Republican Governor’s Association Launches Attack Ad Against Abrams After Kemp Wins Primary

The Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) Wednesday released an attack ad on Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who will square off for a rematch against Gov. Brian Kemp (R) in the Peach State’s November election.

“Typical Stacey Abrams. She believes only she knows what’s best,” the ad opens after quoting Abrams, who once said that she thinks people need to be told what to do. 

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Kemp Takes Aim at Abrams over ‘Worst State’ Comments

Stacey Abrams’ comment that “[Georgia] is the worst state in the country to live’ drew a response from incumbent Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, on Monday when he tweeted a different sentiment.

“Stacey Abrams may think differently, but I believe Georgia is the best state to live, work, and raise a family. And Marty, the girls, and I will work hard every day from now until November to keep it that way for four more years!” said Kemp. 

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Stacey Abrams Says of Georgia: ‘We Are the Worst State in the Country to Live’

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams made waves with her statement on Saturday at the Gwinnett County Democratic dinner when she stated, “I am tired of being told that we are the best state in the country to do business when we are the worst state in the country to live.”

Abrams is running unopposed for Georgia’s Democratic primary for governor. She will face the eventual winner of the Republican primary election which will be decided on Tuesday. Abrams’ statement received criticism from Republicans.

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Stacey Abrams Sponsored Legislation Related to Her Private Business Interests

Public records indicate Georgia gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams sponsored legislation when she was the Georgia House minority leader that was related to her private business interests. The legislation Abrams sponsored in 2015 – with four other Republicans – addressed taxes paid on debt that was not collected.

At the time the legislation was under consideration, Abrams was senior vice president at a company called NOWaccount, according to an archive of the company’s website.

Abrams had started NOWaccount in 2010 with two business partners. The company charged fees to small business for accepting the task of collecting the businesses outstanding receivables.

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The Star News Network-Kaplan Poll: Kemp Leads Trump-Endorsed Perdue by 30 Points

Gov. Brian P. Kemp is leading former senator David A. Perdue Jr. with 57 percent of support compared to 27 percent for his challenger, endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump, according to The Star News Network-Kaplan Strategies poll of 431 likely Georgia Republican primary voters, conducted May 7 through May 13.

“Kemp’s strength this close to the May 24 primary is stunning, and it is nearly certain he will win the Republican nomination,” said Doug Kaplan, the founder and president of the Florida-based firm that executed the poll. The poll carries a 4.7 percent margin of error.

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President Trump Endorses Jake Evans for U.S. Representative in GA-6 Race

Donald J. Trump officially gave his endorsement to Jake Evans, U.S. House Representative Candidate for Georgia’s 6th congressional District, when he announced late Thursday, “I am honored to give Jake Evans my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

In response to Trump’s endorsement, Jake Evans, current chairman of Georgia’s State Ethics Commission, said, “Thank you President Trump for your endorsement! I will fight for YOU and the America First Agenda. Together, we will DEFEAT Biden, FIRE Pelosi and SAVE America!”

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GOP Warns Raffensperger of Stacey Abrams’ Voter-Education Initiative for Georgia Students: Report

Republicans in the U.S. House sent Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger a letter flagging a report that a voter-education initiative spearheaded by Stacey Abrams is teaching students the state’s laws restrict voting, The Washington Times reported Thursday.

The letter, written by Reps. Rodney Davis of Illinois and Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, asked Raffensperger how he plans to combat the initiative, which is taught in Atlanta’s public schools, the Washington Times reported. It was also sent to members of the Georgia State Elections Board and the chair and vice-chair of the Fulton County Elections Board, the Washington Times reported.

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Federal Judge Rules Stacey Abrams Cannot Yet Collect Unlimited Donations in Georgia Governor Race

A federal judge has ruled that Stacey Abrams cannot yet collect unlimited donations in the Georgia governor’s race.

U.S District Court Judge Mark Cohen from the Northern District of Georgia ruled that Abrams cannot collect unlimited donations as allowed under Georgia law because she is not yet the official Democrat nominee for governor.

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Voting Group Says Atlanta Schools Doubling Down on Left-Wing Indoctrination

The largest high school in Atlanta has partnered with a far-left group to implement the progressive agenda in schools, and now will partner with the same group to register students to vote, according to Greater Georgia, a right-wing voter registration group. 

