Commentary: GOP Rule Number One: Never Take Agenda or Voting Tips from a Democrat

President Trump w White House Press

by Jeffery Rendall   Don’t you just love it when someone who has no expertise or authority into your (personal or professional) business gives you advice on how to conduct yourself and run your life? Such was the case when former New York Democrat congressman Steve Israel wrote about the gloomy prospects for the Republican Party last week. In a piece titled “Requiem for the Republican Party,” Israel grumbled at The Hill, “…Republican leaders rightly rebuked Trump’s kumbaya with the Kremlin. House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others expressed, in proper Washington parlance, their disagreements with the president’s moral equivocations. But it may be too late. They have planted the invasive seeds of demagoguery, and now they cannot prune them with a few soft ‘tsk-tsks.’ “I never agreed with the Grand Old Party on everything when I served as a member of Congress. But I found accord with it on promoting a Western democratic order in the world, maintaining a strong military to defend freedom, and opposing authoritarianism. I supported the global leadership of the Bush administration in combating AIDS. “I hope that party is not over and replaced by a frothing coalescence of our worst instincts. I…

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Marsha Blackburn Launches Senate General Election Campaign with Series of Events in Middle Tennessee

Marsha Blackburn

Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn is hitting the road hard on Primary Election Day to generate the enthusiasm and energy she is needing to propel her to a win over Democrat Phil Bredesen in their November U.S. Senate race. Blackburn started the day with a morning breakfast at the City Cafe in Brentwood with about 237 supporters, including Governor Bill Haslam, State Senator Jack Johnson, Williamson County Sheriff Bill Long, County Mayor Rogers Anderson, and several other local officials, party activists and community leaders. The packed crowd heard Governor Haslam point out that the race against Bredesen won’t just determine whether New York Senator Chuck Schumer gets another vote closer to running the Senate, but could clearly impact the future confirmation of conservative, Constitutionalist federal judges and Justices to the Supreme Court. Haslam also noted that if the Democrats are able to take control of the Senate, thanks to the votes of prospective Senators like Phil Bredesen, it also means a change in Committee Chairs in the Senate. “Phil Bredesen in the Senate could mean liberal Diane Feinstein replacing Chuck Grassley as Chair of the Judiciary Committee, making it almost impossible to have conservative judicial appointments get a hearing much less…

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Sen. Lamar Alexander Commentary: GOP Accomplishments

Lamar Alexander

by Senator Lamar Alexander   When I travel across Tennessee some people say, “I sure am glad I don’t have your job.” My answer is always, “I’m also glad you don’t have my job because I like my job, and I thank you for it.” And then someone will say, “Why don’t you guys ever do anything? What difference does a Republican majority make?” My answer is to hand them my Republican accomplishments card – a scorecard that lists what President Trump and a Republican Congress have been able to accomplish in the last 18 months. Best economy in 18 years, the biggest tax reform in 31 years, military support is the strongest it has been in 15 years, numerous regulations have been repealed, one confirmed Supreme Court justice and another Supreme Court nominee, 23 conservative U.S. Circuit Court judges confirmed, opened up Alaska to energy development after 38 years. We have a new National Labor Relations Board. We repealed Obamacare’s individual mandate penalty, repealed Dodd-Frank mortgage rules, passed legislation to improve veterans’ health care, and passed sanctions on Iran, Russia and North Korea. All of this in the last 18 months – the most important accomplishments by a conservative government in…

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Mark Skoda Commentary: Diane Black for Governor

Mark Skoda

Over the years, I have observed Diane Black support pro-life issues, our 2nd Amendment gun rights and more recently, President Trump.  Her conservative bona fides are clear reasons for this endorsement.  Her experience and tenacity in the face of vocal opposition are what we need in Tennessee’s next gubernatorial term.   During her tenure as a Congressman, I have watched as Diane worked to ensure that conservative ideas were given voice. Her pro-life support and her stance on the importance of the family as the fundamental building block of society are well known.  She submitted her first bill as a Congressman to overturn funding to Planned Parenthood and has continued that effort fighting for the Defund Planned Parenthood Act. When it comes to healthcare, Diane, a nurse, is well versed in legislative issues related to healthcare and its impact on people.  She also recognizes the importance to Tennessee both as a function of quality of life for Tennesseans generally and the business environment in particular.  She has been a steadfast opponent of Obamacare and worked to eliminate certain elements of that law that saved taxpayers over $13 billion dollars. More recently, Congressman Black has served on the House Ways and Means…

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Nashville Businessman Lee Beaman Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Diane Black, Lee Beaman

Well-known Nashville businessman and conservative stalwart Lee Beaman endorsed Rep. Diane Black  (R-TN-06) for Governor on Monday. “There is only one true conservative in the race and her name is Diane Black,” Beaman said in a statement. “Diane will fight to protect and defend out Tennessee values. She will be an advocate for Tennessee businesses of all sizes, and she will always fight for families and the unborn. With Diane leading the way, we can become the most business friendly state in the nation while keeping our values intact,” he concluded. Rep. Black responded, “I am delighted to have Lee on my team;” adding: Lee is a man guided by his conservative beliefs who has worked hard for every success. From standing against the AMP and Metro Transit Plan, when he gets behind something, everyone better move out of the way. He is a stalwart fighter for the conservative cause who never waivers in his conviction. “Nobody in Tennessee has been a more consistent and dependable donor, leader and advocate for conservative causes,” Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill said. “From personally dropping off cases of bottled water to protesters at Legislative Plaza to providing funds for countless conservative candidates at…

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Bill Lee Targets Memphis in Final Push for August 2 Win

Bill Lee

As the bitterly contested Republican primary for Governor comes to an end, Bill Lee is targeting Memphis in a late push for votes in West Tennessee. Lee has surged in the past two weeks and the few public polls show him with either a slight lead or in a dead heat heading into Election Day. A new television ad that airs in Memphis highlights Lee’s ties to Memphis and his intent to focus on West Tennessee if he is elected Governor. LEE Campaign Ad “Memphis” transcript: Announcer: “For way too long, Shelby County and West Tennessee have been ignored.” Bill Lee: “My family’s from here.  My mom was born and raised in Memphis. I want you to hear it from me:  As Governor I’m not going to ignore this part of the state. My campaign was the first to open an office here, and the first to release a plan specifically for Shelby County. This area has always been important to me, and that won’t change when I’m Governor. I’d sure appreciate your vote.” Most political observers think the barrage of negative attack ads from Boyd, Black and their respective independent expenditure committees have slowed or stopped Lee’s momentum. Others…

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Letter to the Editor: Message, Media, Money, and Matheny

