Biden’s Genderfluid Nuclear Waste Official Charged Again with Stealing Someone’s Luggage

by Jack McEvoy


An Energy Department (DOE) nuclear waste disposal official who was previously accused of stealing a woman’s luggage in Minneapolis has been charged with stealing another person’s luggage at an airport in Las Vegas, according to 8 News Now.

Sam Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition for the DOE’s nuclear office, is wanted on felony charges of grand larceny after allegedly stealing baggage from an individual at Harry Reid International Airport, 8 News Now reported Thursday.  Brinton was hired in February as the first genderfluid person in federal leadership, and the grand larceny charge carries a value between $1,200 and $5,000.

Brinton was filmed allegedly stealing a woman’s roller bag at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport’s baggage claim area by security cameras on Sept. 16, according to a criminal complaint filed on Oct. 27. Brinton was questioned by police on Oct. 9 after security footage showed the nuclear official carrying the bag at Dulles International Airport, according to the complaint; Brinton said that the bag was taken by mistake, and no clothes or objects had been removed from the case, before revising the story.

None of the female victim’s clothes were found in Brinton’s hotel room and the contents of the bag were valued at over $2,300, according to the complaint. The Energy Department previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation that Brinton was on leave as deputy assistant secretary.

Brinton is an outspoken LGBTQ activist and identifies as genderfluid while using they/them pronouns and, according to The Washington Examiner. Brinton was also a member of a drag queen society called the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” and dressed up as a drag queen character called Sister Ray Dee O’Active, according to a 2018 Instagram post.

The Energy Department did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Jack McEvoy is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Sam Brinton” by Department of Energy. Background Photo “Courtroom” by Clyde Robinson. CC BY 2.0.




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3 Thoughts to “Biden’s Genderfluid Nuclear Waste Official Charged Again with Stealing Someone’s Luggage”

  1. Joe Blow

    Isn’t it cute

  2. Steve Allen

    This is one of the most pathetic examples of the perversion of those running the U.S. government…that would be the democrats and their liberal/socialist faction. Sam Brinton has absolutely no qualification to hold an Executive Service (“SES”) position as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in Office of Nuclear Energy. People who are appointed to positions at this level must meet 5 executive core qualifications to hold an SES position and he meets none of these. He(?) has no prior federal government experience and was hired as a “career conditional” employee, A.K.A. an at will employee. He(?) has been charged with one felony theft and has been placed on “leave” meaning he(?) is still on federal government payroll.

    This perverted individual was placed in this position for absolutely no other reason than his(?) sexual orientation. This is so perverted and pathetic. It just goes to show the level of immorality of the clowns running our government.

  3. Truthy McTruthFace

    too bad there wasn’t any indication of aberrant behavior…………………….oh wait.