“With over 2,000 students, North Atlanta High School is the largest public high school in Atlanta. If they truly cared about civic engagement, school administrators would invite a range of groups to help register this tremendous number of future voters, instead of turning groups away,” former U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Chairwoman of Greater Georgia, said in a Wednesday press release. “The truth is, Atlanta Public Schools are not interested in civics, or basic voter registration. Instead, they are working with the liberal New Georgia Project to indoctrinate and transform students into progressive activists. In their quest to turn Georgia blue, APS and NGP will silence those that don’t promote their ideology. Every parent deserves to know what is being taught to their kids – and reject the partisan indoctrination that is replacing real civics education.”

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Loeffler Nonprofit Holds Voter Registration Drive in Metro Atlanta

A voter registration group led by a former U.S. Senator held a registration drive over the weekend at gas stations across the metro Atlanta area. 

“Part of Greater Georgia’s broader mission that has already registered tens of thousands of lean-conservative voters, this latest registration drive will continue at a variety of consumer marketplaces over the coming weeks, including at gas stations, grocery stores, and gun stores,” that group said in a press release. “It will also include an accompanying digital and text registration campaign in counties across the metro area.”

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Governor Kemp and Lt. Governor Duncan Block Key Election Integrity Measure to Unseal Ballots: VoterGA

A key integrity measure of unsealing election ballots in Georgia was blocked by Gov. Brian Kemp and Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan right before the Georgia Senate adjourned sine die on Monday, according to a press release from VoterGA.

The non-partisan, non-profit election integrity organization’s co-founder Garland Favorito detailed that Duncan’s subversive actions regarding SB89 were at the request of Kemp.

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Stacey Abrams Debuts First Campaign Ad of Election Cycle

Stacey Abrams walking and talking with group of people

A Georgia Democrat making her second attempt at securing the state’s highest office released her first campaign ad Tuesday, touting her determination to this time win the election. 

“I was raised that when you don’t get what you want, you don’t give up,” Stacey Abrams said in the ad. “You try again. You try because it’s how things get better. It’s how the world moves forward. I don’t quit, because Georgians deserve leadership, and that’s what a leader does.”

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Two Stacey Abrams-Linked Nonprofits Involved in ‘Seven Figure’ Lobbying Effort Against Voter Integrity Bill

As the Georgia General Assembly seeks to pass a bill that would provide more legal recourse to ensure the integrity of the state’s elections, so-called “voting rights” groups are preparing to spend a small fortune preventing the law from passing. 

The Atlanta Journal- Constitution reports that three groups are ready to spend “seven figures” battling the bill.

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Georgia Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Addresses Photo Op Controversy, Says Not Wearing Mask Was ‘Mistake’

Stacey Abrams without a mask in a crowd of young students

After appearing without a mask for a photo opportunity last week in front of a classroom full of masked students, Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has apologized. 

“I took a picture and that was the mistake,” Abrams said on CNN Tuesday. “Protocols matter and protecting our kids is the most important thing and anything that can be perceived as undermining. That is a mistake and I apologize.”

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Stacey Abrams’ Maskless School Appearance Showcased in New Republican Governors Association Ad

Members of the Republican Governors Association (RGA) on Monday launched a new digital ad in Georgia that highlights a photo of elementary-aged school children wearing COVID-19 masks behind Stacey Abrams, who was maskless. The five-figure ad will run on multiple social media platforms starting this week, members of the RGA said in a statement.

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Georgia Democratic Governor Candidate Abrams Criticized for Not Wearing COVID Mask Among Students

Stacey Abrams without a mask in a crowd of young students

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams is facing criticism for posing for photos with school children while not wearing a COVID-19 mask.

In now-deleted Twitter posts, Abrams is seen seated on the floor without a mask while several children on each side are each wearing one.

Abrams, a Georgia gubernatorial candidate and nationally known Democrat politician, like other fellow, high-profile party members is being accused of being hypocritical about the mask mandates that many elected Democrats across the country have required people to wear during the pandemic.

Abrams has championed more stringent masking policies in schools, according to CNN.