Judd Matheny

Dear Tennessee Star, It wasn’t until I heard an interview with the social research scientist Robert Epstein about the impact of Internet messages on political thought that I first grasped the complete gravity of this problem. Epstein’s conclusion was that moderate and conservative Republicans are the voter group most easily influenced by what they see in the media. Wow! Each time I witness political offices being bought like auction items instead of side by side comparisons, I remember the Marshall McLuhan axiom “the medium is the message.” Consequently, if you can afford to buy enough of the medium, you can own the result of the message. So what is the true message of a candidate for the US House of Representatives who once elected will earn a salary for 2 years at $175K, currently “loaning” their campaigns millions of dollars which they’ll earn back in after-win donations? And what common sense campaign finance law would permit a candidate to obtain a $500,000 loan at 3% simple interest from a local bank to finance such an operation? Such is the case in the TN 6th District House race. State Representative Judd Matheny is clearly the candidate most closely aligned with the…

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Commentary: It’s On! Jim Jordan Announces For Speaker Of The U.S. House of Representatives

Jim Jordan, Paul Ryan

by CHQ Staff   Back in May a virtual Who’s Who of conservative movement leaders, led by CHQ Chairman Richard A. Viguerie, came together to urge Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4), the former Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, to run for Speaker of the House. Yesterday, Rep. Jordan made it official; he’s running for Speaker of the House. And Mr. Viguerie is not the only conservative leader to believe Jim Jordan is the last best hope for Republicans to retain the House majority and fulfill the Trump agenda: Jenny Beth Martin, Chairman of the Tea Party Patriots, L. Brent Bozell III, former Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese, Ken Cucinnelli of the Senate Conservatives Fund, Frank Gaffney, President, Center for Security Policy and Tim Wildmon, President, American Family Association were also among the more than 40 conservative leaders who signed on to the initial letter urging Jordan to run for Speaker. Our friend Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review summed up the situation thusly: Amid all the griping about the House leadership, the biggest problem reformers have faced is the old adage, “You can’t beat somebody with nobody.” For years, nobody was willing to step forward and launch a serious and sustained…

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EXCLUSIVE: Marsha Blackburn Tells The Tennessee Star ‘Chuck Schumer Has Bought and Paid For Phil Bredesen’s Vote’

Steve Gill, Marsha Blackburn

In an exclusive interview with Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill on Friday, U.S. Senate hopeful Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) hit her Democratic opponent square in the jaw, calling him out over one of his greatest vulnerablities. “Chuck Schumer has bought and paid for Phil Bredesen’s vote,” Blackburn told Gill. Senator Schumer (D-NY)- who is currently the Senate Minority Leader and is poised to become Senate Majority Leader should the Democrats’ “blue wave” come to the U.S. Senate in this November’s midterm elections – is said to have personally recruited Bredesen out of retirement to run when Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) opted not to run for a third term “When you look at the Senate race that you’re in the midst of, what we hear from Phil Bredesen is that he’s going to be a different kind of Democrat – but you don’t see different kinds of Democrats in the Senate. And when we look at what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are saying – Chuck Schumer has recruited Phil Bredesen into this race – they want to raise taxes if they get back in control of the Senate and the House,” Gill noted. Blackburn made it clear Bredesen is…

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Vice President Mike Pence Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Mike Pence, Diane Black

Vice President Mike Pence tweeted his strong endorsement for Diane Black for governor of Tennessee on Friday, as early voting is set to close in the August 2 Republican gubernatorial primary. He wrote, “@DianeBlackTN is running for Governor of TN & a strong supporter of #MAGA agenda of tax cuts, military $$ & a champion of right to life policies. There are great candidates running but Diane has been my friend for years, we served together in the House, & she has my support!” .@DianeBlackTN is running for Governor of TN & a strong supporter of #MAGA agenda of tax cuts, military $$ & a champion of right to life policies. There are great candidates running but Diane has been my friend for years, we served together in the House, & she has my support! — Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) July 27, 2018 Black said in a statement, “I am honored that Vice President Pence would choose to support me in a state like Tennessee that overwhelmingly supported him and President Trump in 2016. Even before he became Vice President, Pence was an exceptional leader for the state of Indiana, leading with his faith and values. I am proud to call…

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Gov. Haslam Says Possible Endorsement of Gubernatorial Candidate by President Trump ‘Not Helpful’

Diane Blakc, Bill Haslam, Donald Trump

Outgoing Governor Haslam told reporters Thursday that he hoped President Trump would stay out of the Tennessee Republican primary to name his replacement. “I don’t think it’s helpful for the White House to be involved in primaries,” Haslam said, citing that as the current chairman of the Republican Governors Association, he and his group will not participate in primaries where the GOP candidates are running for open seats. Haslam said: I had a conversation with them back in February, them being the White House, saying we’re going to have 36 governors races. They’re going to be very competitive. We would like it if y’all would not get involved. We just think that’s best. We’re not going to get involved as [the RGA] unless we have an incumbent governor. If there’s an incumbent governor, we welcome your involvement. When he was asked if President Trump’s involvement in some gubernatorial races despite his request was frustrating, Haslam told reporters, “Well, they’re the White House. They can do what they want. But like I said, we would rather them not.” He said he believes there is “good reason for that in any mid-term election,” noting the November general elections “are difficult. And we…

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Mark West Commentary: When Men are Unwilling to Lead – Tennessee’s Gubernatorial Race

Mark West, Bill Lee

by Mark West   There is a story in the Old Testament (Judges 4), where we read about two leaders in Israel, Deborah and Barak. The people of Israel were facing a serious threat from an oppressive enemy, King Jabin and the Commander of his army, Sisera. God had told Deborah to instruct Barak, a leader of men in his own right, to march out against Sisera to defeat the infidel. When Deborah informed Barak of God’s charge to him, Barak’s answer was: “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.” In that brief response, Barak revealed a lack of trust in God, a fear of men, and an unwillingness to go into enemy territory alone, without someone of greater courage and faith. Deborah’s response to Barak was: “Very well, I will go with you. But you will receive no honor in this venture.” Like all stories in the Bible, there are typically modern day applications to our lives and even our nation. Rewind twelve months ago to July 2017. I was contacted by Bill Lee to sit down with him, one-on-one, to discuss his campaign…

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Can’t We All Just Get Along? Republican Candidates Sling Mud Before Election

