Diane Black Wins Davidson County GOP Straw Poll For Governor

Diane Black, Bill Lee, Randy Boyd

Gubernatorial candidate Diane Black won a straw poll at the Davidson County Republican Party picnic Saturday, a blog reported. U.S. Rep. Black (R-TN) received 116 votes in the governor’s primary straw poll, according to a blog called “A Disgruntled Republican in Nashville.” Rod Williams is the author. Second place went to Bill Lee, 106 votes. Other results were: Beth Harwell, 28 votes, Kay White, 11 votes and Randy Boyd, 2 votes. Williams says it appears many of the candidates brought their voters to the picnic at the Centennial Park event shelter. “Still, I was surprised that Randy Boyd only got two votes,” Williams said. About 300 people attended. Black spoke at the gathering, while other candidates’ representatives also spoke. The picnic straw poll is merely the latest forecasting in the Tennessee gubernatorial race. Boyd led Black by 32 percent to 27 percent among likely Republican gubernatorial primary voters in a Tennessee Star poll released June 29. The battle for the Republican nomination for governor is a three-way race, the poll showed, with Lee surging into a strong third position, with 20 percent. Harwell is no longer a factor in the Republican gubernatorial primary, coming in a distant fourth position with only 7…

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Congressional Candidate Judd Matheny Earns Another Big Endorsement – This Time, From the NRA

Judd Matheny

State Representative Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) earned another top-tier endorsement, this time from the National Rifle Association, in his campaign to win the Republican nomination in the Sixth Congressional District. Matheny faces former Judge Robert Corlew and businessman John Rose in the August 2 primary for the GOP nomination. The winner of that primary will be the favorite to win the general election contest to replace Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06), who is running for governor. “Thank you to the NRA for all they do to preserve our Second Amendment and for recognizing my unwavering support for the same. I have never and will never compromise on our Constitutional rights. I am a known and proven quantity – by far the best man for the job!” Matheny said in a statement released by his campaign on Friday. The campaign notes the welcome endorsement comes “in the wake of his educational 10th Annual Machine Gun Shoot held for the public, law enforcement, military, and the General Assembly.” Matheny, the statement added, “is known for his steadfast conservative voting record in the state house, and says that every decision he makes is viewed through the lens of his core principles of protecting life, the…

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Anti-Trump Group Drops Mail Piece Against Bob Corlew in Tennessee 6th District

Nick Ryan

The American Future Fund, a 501(c)4 group that funded multiple attack ads against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election has filed information with the Federal Election Commission indicating that they have just spent $17,500 for a targeted direct mail piece against Republican conservative businessman and former Judge Bob Corlew.  Corlew is locked in a tight primary battle with businessman John Rose in the 6th Congressional District to fill the seat being vacated by Congresswoman Diane Black. Black is running for Governor. https://twitter.com/pml_tray/status/1017095926064615424 In 2016 alone, the organization spent $6.7 million in attacks against Trump, describing him as a “fraud,” “a phony,” and a “B.S. artist.”  The group recently ran negative ads against South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, a staunch and early Trump supporter. Trump appeared at a campaign rally for McMaster the night before his runoff election in South Carolina last month.  McMaster won the runoff and is expected to easily carry the state in November. The American Future Fund was founded by Nick Ryan in 2007 and is based in Iowa.  The group has spent funds opposing other pro-Trump candidates during this election cycle. FEC regulations require the disclosure of independent expenditures related to a Federal campaign, such as Congress,…

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Tennessee House Delegation Unanimously Opposes Ryan Immigration Bill

TN Congressional Delegation

Tennessee’s U.S. House delegation voted unanimously against House Speaker Paul’s Ryan’s immigration bill Wednesday, including both Democrat members, with Rep. Diane Black not voting. The bill went down in defeat by a wide margin, 121-301, despite President Trump’s subdued support. A sprawling, compromise GOP immigration bill that would have provided a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants while directing $25 billion for the construction of President Trump’s border wall failed in the House on Wednesday, despite encouragement from the president for Republicans to support it. The bill was overwhelmingly rejected 301-121, in part because some Republicans are reluctant to vote for any bill they worry could be portrayed as “amnesty.” More than 100 Republicans voted against the legislation. The legislation was given little chance of passing going in. Trump’s tweet Wednesday captured his earlier private views that he supports the bill as well as his previous tweets that Republicans were wasting their time on legislation that can’t pass the Senate, putting a different spin on the latter. “HOUSE REPUBLICANS SHOULD PASS THE STRONG BUT FAIR IMMIGRATION BILL, KNOWN AS GOODLATTE II, IN THEIR AFTERNOON VOTE TODAY, EVEN THOUGH THE DEMS WON’T LET IT PASS IN THE SENATE,” he tweeted in…