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Vernon Jones’ Most Recent Social Media Remarks Suggest He’s Uncertain If He’ll Remain in Georgia Governor’s Race

Republican Vernon Jones commented Wednesday about his status as a Republican gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, but the messages he sent seemed unclear and came across as mixed. This, after media outlets speculated that Jones might suspend his campaign and seek another office, per the supposed wishes of former President Donald Trump. Trump, in December, endorsed Republican David Perdue’s campaign to unseat incumbent GOP Governor Brian Kemp.

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Tommy Hicks, Jr. Commentary: Biden Goes Down to Georgia and Lies About Election Integrity

Joe Biden went down to Georgia recently and once again peddled lies as he desperately tries to salvage his stalled agenda. In a divisive speech in Atlanta, Biden painted an apocalyptic picture of the state of elections in America. Biden claimed voting laws were under assault. He said democracy itself was under attack. In other words, Biden showed just how far he and Democrats are willing to go in their relentless pursuit for raw power.

Let’s be clear – almost everything Biden said in Atlanta was a lie. Nothing about Americans’ right to vote is in jeopardy. The only thing in jeopardy is Biden’s political agenda. That’s why Biden wants to upend longstanding Senate procedure and force a federal takeover of state and local elections. Biden knows Americans are rejecting his failed policies, and so he wants change the rules so he can ram his radical agenda through anyway. It’s sadly predictable that Biden is so obsessed with seizing power for himself. Just as bad is that he is willing to lie and manufacture fake hysteria to do it.

Here are the facts. Far from being difficult, voting in America has never been easier. The 2020 elections saw the highest voter turnout in more than a century. And more Americans cast ballots in 2020 than ever before, period, full stop. Additionally, polling shows Americans overwhelmingly support basic ballot security safeguards that Biden wants to eviscerate with his federal power grabs. For example, 75% of Americans – including 69% of Black voters and 60% of Democrats – support voter ID. Even more say they support getting rid of ballot harvesting. Joe Biden doesn’t care.

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Despite Controversy, Fulton County Commissioners Vote to Continue Contract with Happy Faces

Fulton County commissioners on Wednesday voted four to three to extend the contract with Happy Faces, a staffing firm said to have ties to Stacey Abrams. Commissioners voted this way, despite several people turning out to protest Happy Faces and any possible contract extension. To express their displeasure with Happy Faces, those audience members held up with signs and buttons with a crossed-out smiley face.

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Commentary: Joe Biden, the Deep State Puppet

I almost feel sorry for Joe Biden.

The emphasis, I hasten to add, is on the adverb. Perhaps, if he didn’t make me feel thoroughly sorry for the United States of America, my sympathy for him would be unalloyed. But even many in Biden’s own party are aghast at his performance as president.

It’s almost a matter of smell, of that sixth sense that alerts sensitive souls to impending disaster. Animals somehow know when an earthquake is coming, even before the ground begins to tremble. The far-left activist Stacey Abrams is well endowed with those antennae, which is why she invented “scheduling issues” and gave the president’s speech in Atlanta a miss last week. The aroma of events like that have a way of clinging to someone, and Abrams had the good sense to know that Joe Biden on “voting rights” and the run-up to Martin Luther King Day was likely to be a redolent affair.

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Declared Gubernatorial Candidate David Perdue Issues Dire Warning to Georgia About Stacey Abrams

Former Republican senator and declared Georgia gubernatorial candidate David Perdue said last weekend that incumbent Governor Brian Kemp cannot defeat Stacey Abrams in 2022 and that an Abrams win will have ramifications nationwide. If Abrams wins, Perdue told Breitbart News Saturday, then the GOP will not recapture the White House in 2024.

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Former Senator Perdue Says He Wouldn’t Have Certified 2020 Election

Former Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is currently challenging Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) in the Peach State’s gubernatorial primary, said in a Thursday interview that he would not have voted to certify the 2020 election results in the state. 

“Not with the information that was available at the time and not with the information that has come out now. They had plenty of time to investigate this. And I wouldn’t have signed it until those things had been investigated, and that’s all we were asking for,” told Axios. 

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Cook Political Report Shifts Eight Governor’s Races Toward GOP

Map of America on a laptop screen

The nonpartisan Cook Political Report on Friday shifted eight high-stakes gubernatorial races toward Republicans as Democrats continue to face political headwinds.