Randy Boyd, Diane Black, Beth Harwell, Bill Lee

On Monday’s edition on The Gill Report – broadcast on Knoxville’s 92.3 FM WETR – Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill discussed the unscrupulous battle between Republican nominees for Governor elections August 2nd in Tennessee and the support that the winning candidate may or may not receive from members of their party once elected. Steve Gill observed, “The Republican primary for governor is getting brutal and bitter. You’re seeing attack ads flying back and forth. Beth Harwell’s attacking her opponents with one ad that features them as little children dressed up as you know, a working construction guy, she’s got Diane Black with a blonde wig and her glasses, and then Randy Boyd with his suit. But these are all young kids.” He continued: You’ve got Diane Black and Randy Boyd both viciously attacking each other and Bill Lee. And Bill Lee is kind of using the attack, “I’m the only nice guy vote for me!” The bottom line is there is a lot of vitriol and bitterness that has been built in, baked in to this primary process. And on August 2nd the votes will be counted. Someone, one of these four, will win the Republican primary for Governor. And…

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Flinn Hits Kustoff for His Attack on Pregnant Women

George Flinn ad

George Flinn aired a campaign ad several weeks ago that featured three visibly pregnant women who said they were voting for Finn for Congress in West Tennessee’s 8th Congressional District. Flinn is challenging incumbent Congressman David Kustoff in the Republican Primary. The women pointed out that Kustoff had voted for the $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill that included about $500 million in funding for Planned Parenthood. They noted that Flinn is pro-life, like them, and that his support for unborn life was the reason they and their families were voting for Flinn. Kustoff responded last week with his own television ad and mail piece featuring a photo of the three women declaring them to be “fake news.” Now, Flinn has counterpunched back with a television commercial featuring one of the three women criticizing Kustoff for attacking “pregnant women.” FLINN AD “Fake News” transcript: Clip from Flinn ad: “…and that’s a vote for George Flinn, a true conservative.” Cecilia M.: “David Kustoff is calling us ‘fake news.’ We aren’t fake. We are real. He’s the one lying about his voting record and about us. I looked at his vote, and I told the truth. Kustoff is so desperate that he…

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Things That Make You Go Hmm: Independent Polling Firm Puts Lee in the Lead While Tied to Campaign Consultants

Steve Gill

On Tuesday’s Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, conservative pundit and Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill baffled at a recent independent poll that stated Bill Lee was leading Tennessee’s GOP primary race. The question remains to be answered of whether or not Lee knew the polling company was tied to one of his campaign consultants. He’s yet to answer the question. Gill contemplated, “We and a lot of other media outlets across the state were talking about a new poll that was released on Monday that showed Williamson County businessman Bill Lee leading the republican gubernatorial primary for the first time. It was branded and put out by the lead campaign and others as an independent poll.” He continued: And yet as we now discover, and you can see the whole story with the details and the links at, that the general consultants for the Bill Lee campaign are actually connected to the company that did the polling.  Again, the polling firm that claims Bill Lee is leading in the governor’s race is actually connected to the consultants on the Lee campaign. Now the Lee campaign didn’t disclose their connection to the polling firm…

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Norm Partin Commentary: Bill Lee for Governor

Bill Lee

by Norm Partin   Are you the person that says to yourself, “If I were Governor, this is what I would do…”? Do you tend to vote AGAINST people instead of FOR someone? Are you constantly disappointed by politically influenced legislation on both national and state levels? Are you “that person”? I’m “that person” too, but for the first time in decades I am voting FOR someone. As I reach my twilight my focus is now on my grandchildren and their future, and as such I take my politics very seriously. Why am I supporting Bill Lee for Governor, you ask? There are several reasons that matter to me and should also matter to YOU: Crisis management In the last decade Tennessee has suffered tornadoes, forest fires, floods, and civil disobedience. A leader should not be judged on performance when all is well, a leader should be judged on his performance when the chips are down. I trust Bill to make decisions with sound logic, even when under tremendous pressure. Bill Lee has fought back and succeeded in the face of personal tragedy and business adversity. THAT takes a leader. Fiscal competence This is where elected officials have failed the…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Is Randy Boyd Hoodwinking Conservatives?

Carol Swain, Randy Boyd

by Dr. Carol M. Swain   Christian conservatives dividing their votes between Diane Black and Bill Lee will play a decisive role in electing the next governor of Tennessee. With four candidates in the Republican race (Randy Boyd and Beth Harwell are the others) for a primary that does not include a runoff, the winner will be the person who gets the most votes, period. That person could well be Randy Boyd. Boyd is poised to benefit from the perennial divisions among conservatives and from crossover votes from Democrats voting in the open primary. It behooves us to take a closer look at the man who might be the state’s next chief executive. Without question, Boyd is the most fascinating candidate in Tennessee’s 2018 GOP gubernatorial race. He is a youngish, fiftyish man of the world with a big vision for change. Boyd wants to use government to eradicate poverty and open up opportunities for all Tennesseans, using education and jobs as the great equalizers they can and should be. Boyd’s vision is utopian, and his heart seems compassionate and optimistic about the possibilities of what government can and should do. Who in their right mind would be against new…

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Letter to the Editor: If You Want to Change State Politics Then Support Bill Lee for Governor

Bill Lee

Dear Tennessee Star,   We all witnessed an historic change in American politics with the election of Donald Trump as President in November of 2016. A man who never held a political office of any kind defeated all the primary candidates of the Republican A-Team. A group so strong that the late Charles Krauthammer stated there was never a better group of candidates assembled in any prior election. The Republican Party was certainly confident that one of their establishment candidates would rise to the top with ease. Their first but not last choice of course was Jeb Bush. They backed Jeb with all the considerable money and connections they possessed. In any prior election cycle it would have been all over but the music for the remainder of the Republican candidates. What we all learned however is that 2016 was no normal election cycle. The movers and shakers of the political world had somehow lost both their bark and their bite. Even the media elites could not resurrect the campaign of “low energy Jeb,” as one of the candidates called him. Of course today you know I refer to Donald Trump who won the primary and went on to win…

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Congressional Candidate Dr. Mark Green Announces 2nd Quarter Fundraising Totals Over $400,000

Mark Green

Republican State Senator and congressional hopeful Dr. Mark Green announced Monday that his campaign raised $420,000 in the second quarter, and his cash-on-hand totals $909,908. “We’re honored that more than 1,000 donors have invested in our mission to bring battle-tested leadership to Washington. These funds will allow us to continue to run a strong grassroots campaign to talk to voters in every corner of the district,” Dr. Green said in a statement. The Green campaign notes that, “With broad grassroots infrastructure built in each county throughout the sprawling 7th congressional district, Green’s campaign continues to receive support from Tennessee voters.” Over the course of the primary election season, Dr. Green has garnered several top-tier endorsements from local and national groups including, the campaign lists: 100 conservative leaders 20 mayors over 60 legislators Senator Ted Cruz Senator Rick Santorum Dr. Art Laffer Club for Growth FRC Action Combat Veterans for Congress GOPAC House Freedom Fund FreedomWorks Tennessee Right to Life Tennessee Firefighters Association Dr. Mark Green is seeking to replace Representative Marsha Blackburn, who is running for the hotly contested open seat in the US Senate left by retiring junior Senator Bob Corker. On the other side of the aisle, Justin…