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Bob Corlew Commentary: To Secure Our Nation’s Future, We Must Secure Our Border

by Judge Bob Corlew   Throughout the course of my campaign, I have visited every county in Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District multiple times. Each and every community in our district faces different challenges, but one constant refrain I hear from voters is they want our Congressman to stand with President Trump to secure our nation’s future for our children and grandchildren. I also hear concerns from voters about illegal immigration and problems at the border. I share these concerns, and believe that if we don’t secure our border, then we can’t secure our nation’s future. Voters are no doubt skeptical of those who promise a secure border because they have heard it all before. Many in elected office get to Washington and forget the promises they made to their constituents on illegal immigration and securing the border. I believe one reason is because these politicians don’t fully comprehend the problem and what needs to be done to secure our border. When I get to Congress, I want to help President Trump finish the wall and stop illegal immigration, but I believe actions speak louder than words. That is why I visited the U.S-Mexico border last week to understand what are…

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Congressional Hopeful Bob Corlew Announces Campaign Team

Bob Corlew

Bob Corlew, the former judge who is now running for the Republican nomination in Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District, announced his campaign team Friday. “When I made the decision to run for Congress, I set out to put together a marquee team of conservative professionals who have a record of winning elections in Tennessee and across the country. This team more than fits that bill,” Corlew said in a statement. “I feel confident that we are in a great position to be successful so that the people of Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District will have a Congressman who will work with President Trump and bring Christian Conservative Tennessee values to Congress.” The team consists of many veteran Republican operatives, all of whom, the campaign notes, have a track record of success. The team includes: Pollster:                            Tony Fabrizio Tony Fabrizio, a partner in Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, is widely recognized as an expert in public opinion and politics and one of the nation’s leading GOP pollsters and strategists. Fabrizio has served as the Chief Pollster on four Presidential campaigns, most notably and recently Donald Trump’s successful 2016 upset victory. Senior Advisor:                Darren Morris Darren Morris served as President Trump’s 2016 State Director for Tennessee and…

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SuperPAC Targets Diane Black with New Ad About Her 2001 Vote to Give Tennessee Drivers’ Licenses to Illegal Aliens

A SuperPAC targeting Republican gubernatorial candidate Diane Black is back on the air with a radio ad that focuses on her vote to give Tennessee drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens when she served in the Tennessee State House of Representatives. The latest 60 second radio ad from a group called Tennessee Jobs Now PAC (TnJobsNow.com) is airing on several stations across the state and follows up on an ad campaign in January that featured a man and woman talking about “Dishonest Diane” directing state contracts to her husband’s company while flushing money down the toilet — to keep Diane Black from getting her hands on it. FULL TRANSCRIPT: MALE: Are you in this country illegally AND in need of government ID? If so, come on down to the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles.  We’re here to help.  No questions asked. If you’re an illegal immigrant who’s a drug dealer, human trafficker, even a terrorist, we’ll make sure you get ID to stay in the United States undetected. FEMALE:  What you just heard, isn’t a real ad.  But career politician Diane Black actually thought it was a good idea to give illegal immigrants drivers’ licenses in Tennessee. It wasn’t — and…

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Diane Black Marches in Houston County Irish Day Parade on St. Patrick’s Day

On Saturday Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) marched in the Irish Day Parade in the Houston County community of Erin, an annual celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. The parade was the final event of a week long festival of all things Irish in the community that takes it name from the Emerald Isle. Participants and parade watchers wore green, the color long associated with Ireland, which is known for its lush green countrysides. Houston County is a small rural county just west of Dickson County, the western edge of the Nashville Metropolitan Statistical Area, with a population of a little more than 8,000. Erin, the county seat, has a population of 1,300. St. Patrick’s Day Parades in which politicians march have long been associated with large northeastern cities with large Irish populations dominated by the Democratic Party, such as New York City and Boston. The first St. Patrick’s Day celebration in the United States was held in Boston in 1737, organized by the Charitable Irish Society. New York City soon followed suit, organizing its first St. Patrick Day celebration in 1762. Chicago, which began celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in 1843, adds a little flavor to the celebration by…

