former President Donald Trump Headlines CPAC in Dallas

Former President Trump took the stage to a standing ovation and a rowdy crowd, while headlining the large gathering of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas on Sunday.

In his speech that lasted approximately 90 minutes, the former commander-in-chief highlighted a variety of key areas that Republicans across the country are focused on, including the 2022 midterms, the Biden administration’s policies, and his lawsuit against Big Tech platforms.

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YouTube Removes Former President Trump’s Press Conference Announcing Big Tech Lawsuits

Youtube removed a video posted by the America First Policy Institute, which captured former President Trump’s press conference announcing a class action lawsuit against Big Tech giants.

President and CEO of the America First Policy Institute Brooke Rollins, who joined Trump at the press conference, argued that the video’s removal is yet another instance of the censorship of conservatives.

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Georgia Gov. Kemp Officially Launches Campaign, Rails Against Cancel Culture

Brian Kemp

  Georgia Governor Brian Kemp officially launched his re-election campaign on Saturday at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry. At his event, Kemp railed against the “cancel culture” of rival Democrats and urged Republicans to remain involved at the highest levels. “We need everyone engaged, because we know the Democrats are united,” Kemp said while attempting to strengthen his support. The governor also highlighted the actions of the state’s Democrats, relating to the transfer of the location of the MLB All-Star game. The move came after the state enacted a sweeping reform of their election laws. “Make no mistake. They’re going to continue to cancel conservatives across the country. They are trying to go after anyone in the country that doesn’t share their values,” he added. While Kemp looked ahead to defeating any potential Democratic opponent, he seemingly overlooked a GOP primary election that is expected to be contested. Vernon Jones, a former Democratic state lawmaker who switched parties and has become a strong supporter of President Trump, has already declared his candidacy. Jones raised approximately $650,000 in the first 10 weeks of his campaign. Additionally, Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s former campaign manager, floated the idea of another challenger to Kemp.…

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Arizona Secretary of State Requests Investigation into Former President Trump and Allies for ‘Election interference’

Katie Hobbs, the Arizona Secretary of State who recently launched a bid for governor, sent a letter to Attorney General Mark Brnovich and requested that he open an investigation into former President Donald Trump and his allies over allegations of “election interference.” 

“I urge you to take action not only to seek justice in this instance, but to prevent future attempts to interfere with the integrity of our elections. If your ethical duties prevent you from investigating this matter, I ask that you refer it to another enforcement agency,” Hobbs said in her letter to Brnovich.

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Former President Trump Announces Class Action Lawsuit Against Facebook, Google, and Twitter for Violation of His First Amendment Rights

BEDMINSTER, New Jersey – (The Star News Network Wire Service) – Former President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he is filing a class action lawsuit against Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google and its CEO Sundar Pichai, and Twitter and its CEO Jack Dorsey, for violating his First Amendment rights.

“Today, in conjunction with the America First Policy Institute, I’m filing as the lead class representative a class action lawsuit against Facebook, Google, and Twitter,” the former president said.

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