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Rick Santorum Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Rick Santorum, Diane Black

Former Senator and 2012 presidential contender Rick Santorum announced his strong endorsement of Diane Black for Governor Tuesday. “I’ve always known Diane to be a strong conservative leader, a passionate advocate for the unborn and a champion for religious liberty and traditional values,” Santorum said in a statement. “With Diane Black in the Governor’s office, I am confident that the conservative values that make Tennessee great will be protected and preserved.” Diane Black responded, “Rick Santorum is a champion for conservative principles,” Black said. “He’s a leader who is not afraid to fight for conservative values. Tennessee stood behind Rick in his 2012 race for President, and I’m proud to have him behind me in my race for Governor.” Throughout Rick Santorum’s career he has enjoyed a high level of popularity in the Volunteer State. During the nine-way Tennessee presidential primary election of 2012, Santorum received an extraordinary 40 percent of the vote. The Black campaign points out that in addition to Santorum’s endorsement, Representative Black has received endorsements from: – NRA – Susan B. Anthony List – National Right to Life – Tennessee Right to Life – Family Research Council – American Conservative Union – Nearly 3,000 elected officials and community leaders across…

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Statewide Early Voting Numbers Are Starting with a Bang

early voting

In the first two days of early voting there are signs that turnout may be higher than normal in both the Democratic and Republican primaries. Early voting started on Friday and continued on Saturday, though the locations and schedule for the Saturday voting was limited in several counties. Additionally, some counties have only reported their Friday totals at this point. Nevertheless, 30,262 votes have already been cast in the Republican Primary and 12,205 in the Democratic Primary. Early voting continues until July 28 with Election Day on August 2. There were 668,039 total GOP Senate Primary votes cast in August 2014.  That election featured a contested primary between Senator Lamar Alexander (331,705 votes) and Joe Carr (271,324). Alexander prevailed by a closer than expected 49-40% margin. A third Republican, Dr. George Flinn received a little over 34,000 total votes. That race may give guidance in predicting final turnout as we move through the early voting period. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill expects the turnout to increase dramatically over the next few weeks. “Not only do we have a hotly contested Republican Primary for Governor, in which we will see perhaps $10 million in spending in the next few weeks…

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Congressional Candidate Judd Matheny Earns Another Big Endorsement – This Time, From the NRA

Judd Matheny

State Representative Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) earned another top-tier endorsement, this time from the National Rifle Association, in his campaign to win the Republican nomination in the Sixth Congressional District. Matheny faces former Judge Robert Corlew and businessman John Rose in the August 2 primary for the GOP nomination. The winner of that primary will be the favorite to win the general election contest to replace Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06), who is running for governor. “Thank you to the NRA for all they do to preserve our Second Amendment and for recognizing my unwavering support for the same. I have never and will never compromise on our Constitutional rights. I am a known and proven quantity – by far the best man for the job!” Matheny said in a statement released by his campaign on Friday. The campaign notes the welcome endorsement comes “in the wake of his educational 10th Annual Machine Gun Shoot held for the public, law enforcement, military, and the General Assembly.” Matheny, the statement added, “is known for his steadfast conservative voting record in the state house, and says that every decision he makes is viewed through the lens of his core principles of protecting life, the…

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Tennessee’s 2nd District: Tim Burchett Releases New Ad Promoting His Support for President Trump

Donald Trump, Tim Burchett

Knox County Mayor and Republican candidate for Congress in Tennessee’s 2d Congressional District has a new television commercial airing that promotes his support for President Trump.  This is Burchett’s second ad and it is airing on both broadcast and cable throughout the district. TIM BURCHETT “TRUMP” ad: Hey, I’m Tim Burchett, and I’m running for Congress to help President Trump shake up Washington. Everyone says they’re for Trump, but I’m the only candidate who supported Donald Trump in the 2016 primary. As mayor, I took on the tax-hikers and the big-spenders. And I fought to ban hiring illegal immigrants over Americans. I’m proud to be pro-life, pro-gun, pro-America. I’m Tim Burchett and I approve this message because I’m a true conservative and I will never pretend to be otherwise. Early voting in the primary election began Friday with Election Day on August 2. The winner of the primary in the heavily Republican district will be highly favored to replace retiring Congressman Jimmy Duncan who has held the seat for three decades. Burchett announced a big fundraising total in the second quarter of 2018 earlier this week.              

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Anti-Trump Group Drops Mail Piece Against Bob Corlew in Tennessee 6th District

Nick Ryan

The American Future Fund, a 501(c)4 group that funded multiple attack ads against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election has filed information with the Federal Election Commission indicating that they have just spent $17,500 for a targeted direct mail piece against Republican conservative businessman and former Judge Bob Corlew.  Corlew is locked in a tight primary battle with businessman John Rose in the 6th Congressional District to fill the seat being vacated by Congresswoman Diane Black. Black is running for Governor. In 2016 alone, the organization spent $6.7 million in attacks against Trump, describing him as a “fraud,” “a phony,” and a “B.S. artist.”  The group recently ran negative ads against South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, a staunch and early Trump supporter. Trump appeared at a campaign rally for McMaster the night before his runoff election in South Carolina last month.  McMaster won the runoff and is expected to easily carry the state in November. The American Future Fund was founded by Nick Ryan in 2007 and is based in Iowa.  The group has spent funds opposing other pro-Trump candidates during this election cycle. FEC regulations require the disclosure of independent expenditures related to a Federal campaign, such as Congress,…

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Democrat SuperPAC Releases Poll (Lacking Backup) Showing Phil Bredesen with a 44-41 Lead Over Marsha Blackburn

Phil Bredesen, Marsha Blackburn

Duty and Country PAC, a Washington DC based political action committee that is aligned with the Democratic Party, has released a poll conducted by Public Policy Polling that shows Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen with a narrow 3 point lead over his Republican opponent Marsha Blackburn. The poll was conducted among 583 likely voters June 10-11 and has a margin of error of 4 points, placing Bredesen’s lead within that margin of error. The poll indicates that Bredesen leads Blackburn 44 percent to 41 percent with 15 percent undecided. In the release, Duty and Country PAC did not include a topline summary providing data in the demographic and political affiliations of poll respondents, which is customary among most professional polling firms. Nor did they include a detailed description of the poll’s methodology, which is also customary, or more detailed crosstabs, which is a common practice among professional polling firms. The poll stands in marked contrast to the Axios-Survey Monkey Poll released earlier this week that shows Blackburn leading Bredesen by 14 points, 55 percent to 41 percent. Duty and Country PAC has raised about $2 million this year according to their latest Federal Election Commission filings.  Their latest report…