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Steve Womack Selected to Replace Diane Black as House Budget Committee Chairman

Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas was chosen last month to replace a fellow Republican, Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee, as chairman of the House Budget Committee. With fiscal 2018 appropriations yet to be finalized, Womack finds himself in an uncertain position. If a deal is reached to raise the Budget Control Act caps for 2019, some of his fellow Republicans might not want to do a budget. That would be a failure. While nonbinding, the budget resolution sets out important policy initiatives and paves the way for reconciliation, a powerful tool to making meaningful reform a reality.

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Poll: Black Leads Dean by 11 in Gubernatorial General Election Matchup; Harwell, Boyd and Lee Also Lead Dean

Tennessee Star Poll results released on Tuesday show that Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) leads Democratic front runner Karl Dean by 11 points in a head-to-head matchup in Tennessee’s general election for governor, 46 percent to 35 percent. Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) leads Dean by 10 points, 42 percent to 32 percent, and Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd leads Dean by 9 points, 43 percent to 34 percent. The two other potential Republican gubernatorial challengers fare less well. Williamson County businessman Bill Lee leads Dean by 4 points 38 percent to 34 percent, and former State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) is essentially tied with Dean, leading by two-tenths of one percent, 35.9 percent to 35.7 percent The automated (IVR) telephone survey of 1,003 likely Tennessee voters in the November 2018 general election was conducted for The Tennessee Star by Triton Research between January 21 and January 24 and has a 3.1 percent margin of error. “Because the poll included fewer African American respondents than the likely distribution in November 2018, I think it is safe to add about five percentage points to the results for Dean in each head to head matchup,” conservative political analyst and media consultant Steve Gill…

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Victor Ashe Commentary: Butch Jones, John Currie, and The University of Tennessee-Knoxville’s $18 Million Dollar Misadventure

by Victor Ashe   It is never fun to voice concern about the University of Tennessee and its spending practices. As a graduate of the UT College of Law, I am proud of my Tennessee law degree. Having attended graduate school there, I wish the following was fiction instead of fact. However, when we learned over the past few weeks that donors to the UT athletic program are having over $18 million diverted from other purposes to fund payouts for three persons who were terminated, one has to wonder: Who is minding the store from a financial standpoint? With the forced departure of Butch Jones as football coach by AD John Currie and now Currie’s departure, preceded by payouts for former AD Dave Hart and Mike Hamilton the total cost potentially exceeds $18 million. That is not pocket change. When UT Chancellor Beverly Davenport fired (suspended) Currie, did she consider the cost involved to the Athletic Department as only 8 months earlier she had signed a contract with Currie on top of his actual salary which would guarantee him $100,000 a month until June, 2022 if fired without cause. Davenport and Currie worked well together until she suddenly removed him…

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Rep. Diane Black: Economic Optimism Is Back

Representative Diane Black (R-TN-06) joined Charles Payne on Wednesday’s Fox News broadcast of ‘Cavuto Coast to Coast’ to discuss the possibility of a government shutdown, the inevitable blaming of Republicans by the mainstream media for it, and also the breaking news of Apple, Inc.’s decision to invest $350 billion in the United States which they say will create 20,000 new jobs. Payne opened the interview, asking, “Are the Republicans in danger of going into or cutting a deal that they don’t want because of PR pressure?” “We’re going to come out of this just fine,” Black answered. “There are always negotiations, as you know, Charles. Here in Congress we wait until the last minute which I don’t always agree with, but that’s where we are on this continuing resolution. In my opinion, we’re going to get a deal. We cannot, at this point in time, disrupt what you’ve already indicated, which is that the stock market is doing well.” Pivoting to the substance of the continuing resolution that the Democrats are balking at over the DACA non citizens, Black said, “We also need to fund our military, and this is very, very important that we don’t disrupt that. Right now, we have…

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Diane Black Praises Passage of ‘Monumental Tax Reform for the American People’