Ratings in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, three pivotal battleground states, shifted from “Lean Democratic” to “Toss Up.” Each has a first-term Democratic incumbent — Govs. Gretchen Whitmer, Tony Evers and Steve Sisolak, respectively — fighting to win reelection in a state that President Joe Biden won by fewer than four points in 2020.

Other states that saw changes were Maine, New Mexico, Oregon, Iowa and South Carolina. While Democrats remain favorites in the first three, Cook noted, the ratings in Iowa and South Carolina both moved from “Likely Republican” to “Solid Republican.”

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Stacey Abrams Says She Never Challenged 2018 Georgia Governor Election Results

Stacey Abrams, Georgia’s high-profile 2022 Democrat gubernatorial candidate, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Thursday night that she never challenged the results of her 2018 gubernatorial bid, which she lost to Gov. Brian Kemp (R).

“On the night on November 16, when I acknowledged I would not become governor, that he had won the election, I did not challenge the outcome of the election unlike some recent folks did,” Abrams said on “The Rachel Maddow Show,” referring to former President Donald J. Trump. 

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World Series Headed to Atlanta After MLB Bowed to Woke Activists, Moved All-Star Game

Major League Baseball’s (MLB) plan for starving the Atlanta metro area of revenue over the state’s sweeping election integrity reform has gone awry, as at least two games of the World Series will be played at home by the Atlanta Braves.

After the legislation passed, the MLB  bent to pressure from conservative groups and moved the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver. 

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Democrats Descend on Churches in Virginia in Souls to the Polls Campaign Urging Parishioners to Vote for Terry McAuliffe

Democratic leaders are targeting church goers to get out the vote, endorsing Democratic incumbent Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is slightly behind in the polls for the first time after making controversial remarks about parents not having a say in their children’s education.

Some argue the Souls to the Polls campaign violates IRS rules governing tax-exempt entities such as churches.

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Virginia Gubernatorial Race Still Close with Two Weeks Left

Former President Obama is coming to Virginia to campaign for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, one of several Democratic heavyweights to stump for the once and would-be future governor. However, the de-facto leader of the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump, hasn’t made a stop in Virginia to support GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin. Since the nominating convention, Youngkin has pivoted away from Trump and hard-line Republicans and successfully pulled some independents away from McAuliffe, who is turning to souls-to-the-polls events and big names like Obama, first Lady Jill Biden, Stacey Abrams, and Vice President Kamala Harris to boost turnout among the Democratic faithful.

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Virginia’s Gubernatorial Hopeful Youngkin Campaign Responds to Stacey Abrams Campaigning for McAuliffe

The campaign for Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin blasted its Democrat opponent Terry McAuliffe for campaigning with failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. 

“Terry McAuliffe said he was proud to be endorsed by radical ‘defund the police’ groups, and now he’s campaigning with the radical Stacey Abrams, who said the election was stolen from her, compared law enforcement officers to terrorists, opposed enforcing our immigration laws, and supported defunding the police,” Youngkin spokesperson Macauley Porter told The Virginia Star. “Virginians are seeing that Terry McAuliffe is too extreme for Virginia and will reject his anti-police, liberal agenda at the polls.”

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Gubernatorial Candidates Use Ads and Political Appearances to Boost Enthusiasm

Gubernatorial candidates Glenn Youngkin and Terry McAuliffe have launched competing ads. A McAuliffe ad links Youngkin’s calls for election integrity to Trump’s claims about the 2020 election, while the Youngkin ad fact-checks McAuliffe’s recitation of recent COVID-19 case numbers.

“On at least three separate days – September 28, September 29, and October 7 – McAuliffe claimed there had recently been 8,000 cases in Virginia, a gross inflation that amounts to nearly three to four times the actual number of cases,” a Youngkin press release explains.

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Georgia’s Largest County Considers Stacey Abrams Lobbyist for Top Election Job, Angering State

Georgia’s largest county is prepared to name a paid lobbyist for liberal voting law activist Stacey Abrams’ group to be the next chairwoman of its election board, drawing immediate condemnation from the state’s top election official.