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Beth Harwell Airs Attack Ad Targeting Black, Boyd and Lee as Children

Beth Harwell

As the heat intensifies in the Tennessee Republican Primary campaign for Governor House Speaker Beth Harwell has aired her first negative ad. In the Harwell ad each of her three opponents are depicted as bickering children while she’s the “adult” in the room. Harwell touts the fact that as Speaker she has balanced the budget, lowered taxes, outlawed sanctuary cities and reduced the size of government. Beth Harwell “ADULT IN THE ROOM ad: ANNCR: “You have a choice for Governor. Behind all the fighting and posturing Diane Black, Randy Boyd and Bill Lee only offer political promises.” HARWELL: “I am the only candidate who offers proven results instead of political promises. Under my leadership as your Tennessee Speaker we’ve already balanced the budget and lowered your taxes. Already outlawed sanctuary cities and reduced the size of our state government.” ANNCR: “Beth Harwell, the adult in the room.” As Harwell’s critics have noted, EVERY Speaker has balanced the budget because it is required by law. And while some taxes were lowered as part of the IMPROVE Act, the tax cuts primarily went to big businesses while the fuel tax increase of over $300 million a year hits working families in Tennessee. Tennessee…

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Tennessee’s 2nd District: Tim Burchett Reports Huge Fundraising Haul for Second Quarter

Tim Burchett

Knox County Mayor and Republican congressional candidate in the 2nd Congressional District had an impressive second quarter fundraising report according to a release from his campaign on Thursday. Burchett reports raising $225,000 during the most recent reporting period that ended on June 30th. To date Burchett has reported raising over $590,000. “I am honored and humbled by the outpouring of support our campaign has experienced across the Second District,” Burchett said in announcing his fundraising totals. “From fundraisers, to local events, to volunteers who spend their weekends knocking on doors in the sweltering heat, I am lucky to have the hardest-working, most enthusiastic supporters this state has ever seen.” Burchett hired highly regarded Republican fundraiser Kim Kaegi as he headed into the quarter and the results speak for themselves, one political insider noted in reviewing the numbers. “The biggest question mark about Tim was whether he could raise the money to wage a competitive race against two significant self-funders in Jason Emert and Jimmy Matlock. Clearly he and his team have answered that question in the affirmative and added an exclamation point this quarter.” Early voting in the primary election begins today with Election Day on August 2. The winner…

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Tennessee’s 8th District: Colleen Owens Endorses George Flinn in GOP Primary

Colleen Owens, George Flinn, David Kustoff

Colleen Owens, a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in West Tennessee’s 8th District announced on Thursday that she is endorsing one of her opponents, Dr. George Flinn, for Congress.  She is immediately suspending all of her campaign activities. Owens made the announcement during an appearance on Jackson’s WNWS 101.5 FM. Owens said that she came to the conclusion that Dr. Flinn is the clear choice for Tennessee’s Congressional District 8. “I’m excited to be voting for George and asking my supporters to vote for George Flinn, because he’s going to be the right person for West Tennessee. I do not want to be the spoiler that helped Congressman Kustoff go back to Washington,” Owens told WNWS host Dan Reaves.   “After getting to know George better – I really like him. He’s conservative and a self-made businessman. He’s going to Washington and doesn’t owe anyone. He’s doing it for the right reasons.” Owens stated that she has attended events with both David Kustoff and George Flinn. After being around both of them, she feels that George Flinn is the clear choice for West Tennessee. “I came away feeling like George is a good man, and we agree on pretty much everything.…

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Victor Ashe Commentary: Jimmy Matlock Has Some Explaining To Do on His Voting Record

Victor Ashe

by Victor Ashe   The recent revelation that 2nd District Congressional candidate Jimmy Matlock skipped the three-day special session called by Gov. Bill Haslam in 2016 to rescue federal highway dollars, as well as the vote to oust a sexual predator from the state House, has triggered further questions about his attendance record over the past 12 years.   It has been hit and miss for Matlock when it comes to being on the House floor for votes. Only this year, on the last day of the 2018 session, Matlock left three hours early before the House adjourned, missing several votes, including one on the sale of liquor in Tellico Village. He represents Tellico Village but did not want to take a position on the legislation He has yet to explain to voters why he did not attend the special legislative session. On April 10, 2014, when the state budget passed 68 to 27, Matlock was one of four House members not to vote. The budget is the single most important vote a lawmaker casts. Meanwhile, Matlock has challenged Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett to a one-on-one debate, as if the other three candidates are irrelevant. Clever – but why would…

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Bill Lee’s Contributions to Bredesen and Barry the Focus of New Billboards in Middle Tennessee

anti-Lee billboard

Diane Black is hitting Bill Lee hard for his financial support for Democrats like Phil Bredesen, Megan Barry and Karl Dean. A new Black ad, “Burn”, specifically targets Lee for his donations to Democrats Phil Bredesen and Megan Barry. Diane Black “BURN” ad: You know the old saying, fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. Will Bill Lee fool you again. The last time Bill Lee got involved in politics he pushed liberal Megan Barry for Mayor. She pushed sanctuary policies and gun control and we got burned. Now we learn Bill Lee gave money to liberal Phil Bredesen, too. Bill Lee’s the kind of Republican who helps Democrats get elected. Don’t let Bill Lee burn you again. Now, electronic billboards by an independent expenditure group, Jobs4TnNow, have popped up in Middle Tennessee that are hitting Lee on the same theme. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill says Black has clearly realized she has a Bill Lee problem. Lee is taking voters away from Black and she has to bring them back. The biggest question, Gill has pointed out, is whether and how Bill Lee would respond to the attacks. “If he hesitates to…

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Tennessee’s 6th: Corlew Ad Wants to Make Sure Voters Don’t Confuse Bob CorLEW with Bob CorKER