Gubernatorial hopeful Rep. Diane Black’s (R-TN-06) ‘day job’ as the House Budget Committee Chair has put her in the center of President Trump’s successful bid to pass meaningful tax reform for the first time in more than 30 years. Black appeared on Fox News’ Outnumbered Tuesday to cheer the effort, releasing this statement: Diane Black joined Harris Faulkner on Fox News yesterday to talk about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowers taxes for job creators and American families across all income levels. “We’re going to pass a monumental tax reform for the American people…The American people are going to be the ones to be the judge at the end of the day. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding will be this upcoming year when we see the economy growing and more money in people’s pockets.” Fox News Insider also covered Representative Black appearance on the popular afternoon news show: Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is confident that the Senate will pass the Republican tax bill, and President Trump will be able to sign it into law and give the American people a “big Christmas present.” “We’re going to pass a monumental tax reform for the American people,”…

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Vice President Mike Pence’s PAC Gives the Nod to Gubernatorial Candidate Diane Black with a Campaign Donation

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) received an early Christmas present in the form of a donation from Vice President Mike Pence’s leadership PAC, Great American Committee, the campaign announced in a statement on Tuesday. Black tweeted her appreciation for the support later that afternoon: Thanks to my friend @VP Mike Pence for donating to my campaign! Proud to work with you and @realDonaldTrump to make America great again! https://t.co/YzGqbq4N9b — Diane Black (@DianeBlackTN) December 13, 2017 Along with the donation was a letter of encouragement from Mr. Pence. “President Donald Trump and I are grateful for your steadfast support, your principled leadership, and your strong stand with our administration. It’s remarkable to think about everything we’ve accomplished in partnership with leaders like you,” it begins. The letter continues on Great America Committee letterhead: We’re keeping our promise to Make America Prosperous Again. We’ve slashed regulations at a record pace, unleashed American energy, and laid the groundwork for historic tax cuts, infrastructure reform, and more. Noe the American economy is roaring once again. And to Make America Safe Again, our administration is rebuilding our military, supporting out veterans, standing with the men and women of law enforcement, and restoring the credibility…

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‘Please Clap’ – Diane Black Campaign Reacts to Jeb Bush/Randy Boyd Fundraiser

Randy Boyd’s campaign for governor announced Wednesday it will host a fundraiser November 30 featuring former Florida governor and 2016 presidential hopeful, Jeb Bush. Representative Diane Black’s gubernatorial campaign was quick to respond, with a sharp email blast to media with the cheeky subject line: ‘Please Clap.’ “Today, it was announced that Jeb! would be coming to Tennessee to fundraise for ‘moderate Republican’ Randy!” the statement begins. It continues: It’s no surprise that Randy Boyd would bring in Jeb Bush to shake down Nashville donors…besides, they agree on pretty much everything. Jeb Bush said Donald Trump was the “chaos President” and refused to vote for him. Randy Boyd said supporting Trump would be “anathema to me.” Jeb Bush said illegal immigrants come out of an “act of love.” Randy Boyd gave $250,000 to a group that helps illegal immigrants integrate into Tennessee society. Jeb Bush helped create Common Core education standards. Randy Boyd is a “staunch supporter” of Common Core. Campaign spokesman Chris Hartline said, “Jeb Bush and Randy Boyd are a match made in establishment heaven. Their pro-illegal immigration, pro-big government, anti-Trump positions are more suited to the Democratic primary than the Republican primary.” Representative Diane Black (TN-06) is running to…

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U.S. Rep. Diane Black Supports President Trump’s Tax Plan, Calling it ‘Pro-America’

U.S. Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-6), who is running for Tennessee governor, is supporting President Trump’s plan to fix the tax code, which was last updated by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Black was recently endorsed in her gubernatorial bid by Reagan adviser Art Laffer. Laffer, who lives in Nashville, will serve as Black’s economic adviser for her gubernatorial campaign. In a statement last week, Black said: This is a truly historic opportunity for our country. The current tax system – last updated 30 years ago – forces taxpayers to pay astronomical rates and fill out complicated, unnecessary forms. Americans deserve better. Our goal from the beginning was to create a simpler, fairer and flatter system, and I believe we have done just that. This framework lowers taxes so Americans can keep more of their paychecks and families can spend less time filing papers. It will allow our own families in Tennessee to plan for the future with certainty that their hard-earned money will stay in their pockets. As a unified government, we worked with President Trump and the Senate to craft a framework benefitting every income level, especially the middle class. Our reform also delivers the lowest tax rates in modern history…

