Victor Ashe Commentary: Jimmy Matlock Has Some Explaining To Do on His Voting Record

Victor Ashe

by Victor Ashe


The recent revelation that 2nd District Congressional candidate Jimmy Matlock skipped the three-day special session called by Gov. Bill Haslam in 2016 to rescue federal highway dollars, as well as the vote to oust a sexual predator from the state House, has triggered further questions about his attendance record over the past 12 years.   It has been hit and miss for Matlock when it comes to being on the House floor for votes.

Only this year, on the last day of the 2018 session, Matlock left three hours early before the House adjourned, missing several votes, including one on the sale of liquor in Tellico Village. He represents Tellico Village but did not want to take a position on the legislation

He has yet to explain to voters why he did not attend the special legislative session. On April 10, 2014, when the state budget passed 68 to 27, Matlock was one of four House members not to vote. The budget is the single most important vote a lawmaker casts.

Meanwhile, Matlock has challenged Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett to a one-on-one debate, as if the other three candidates are irrelevant. Clever – but why would Matlock want to exclude the only woman running in this GOP contest? Burchett has participated in seven joint appearances to date.

It may be because Ashley Nickloes is making a strong favorable impression as she introduces herself, which undercuts Matlock. She is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air National Guard who has flown combat missions as recently as April. She knows military issues. She is a mother of four and lives in Blount County. Nickloes helps herself whenever she shares a platform with Matlock.

Anyone who has met her and heard her speak realizes quickly she is well qualified to serve in Congress. Many feel she has stronger and broader credentials than Matlock to serve. She shows up for work. She is articulate. She is making a good impression among voters.

This is the first time in 54 years that someone named Duncan is not on the ballot for Congress in this district. It is only the third time in those 54 years where there was a seriously contested race in both parties with the first in 1964 and the other in 1988.

Renee Hoyos and Josh Williams are seeking the Democratic nomination. Hoyos is seen as the likely winner among Democrats.

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Ambassador Victor Ashe is a former Tennessee State Senator, served as Mayor of Knoxville and later as U.S. Ambassador to Poland.






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3 Thoughts to “Victor Ashe Commentary: Jimmy Matlock Has Some Explaining To Do on His Voting Record”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    “Matlock left three hours early before the House adjourned, missing several votes, including one on the sale of liquor in Tellico Village. He represents Tellico Village but did not want to take a position on the legislation.”

    Silly Victor, that’s Bill Ketron and Ryan Haynes’ jobs. They run all the obfuscated with census data, impossible to discern by plain reading, liquor bills for pet districts so the actual representative from those districts can claim they were home studying their Sunday school lessons. Hell, they even approve illegal referendums when necessary.

    At least that is how Doug Overbey and Richard Montgomery did it when it came to Pigeon Forge liquor.

    That’s the kind of work that gets you chair of the TNGOP.

  2. Kevin

    In full disclosure, I 100% support Jimmy Matlock, because I sat and watched him fight for the citizens of Tennessee in the State House!

    They say if you’re not drawing FLAK, you’re not over the target! Matlock must be leading Burchett. Why else would Victor Ashe, who by the way is a big supporter and contributor (now up to $5,400 from him and his wife) to Tim Burchett, state about a third candidate, “she is well qualified to serve in Congress.”? It must be that they know that the only way Burchett can win, is by supporting a third person who is a Conservative and by taking votes away from Matlock.

    I guess Victor Ashe supports people who operate like he did, intimidating people who don’t vote for him.

  3. Stuart I. Anderson

    Ooooops, catch that? Victor Ashe former Mayor of KNOXVILLE writing a critical column re: Jimmy Matlock, opponent of Tim Burchett, KNOX County Mayor. If you want to talk about Jimmy Matlock’s voting record, perhaps a more dispassionate observer than a hometown buddy of Burchett is the American Conservative Union who gives Jimmy Matlock a lifetime rating of 93%.

    Now that’s what I call one heck of a conservative voting record! Jimmy Duncan has become more conservative over time the House and currently has a Heritage lifetime score of 80%. Imagine my fellow conservatives how many Heritage points we will pick up if the voters of the 2nd District elect the even more conservative Jimmy Matlock. I just love candidates for office with a proven conservative record. VOTE MATLOCK!