Bob Corlew

Recent polling by The Tennessee Star showed that Senator Bob Corker has a disapproval rating in the 62% range and 6th District GOP Congressional candidate Bob Corlew wants to make sure voters in his primary don’t hold that against HIM just because of a similar last name. The tongue-in-cheek ad also tries to cut through the late campaign season noise and increase Corlew’s name recognition with GOP Primary voters.  It is similar to an ad that Tennessee Republican Congressman Scott Desjarlais once used to increase his own name recognition with a somewhat difficult last name. Desjarlais’ ad depicted a man confused between Desjarlais and Dijon mustard. Transcript of Bob Corlew ad “BOB WHO?”: Bob Corlew: “Hey, I’m Bob Corlew and I’m running for Congress.” Man: “Corker?” Second Man: “Corker?” Bob Corlew: “No, Corlew. Bob Corlew.” Woman: “Bob Corker?” Second woman: “No, Corlew; Bob Corlew. Army veteran. Judge. Conservative Republican.” Young man: “And a supporter of President Trump. Bob’s spent a lifetime serving others.” Bob Corlew: “That’s right. I want to help stop illegal immigration. Help the President build the Wall. And that’s why I approved this message.” The commercial is airing on both broadcast and cable television.    …

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Black Blasts Boyd on Taxes in New Ad

Black blasts Boyd on Taxes

The gloves are definitely off in the Tennessee Republican Primary for Governor. Diane Black has unleashed a vicious television hit on Randy Boyd based upon a Tennessean story claiming that Boyd has used the location of his company’s foreign operations in order to avoid U.S. taxes. “From 2014 to 2016, the company sheltered millions of dollars in European profits from any taxes because of this corporate structure, according to two experts who analyzed Radio System’s Irish tax records obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK – Tennessee,” The Tennessean reported on Monday. One of two “experts” quoted by the Tennessean was a California-Irvine School of Law Professor. “Analyzing the company’s tax records, University of California-Irvine School of Law professor Omri Marian estimated the company paid an effective tax rate of a little more than 1 percent,” The Tennessean said. However, as The Tennessee Star has reported, whatever documents were provided by the Tennessean for review by the professor could not have been obtained from public records, raising questions about the legality of the means by which The Tennessean procured them.  The Tennessean has refused to make the “tax records” they obtained available for review by the public or other news media outlets, nor…

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Tennessee 6th Congressional District: Robert Corlew Hits John Rose for Supporting Huge Tennessee Gas Tax Increase

Bob Corlew

A massive gas tax increase that was part of the Haslam Administration’s IMPROVE Act, which raised fuel taxes over $300 million a year, is becoming an issue in the 6th District Republican Primary congressional race. Former judge and conservative businessman Bob Corlew is hitting fellow Republican contender John Rose for supporting the huge tax increase in a new digital ad that may soon find its way to broadcast and cable outlets in the district. According to a Corlew campaign spokesman, the ad was rejected by “Gas Station Television” because, as a representative at Gas Station Television told the campaign, “they didn’t want to run anything that would shine ‘a negative light on the gas space (or oil industry).’ So this ad never got to run on their air.” A transcript of the ad: “HEY! HEY YOU PUMPING GAS! DO YOU THINK YOU PAY TOO MUCH  AT THE PUMP? WELL, IF JOHN ROSE HAD HIS WAY YOU WOULD BE PAYING MORE EVERY TIME EVERY TIME YOU FILL UP. THAT’S RIGHT, JOHN ROSE SUPPORTED INCREASING FUEL TAXES BY 33%. JOHN ROSE SAID YOU PAYING MORE EVERY TIME YOU PUMP GAS ‘MAKES GOOD SENSE’. AND ‘I HOPE THIS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED.’ JOHN ROSE:…

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Diane Black Announces Her Campaign’s County Leadership Team Members Number Nearly 3000

Diane Black

In the final weeks of Rep Diane Black’s campaign for the GOP nomination for governor, she announced on Thursday her County Leadership Teams – made up of dedicated activists, elected officials, and community leaders – has swelled to nearly 3,000 members. “I am excited and humbled to announce my County Leadership Teams have reached nearly 3,000 members,” Black said in a statement. “I have had a lot of wonderful endorsements in recent weeks, but these are the ones that mean the most to me. To have the support of nearly 3,000 activists, elected officials and community leaders from all over our state is an honor. I am confident their support will help us win this election.” The first 50 members are listed below – click here for the complete list: Jonathan K Alderson, Anderson County Robert J Arowood, Anderson County William Arowood, Anderson County Earl H Barton, Anderson County Alan Beauchamp, Anderson County Sabra Beauchamp, Anderson County Kendall L Brady, Anderson County Laura Capozzola, Anderson County Oak Ridge Vice Mayor Rick Chinn, Anderson County County Clerk Jeff Cole, Anderson County Gale L Cook, Anderson County Barrington Cox, Anderson County Rick Daley, Anderson County Frank Damiano, Anderson County Maureen Fricke, Anderson County Roberta Hamlington, Anderson County Bradley…

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Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Lee Introduces Legislative ‘Contract with Tennesseans’ He Calls ‘Ten for Tenn’

Bill Lee

Drawing on his experience in business, Republican candidate for governor Bill Lee announced his “contract with Tennesseeans” called Ten for Tenn that highlights the key items Lee plans to focus on and enact as the Volunteer State’s 50th governor. “As a CEO, it is important to set the vision for my company, and I believe it is just as important to set the vision for the state as governor,” Lee in a statement. “‘Ten for Tenn’ is my contract with Tennesseans, and I look forward to working to enact my conservative vision for Tennessee.” The plan lists ten general agenda items that range from rethinking public education and ‘getting tough’ on the state budget, to pursuing term limits and creating a new Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The Lee campaign posted the details online, and are listed here: Foster an Environment Where Jobs Continue to Grow Rethink Public Education with Major Vocational Reforms, Real School Choice, and Civics Education Stand up for Rural Tennessee by Expanding Economic Opportunity and Winning the War On Opioids Get Tough on the State Budget by Making Government Smaller and More Efficient Ensure New Voices in Nashville by Passing Term Limits and the Challenging the…

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Black Campaign Hits Lee in a Pair of New Attack Ads

Diane Black political ad feat Bill Lee

In yet another indication that the Republican Primary for Governor has tightened, with a surge by Bill Lee in Middle Tennessee threatening Diane Black in her own 6th Congressional District, the Black campaign has begun airing two new attack ads targeting Lee in the last 24 hours. Black aired an ad targeting both Lee and Randy Boyd as “Two Moderates” just last week. She added a second ad that focused solely on Boyd as being “anti-hunter” while touting Black’s endorsement by the NRA. In fact, the ad is titled “Anti-hunter” to make the point clear. Now Black has launched two new ads that hit Lee hard. The first is similar to the “Two Moderates” ad but focuses more on Lee than Boyd. The second “Two Moderates” Black ad transcript reads as follows: Steve Schmidt, former Republican campaign manager: [Trump is] An imbecilic former reality tv show host and con man. George Will, columnist: “He [Trump] would flunk a sixth grade civics exam. Announcer: Don’t you hate it when Republicans undermine President Trump? Randy Boyd disavowed Trump, and Bill Lee’s the kind of Republican who helps Democrats get elected. Bill Lee pushed for liberal Mayor Megan Barry. Bill Lee’s candidate pushed…