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Judd Matheny Prepared for Special Election if U.S. Rep. Diane Black Leaves Seat to Ramp Up Gubernatorial Campaign

BRENTWOOD, Tennessee — State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) said Tuesday he wouldn’t be surprised if U.S. Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-6) decided to resign her seat in Congress to focus on her campaign for governor. “If not, the governor’s race is going to leave her behind,” said Matheny, speaking at a fundraiser at the home of political supporters in Brentwood. Matheny said the race for governor is shaping up to be competitive, with five leading candidates vying for the Republican nomination. If Black were to resign her 6th congressional district seat early, there would be a special election to replace her. Matheny is already campaigning hard to win her seat in 2018. Former state Sen. Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) recently resigned from the state legislature to focus on her gubernatorial campaign, fueling speculation that Black and state House Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) might consider resigning their seats to more effectively campaign for governor. Matheny spoke Tuesday evening at the home of Lee and Elizabeth Douglas. Lee Douglas is a dentist and conservative activist. He told his guests he doesn’t know Matheny well personally, but has followed his political career and is impressed with his conservative credentials. Douglas said Matheny could be…

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Former Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey Now a Lobbyist

Former Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey will return to the halls of the state legislature as a lobbyist. The former Republican lawmaker, who retired from the legislature in January, has accepted a position with the Nashville law firm Farrar and Bates, the firm announced this week in a news release. The firm, which specializes in the defense of real estate errors and omissions actions against real estate licensees, is expanding in the area of government relations. Ramsey will work for its new lobbying affiliate, Ramsey, Farrar and Bates. Ramsey revealed his plans in June at a Northeast Tennessee Association of Realtors (NETAR) legislative luncheon. “I’ll be working for you,” Ramsey told NETAR members, according to the Kingsport Times-News. He noted that his one-year ban from lobbying expires in November. In the law firm news release on his new post, Ramsey said,“For 30 years, Russ Farrar has been drafting legislation, managing the political landscape, and building close relationships with clients and elected officials. It is an honor to work alongside my good friend, who is a dynamic leader and has a proven record of success throughout the state. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together for the people of Tennessee.”…

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Art Laffer Endorses Diane Black for Governor, Joins Campaign as Economic Policy Adviser

Tennessee Star

  Conservative economist Arthur Laffer on Wednesday endorsed U.S. Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-6) for Tennessee governor and announced that he will serve as her economic adviser. Laffer, who was a close adviser to former President Ronald Reagan, lives in Nashville and earlier this year voiced criticism of the gas tax hike passed this spring by the state legislature. Laffer also was an economic adviser to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. “Diane Black knows exactly how to keep Tennessee’s economy growing rapidly by ensuring that Tennessee keeps tax rates low while paying its bills and protecting its taxpayers,” Laffer said in a news release. “I moved from California to Tennessee eleven years ago for these very reasons, and I couldn’t be happier with my adopted home state. There’s no one more qualified and prepared to lead Tennessee into a new era of prosperity than Diane Black.” In the 1980s, Laffer became known as the father of supply-side economics because of his influence in a movement to cut taxes. That time period saw great economic expansion in the U.S. “Art Laffer has the greatest fiscal policy track record of the last 40 years,” said Black. “I am honored to have his endorsement and…

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Gubernatorial Candidates Beavers and Black Consistently Support Bills to Curb Illegal Immigration, But a Key Bill Sets Them Apart

Tennessee Star

  On the issue of illegal immigration, gubernatorial candidates Mae Beavers and Diane Black both consistently vote for bills intended to curb illegal immigration. However, in 2001, a Democrat controlled legislature passed HB983, a bill which allowed driver’s licenses to be issued to someone without a social security number enabling illegal aliens to obtain a Tennessee drivers license. It was estimated that more than 180,000 licenses were issued after the law was passed. Beavers voted against HB983 while Black voted for it. Black doesn’t deny voting for the bill, but explained it as “an unintended consequence of a bill that was supposed to allow legal immigrants to get licenses and co-sponsored legislation to repeal it.” Just months after Tennessee’s legislative session concluded, the 9/11 terrorist attack occurred and the question of easy access to state driver’s licenses was highlighted by the FBI raising the same question in state legislatures around the country, including Tennessee. This prompted a bill at the start of Tennessee’s next legislative session to fully repeal the illegal alien driver’s license bill. Even though the bill was not passed, both Beavers and Black signed on as co-sponsors and both voted for it. In 2004, the Tennessee General Assembly and the Governor’s office…

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Commentary: Will Diane Black Go Along With McConnell Again to Raise the Debt Ceiling?