Fulton County’s Board of Commissioners confirmed Tuesday it is considering hiring Cathy Woolard, a former Atlanta city council president and mayoral candidate, as the next chair of the county’s election board. A vote is expected as early as Wednesday, according to the commission’s meeting docket.

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Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Wants U.S. Justice Department to Release Contacts with Stacey Abrams and Other Left-Wing Activists

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Wednesday he has filed a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) with the U.S. Department of Justice to release any records of contact with Stacey Abrams. Raffensperger said in a press release that he also wants records of contact with Abrams’ Fair Fight Action and 60 other liberal activist organizations.

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Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee McAuliffe Enlists Election Skeptic Stacey Abrams to Help Fundraise

After attempting to tie his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin to former President Donald J. Trump’s challenge of the 2020 election results, former Virginia governor and current Democrat candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe has enlisted fundraising support from a notorious election skeptic.

During last week’s back-and-forth between the candidates that featured McAuliffe attacking Youngkin over his support for Trump and what McAuliffe’s campaign characterized as Trump’s election lies, and Youngkin responding by blasting McAuliffe for saying the 2000 election was stolen by then-President George W. Bush in his capacity as chairman of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Democrat activist and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams was sending fundraising emails on behalf of McAuliffe.

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Stacey Abrams’ PAC Pulls in $104 Million in First Two Years, among Top Political Fundraising Groups

Stacey Abrams

The political action committee for former Georgia state lawmaker and gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has raised over $100 million in the first two years of its existence, making it one of the top fundraising PACs in the country.

The Fair Fight PAC was created by Abrams after she failed to win the 2018 Georgia governor’s race. She has since devoted much of her efforts toward fundraising and get-out-the voter efforts for fellow Democrats running for office.

Of the $104 million so far raised, $90 million was part of the 2020 election cycle, $8 million was for this year’s special Senate elections in Georgia, in which Democrats took both GOP-held seats, and the other $6 million has been raised since February, according to The Hill newspaper.

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Stacey Abrams Purchased Two Homes Valued at $1.4 Million After Reporting Massive Debts in 2018

Stacey Abrams

Former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams purchased two homes worth a combined $1.4 million following her failed 2018 bid to lead the state, public records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.

Abrams purchased the homes despite reporting in a financial disclosure in early 2018 during her gubernatorial campaign that she owed the IRS $54,000 in back taxes on top of $174,000 in credit card and student loan debt.

Abrams purchased a 3,300 square foot home in Stone Mountain, Georgia, for $370,000 in September 2019, according to Nexis real estate records. The home is now worth $425,000, according to Redfin.

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Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger Issues Challenge to Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden After DOJ Lawsuit Announced

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger reacted harshly Friday to news that U.S. Justice Department officials, under Attorney General Merrick Garland, will sue the Peach State over its new voting law Senate Bill 202. “The Biden Administration continues to do the bidding of Stacey Abrams and spreads more lies about Georgia’s election law,” Raffensperger said on Facebook Friday.

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Top Georgia Democrats Flip on Voter ID Amid Push from Manchin for Identification Rules

Raphael Warnock

Georgia Democratic rockstars Stacey Abrams and Sen. Raphael Warnock have both made major reversals on their feelings about voter identification, flips that could signal shifting Democratic priorities about voter ID as the Senate considers a sweeping voting bill that could include identification measures.

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin this week proposed several additions to the controversial For the People Act, a bill that, if passed, would allow Congress to exert significant control over most U.S. elections.

Among the measures Manchin has suggested are voter ID rules, which would require identification at the polls but would allow voters to use a variety of documents to prove their identity.

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Stacey Abrams Refers to Georgia’s Voter Integrity Law as ‘Jim Crow 2.0’

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and others said at a Thursday night town hall that Republicans nationwide are passing voter integrity bills to prevent black people from voting. During this virtual town hall, Abrams told audience members to pressure the U.S. Senate to pass the For the People Act. Some people also refer to the bill as H.R. 1. The For the People Act, if enacted into law, would nationalize federal elections. The proposed law would require that states automatically register residents to vote and also require absentee ballot drop boxes. The For the People Act would also eliminate state restrictions on mail-in voting, require same-day voter registration, and gut state voter identification laws.

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