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Mark Green Picks Up Another Endorsement For Congress, This Time From Williamson Business PAC

Mark Green

The Williamson Business PAC on Thursday announced its support of Dr. Mark Green for U.S. Congress to replace Marsha Blackburn. The PAC conducted interviews with all the candidates running for the vacant 7th District congressional seat, and its board concluded that State Sen. Green is the best choice, according to a press release from Green’s campaign. “Representing the Williamson Business community, our board members endorse Mark due to his strength, fortitude, integrity and compassion. These are all needed qualities in a statesman and well exemplified by Senator Mark Green,” said Cherie Hammond, the PAC’s chair. Having run a business in Brentwood, Green also based his congressional campaign headquarters in Cool Springs. His campaign is supported by many of the county’s leaders, including State Sen. Jack Johnson, Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson, Franklin Mayor Ken Moore, Fairview Mayor Patti Carroll, Spring Hill Mayor Rick Graham and Nolensville Mayor Jimmy Alexander. “I’m honored to receive the Business PAC’s endorsement,” said Green. “Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. As I travel the 7th District, I’ve heard from countless business owners that burdensome federal regulations are stifling their growth. Having built a company myself, I will fight every day to get…

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Mike Huckabee Endorses Randy Boyd For Tennessee Governor

Mike Hukabee

Conservative former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has endorsed Republican candidate Randy Boyd for governor of Tennessee. Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, made the announcement in a television ad Friday, the Boyd campaign announced. “Huckabee, a notable voice for the conservative movement, is throwing his support behind Randy as a conservative businessman who is strong on key issues like illegal immigration and pro-life values,” the announcement says. “Huckabee also supports Randy’s background as a businessman looking to disrupt career politicians. The politician, minister, author and commentator says ‘Tennessee needs a conservative businessman as governor who can get things done.’” Huckabee, a one-time Fox News host, ran unsuccessfully for president twice but carried Tennessee in 2008 by wide margins, the Times Free Press said. Boyd’s campaign CEO is Chip Saltsman, a former Tennessee Republican Party chairman who served as Huckabee’s national campaign manager in the former Arkansas governor’s 2008 presidential effort. Watch the commercial:    

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Complaint Targets Bill Lee’s Business, Campaign Advertising

Bill Lee

The Tennessean reported Friday that a complaint alleges that gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee is using a tax-sheltered trust to illegally donate money to his own campaign. The complaint, filed by Joe Darke of Dover, Tennessee, also alleges that the Republican candidate has accepted illegal contributions from some individuals and businesses while raising questions about Lee’s frequent use of television ads for his company. The complaint was filed with Tennessee’s Registry of Election Finance, WKRN said, and claims Lee uses his businesses to supplement his campaign without disclosure and beyond limits. More specifically, the complaint says Lee Company commercials featured Lee, while campaign ads have touted Lee’s company experience. It speculates Lee is running company ads for a business expense deduction to avoid more income taxes. Campaign spokesman Chris Walker called the complaint “nonsense,” WKRN said. The complaint contains at least two errors, which could lead campaign finance officials to dismiss it, The Tennessean said. A campaign spokesman said the complaint was evidence he was gaining momentum.        

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Commentary: Open-Border Establishment Republicans Like John Kasich Endanger President Trump’s Popular Agenda

John Kasich

by Jeffery Rendall   Someone should have a sit down with John Kasich. Close followers of American politics – or at least its recent past in the exhilarating Donald Trump era – know the outgoing Ohio governor ran for president in 2016 as a Republican. Well-informed folks also realize Kasich’s following never really grew over the course of the campaign and the only state he managed to win outright (in the GOP primaries) was his own. Nevertheless Kasich appears to be capitalizing on his fifteen minutes of Trump-coattail fame (if it was even that long) to lecture congressional Republicans on what they should be doing to remedy the ambiguity created by Trump’s ending of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. Kasich wrote at USA Today earlier this week, “Ever since the Trump administration’s effort last fall to kill the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, 800,000 young people living in our communities have faced the fear of deportation from the only homes — and the only homeland — most have ever really known. These are the ‘DREAMers’: our neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers who were brought to America as children and, until now, were eligible to stay and lead productive…

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Commentary: Tennessee Among the Nation’s Six Hottest US Senate Races

US Senate Bredesen and Blackburn

by CHQ Staff   As the first part of GOP primary election season wraps conservatives have reason to be optimistic about the chances of adding to our numbers in Mitch McConnell’s broken U.S. Senate. At a major meeting of conservative leaders yesterday, some of the movement’s best political minds handicapped the Senate races with us, and this is where we see the hottest conservative campaigns as of today. West Virginia: Conservative West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey emerged victorious in the hard-fought GOP primary and immediately jumped to a lead over incumbent Democrat Joe Manchin in the polls. Polls this far out from Election Day normally mean little, but when the incumbent is behind the challenger it is a good indication that West Virginia’s voters, who gave President Trump a 48 point advantage in the 2016 election have caught on to the fact that Manchin is a hypocrite, not a conservative. Tennessee: Conservative Representative Marsha Blackburn has the nomination to succeed retiring establishment Republican Senator Bob Corker. Blackburn, an excellent speaker and TV presence, is one of the House’s strongest voices on the pro-life agenda. Even better, when Corker started making noise about maybe un-retiring, Rep. Blackburn said “bring it on”…

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WWE Wrestler Jacobs Wins Knox County Mayor Primary by 17 Votes

WWE wrestler Glenn Jacobs has won the Republican primary for Knox County mayor by a margin of only 17 votes, WATE reported. The Knox County Election Commission says there are, however, a few provisional ballots, so the results won’t be official until next week. Jacobs, a former WWE wrestler aka “Kane,” and insurance agent, faced off against county commissioners Brad Anders and Bob Thomas. The election was not without issues, WKYT reported. Just before 10:15 p.m. on Election Day, the Knox County Election Commission website showed Jacobs with a 17-vote lead taking the candidacy over Anders in the primary election. While Jacobs called it a “WWE finish” to sister station WVLT, Anders said he was not conceding until the provisional ballots have been counted. According to Knox County officials, the county website failed Tuesday night, and election results were delayed as a result of a computer problem, WKYT said. Cliff Rodgers with the Knox County Election Commission said they experienced a “widespread denial of services attack.” The Knox County Election Commission told WVLT that they had recorded 43 provisional ballots for all races, according to WKYT. Of those 43 ballots, 38 were classified as “green,” meaning they were submitted by people who had…