In 2011, Rep. Diane Black voted for the “Budget Control Act of 2011” which automatically increased the debt ceiling by $400 billion to $14.694 trillion and subsequently increased it by another $1.2 trillion via the “McConnell Mechanism.” This provision introduced by Sen. Mitch McConnell allowed Obama to request debt increases which could only be blocked by a joint resolution of disapproval passed by Congress. Any resolution, if passed, was still subject to the President’s veto which could only be over-riden by a two-thirds vote by Congress. Twice the Senate failed to block the debt increases allowed by the “McConnell Mechanism” which reportedly was intended to make Obama responsible for the debt limit increase. Intentionally or not though, it also effectively and unconstitutionally allowed the President to exercise the exclusive power of Congress under Article I, section 8, “to borrow money on the credit of the United States.” Now as Senate Majority Leader, McConnell is looking to raise the debt ceiling again. With regard to “Spending Cuts and Debt” Black’s website, which doesn’t seem to have been updated since President Trump was elected, states: In Congress, I have voted against every blank check to raise the federal debt ceiling. A decision to…

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Game On: Judd Matheny Announces Candidacy for Congress in Sixth District Whether Diane Black Runs for Governor or Not

  State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) made a bold political move on Friday, formally announcing his candidacy for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee currently represented by Congressman Diane Black in an interview with WMSR radio in Manchester. Matheny made it clear he’s in it to win it, whether Black runs for governor, as many expect she will, or not. The State Representative from Coffee County’s announcement comes less than three weeks after he told The Tennessee Star “I’m 100 percent in the race for Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District. I’m not making a formal announcement until Diane Black announces for governor.” A veteran of the Tennessee Army National Guard as well as local and state law enforcement who has served in the Tennessee House of Representatives since 2002, Matheny “has been one of Tennessee’s most consistently conservative legislators and activists,” his announcement said: He has a perfect record protecting the unborn and our Second Amendment. Judd opposes illegal immigration and was just recently responsible for leading the successful fight to stop Nashville City Council ‘s attempt to become a sanctuary city. During the forced attempt to implement Common Core by establishment Republicans, Matheny orchestrated a maneuver to stop the initiative…

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Rep. Diane Black Condemns Proposed City Ordinance That Would Restrict Nashville’s Cooperation With Immigration Officials

Rep. Diane Black, who is considering running for Tennessee governor, issued a press release Tuesday strongly condemning action taken by the Metro Council to push forward a bill that would limit Nashville’s cooperation with federal immigration officials. Critics believe the bill would lead to Nashville effectively becoming a sanctuary city, putting federal funding in jeopardy and also also creating clashes with the state. The press release issued by Black, a Republican, said the legislation would “obstruct immigration law, putting illegal aliens first and the safety and security of Tennessee families last.” Black gave the following statement: First and foremost, as a mother and a grandmother, I implore the Council members to start holding illegal immigrants accountable for crime and acts of violence.  Sanctuary city policies to help and support criminal illegal immigrants pose a direct threat to our citizens and undermine the rule of law.  In Congress, I’m working with my colleagues to pass the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act to cut off funding for any municipality that helps illegal immigrants hide from the law.  It’s time for Mayor Barry to stop borrowing liberal policies from California and New York and start putting the safety and security of Tennessee families…

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American for Prosperity Launches Major Campaign to ‘Un-Rig’ the U.S. Economy Through Pro-Growth Tax Reforms

Tennessee Star

  Americans for Prosperity (AFP) announced Friday it has launched the first in a series of ads calling on members of Congress to “un-rig” the U.S. economy by passing pro-growth tax reform. The ad campaign will run in the six-figure range, and appear on digital platforms targeting abut a dozen members of Congress as a part of a summer-long push to shape the House of Representative’s tax-reform efforts around five pro-growth principles. Rep. Black chairs the Budget Committee and is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which will write the tax reform bill the House will consider later this year. AFP – Tennessee’s State Director Andy Ogles said in a statement, “Americans want a tax system that is honest and fair, which will grow the economy and create jobs.” Ogles added: We hope Rep. Black will fight back against the current rigged tax system by leading the effort to pass pro-growth tax reform based on AFP’s 5 Principles of simplicity, efficiency, equitability, predictability, and no new burden on taxpayers. That means opposing a border adjustment tax – a trillion-dollar tax on consumers masquerading as a tax on imports. Included in the first round of ads is one…

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Rep. Diane Black at Center of Federal Budget Blame Game

Tennessee Star

  Sixth District Congresswoman Diane Black (R-TN), who was recently elevated to the position of House Budget Chair and who is widely rumored to be preparing for a Gubernatorial bid in 2018, is on the receiving end of criticism for her role in the Continuing Resolution that will keep the Federal Government operating despite the failure of Congress to pass a budget. The Continuing Resolution averts a government shutdown but does not fulfill many of the promises that Republicans made during the 2016 election cycle. The budget deal passed the House 309-118. Though she was one of the 118 House members who voted no, Congresswoman Black has drawn particular criticism for her role in the deal as new Budget Chair, especially since she has voted against previous Continuing Resolutions that continued to fund Planned Parenthood in similar fashion. Sharon Ford, President of the Tennessee Republican Assembly, noted that Black may have been given cover by the House Leadership to avoid complete responsibility for the budget mess, but that she is Budget Chair and the buck ultimately stops with her. “She can point the finger of blame at others and cast a no vote to pretend she is a budget hawk,…

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U.S. Rep. Diane Black’s Pro-Life Legislation Signed Into Law By President Trump

Tennessee Star

  U.S. Rep. Diane Black was at President Trump’s side last week as he signed pro-life legislation that she introduced in the House. The measure signed into law Thursday overturned an Obama administration rule that forced states to provide Title X family planning grants to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. The Tennessee Republican said in a statement that while she is “unapologetically pro-life, this bill is simply about states’ rights.” “For over 45 years, states like Tennessee have had the authority to direct federal family planning funds to the health care providers that best suit the needs of their unique communities, but sadly, in a parting gift to the abortion industry, President Obama stole this freedom and flexibility and forced his own political agenda on states across the country,” Black said. A registered nurse, Black is a member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. The measure was co-authored by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa). On March 30, Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote to push the bill through in the Senate, where Republicans have a slim majority. Pence was needed because two Republican women, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, opposed the bill. The measure had…

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Tennessee’s Congressional Delegation Backs Syrian Airstrikes

Tennessee’s Congressional delegation is supporting the airstrikes in Syria ordered by President Trump and carried out on Thursday. Both United States Senators from Tennessee and all nine members of the delegation from the Volunteer State in the U.S. House of Representatives–seven Republicans and two Democrats– in public statements late Thursday and early Friday gave Trump’s actions their support. The airstrikes are in response to a chemical weapons attack carried out by the Syrian government against its own people in a rebel-controlled area. Sen. Bob Corker, who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a news release that he approves of Trump’s “decisive action.” “The U.S. and world community stood by as Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad brutally tortured and murdered more than 500,000 of his own people, and I applaud President Trump for taking decisive action following the latest chemical weapons attack,” Corker said. “It is critical that Assad knows he will no longer enjoy impunity for his horrific crimes against his own citizens, and this proportional step was appropriate. As we move forward, it will be important for the administration to engage with Congress and clearly communicate its full strategy to the American people.” Sen. Lamar Alexander…

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Commentary: Repeal Means Repeal!

  For the past six years the Republicans in Congress have repeatedly demanded that Obamacare be repealed and replaced. In fact the House has voted over 60 times to repeal Obamacare but were regularly blocked by the Democrat-controlled Senate under Majority Leader Harry Reid. When Republicans took control of the Senate the House was able to pass a bill in 2016 to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood that finally came to a vote and also passed in the Senate. President Obama vetoed it. As long as President Obama could wield the veto pen there was no hope of actually repealing Obamacare. But now, with President Trump in place and with his oft-repeated campaign pledge to “repeal Obamacare,” Republicans are positioned to keep their promises and kill the disastrous and costly government health insurance scheme. Yet, here we are on the verge of success and moderate Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan and House Budget Chair Diane Black are desperately trying to simply replace Obamacare with a watered down version that replaces subsidies with credits and keeps the foundations of Obamacare firmly in place. Instead of “promises made, promises kept” the Republicans will claim “promises made, promises continued until phases two…

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