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Letter to the Editor: Tennessee’s Best Option for Conservative Leadership Is Bill Lee

Dear Tennessee Star, In 2010, Obamacare was pushed through on a party-line vote in the dead of night. While it has absolutely eviscerated our health care system, there was a silver-lining: It galvanized the forces of conservative voters across the country to stand up and speak up. The silent majority would be silent no more. But since that day, we have seen our Republican leadership compromise on key values of spending, debt, life, immigration, and we have watched them oversee the ever-growing expansion of government into our lives. At the federal level, we continue to see a budget that funds Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, while increasing the burden of debt on our children and grandchildren. In Tennessee, we’ve seen state government expenditures grow by over 30% in the last 8 years alone. We’ve seen bills to strengthen the Copeland spending cap amendment die. And we’ve seen Common Core simply rebranded and repackaged and redeployed into our classrooms. We now have a new silent majority: Voters and activists who are ready to see results, not more campaign rhetoric and kicking the can down the road. Two years ago, we had a Republican presidential primary field that had many good candidates with…

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Bill to Close Tennessee’s Primaries Gains Steam

The Williamson County Republican Party Executive Committee announced Friday they passed a resolution to strongly support HB0887 and its companion Senate bill SB0772.  The proposal’s summary – sponsored by Rep. Ryan Williams (R-Cookeville) and Sen. Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) – simply states: As introduced, requires a person to declare a statewide political party affiliation before voting in a primary election. – Amends TCA Title 2. (emphasis added) Williamson County Republican Party Chair Debbie Deaver said the measure, which passed overwhelmingly 10-0, would be a welcome change. “It’s a little disingenuous to allow someone to select a candidate for a party they don’t identify with and who they will not vote for in the general election. Just like Alabama doesn’t let Tennessee pick its head coach, and Apple doesn’t have the board of Microsoft select its CEO, we should not let non-Republicans pick our nominees.” The next stop for the bill proposal is the Senate State and Local Government Committee, where it is scheduled to be heard.

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Commentary: Democrats Won’t Defeat GOP in November But Complacency Just Might

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   In olden times by far the most tedious part of being a sailor had to be lookout duty. After all, in most cases the lookout’s stationed high up in the crow’s nest gazing out across the vast and empty sea searching for something – anything – that could be interpreted as a hazard to the ship. When sailing in the open ocean the chances of actually encountering a threat is slim indeed, yet the duty was vital nonetheless. A lookout can’t afford to be complacent. The last thing he’d want to do is to miss an iceberg dead ahead or an enemy ship to the port side. Or perhaps even a big wave. Tidal waves certainly didn’t occur very often, but when they arose they were destructive and deadly. The GOP would benefit from stationing a lookout in the proverbial political crow’s nest because Republicans hope to blunt a big blue wave this November. Some in the party are banking on tax reform to be their salvation from the ravages of a storm on the horizon. David M. Drucker of the Washington Examiner wrote, “[S]omething is happening to the dark blue Democratic tsunami that everyone saw coming, and it is happening just…

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Commentary: Roy Moore’s Elitist Critics Prove Elections Have Consequences

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Integrity; it’s a fleeting concept. The dictionary defines integrity as, “possession of firm principles – the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards,” and, “completeness– the state of being complete or undivided (as in territory),” and, “wholeness – the state of being sound or undamaged.” It’s the first and third descriptions we need to focus on here, as establishment-to-the-core Arizona Senator Jeff Flake did something earlier this week to prove he possesses neither principles nor wholeness — and therefore has no integrity. The “retiring” Grand Canyon State pol tweeted out a picture of a $100 check to Alabama Democrat Doug Jones on Tuesday with the title “Country over Party.” It doesn’t require much deep contemplation to figure out what Flake was trying to accomplish with his social media outburst, but we’ll offer an explanation anyway. He was one, showing he’s cheap – come on, Jeff, a hundred bucks for “country”?, two, demonstrating he’s a card-carrying member of the Washington swamp that is cowering in fear over the prospect of Judge Roy Moore coming to town; three, exposing himself as a bitter clinging idiot who judges from afar without any kind of deference to the opinions of Alabamians or conservatives who’ve known Moore for years and…

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Candidate Rebecca Ann Burke Responds to Jeff Ford’s Candidacy for District 61 State Rep. by Calling Him Out as a ‘Phony Conservative’

State House Representative Charles Sargent (R-Franklin) announced in late October that after two decades of service, he would not seek re-election in 2018. The decision came after long-time conservative activist and firebrand Rebecca Ann Burke declared her intent to challenge him for the State House District 61 seat. This week, fellow Republican and current Williamson County Commissioner Jeff Ford announced his candidacy to replace state Rep Sargent – a move met with a vigorous response from Burke. “Mr. Ford presents himself as a conservative, but he is looking like anything but. He is willing to cut deal with members of the Swamp, the GOP establishment, to further his campaign. He has placed his campaign in the hands of a local political operative that the media reports has a history of hiding donations to use against strong, conservative candidates,” she said, adding that Ford does not live within the boundaries of District 61. Burke is referring to Gregory Gleaves of the political consulting firm, DirectEdge, who has reportedly skated a little too close to the ethical and legal bounds. In August 2016, Rocky Top Politics detailed evidence of Gleaves’ efforts to disguise money donated by political enemies to defeat conservative incumbents in the Tennessee…

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Richard Viguerie Commentary: Be A Third Force, Not A Third Party

by Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman   As the establishment Republican Party’s Capitol Hill leaders continue to fumble – many would say block – the agenda that elected Donald Trump and built a new and winning conservative – populist political coalition, the mutterings for the formation of a third political party to compete with the Democratic and Republican establishments has grown louder. As I explained in my book TAKEOVER, the ideological incentive for conservatives to bolt the Republican Party seems to grow every time weak and feckless GOP “leaders” hold sway on Capitol Hill – but the political reasons to resist it are overwhelming: Because of the weakness of the Republican National Committee and the GOP leadership on Capitol Hill, plenty of conservatives then [1970s], as now, were inclined to leave the Republican Party, at least for a while. Every time the establishment GOP would “me-too” the Democrats, or strong-arm conservatives in Congress or Republican Party politics, some conservatives would contemplate forming a third party. This conservative disillusionment with the GOP wasn’t new, as I’ve mentioned before; it went back at least to the 1950s and early 1960s, when a vehement group of libertarian-minded thinkers, such as author Ayn Rand,…

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