Commentary: Establishment Still Suffers from Steve Bannon Derangement Syndrome

by Jeffrey A. Rendall If one were tasked with devising a test to determine whether a person was a card-carrying member of the Washington Republican establishment all he or she would need to do is mention the words “Steve Bannon” to the subject and jot down the individual’s reactions accordingly. For although Bannon has been officially gone from the White House for a month the elites can’t stop taking shots at President Donald Trump’s former senior advisor and now head man at the unapologetically conservative Breitbart News. Bannon remains a central figure in President Trump’s orbit even though he no longer has office space in the West Wing. Judging by the degree of animosity Bannon engenders from the ruling class, he might as well be permanently planted on top of the president’s desk. It’s starting to get ugly. David French wrote at National Review the other day, “On 60 Minutes [Sunday] night, the man [Steve Bannon] credited with shaping Trump’s ‘America First’ brand of politics clearly and unequivocally declared his disdain for George W. Bush and Bush’s entire national-security team, calling them ‘idiots’ and saying that he holds them ‘in contempt, total and complete contempt.’… “There’s no substitute for forward-deployed…

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Richard Viguerie Commentary: Does Bannon’s Departure Signal the End of Trump’s Commitment to Govern as a Conservative?

by Richard A. Viguerie Chairman   In the wake of the announcement that Senior Advisor and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was leaving the White House staff, Chairman Richard A. Viguerie asked the question on the minds of many conservatives: Personnel is policy. Does Steve Bannon’s departure signal the end of Donald Trump’s commitment to govern as a conservative? “It seems that the West Wing is now being run by the liberal Democrats,” said Mr. Viguerie. “Gary Cohn, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, General John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, and the Obama holdovers at the NSC, have all survived and thrived, while the conservatives like Steve Bannon, Derek Harvey, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Rich Higgins, and even the establishment Republicans like Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer, have been run-off.” “One wonders if the firing of Steve Bannon signals a general purge of conservatives on the White House staff,” observed Mr. Viguerie. “When Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway joined Donald Trump’s campaign, conservatives were electrified—and many who had previously been skeptical were convinced that a Donald Trump administration would be a conservative administration as long as Steve and Kellyanne were at Trump’s side,” concluded Viguerie. “As I explained in my book TAKEOVER, personnel…

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Commentary: Mr. President, Steve Bannon Is Your Last Best Link With Your Base

  by Staff Steve Bannon, formerly executive chairman of Breitbart News and CEO of Donald Trump’s winning campaign for President and now President Trump’s White House Senior Advisor is the target of a vile campaign of slander for one reason and one reason only – he is an iron-willed advocate of the positions that won Donald Trump the presidency. It was through the political and marketing genius of Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway that the anti-Trump message that Donald Trump so effectively communicated in his rallies was forged into a winning political coalition of populists and conservatives. And it is Steve Bannon who represents the strongest and most direct link between the White House and the conservative – populist ideas and people who won Donald Trump the presidency – which is why Bannon has been under almost constant attack since the day he walked across West Exec and into his West Wing office. So, it should really come as no surprise to anyone that as the President’s National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster has been attacked for retaining dozens of Obama holdovers on the National Security Council staff and for what conservatives and populists see as his dangerous advice to…

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Newt to Mooch: Slow Your Roll, Learn the Job

Tennessee Star

  Newt Gingrich leveled a heavy rebuke of the erratic and unproductively bombastic outbursts by President Trump’s new White House Communications Director Anthony “Mooch” Scaramucci Thursday, in two separate appearances with conservative talker Laura Ingraham. The first was on The Laura Ingraham Show, where he admonished the freshly-minted Communications Director to ‘learn to do the job.’ Here is a transcript of the exchange: INGRAHAM: …What do you take away from this most recent 24 hour period with Scaramucci? GINGRICH: I think that Scaramucci had better be a lot more careful than he has been. He obviously likes the lime light he obviously likes being in the media. I would say right now he is being more pugnacious than effective. He ought to slow down a little bit and learn what he is doing. I think that he things he said about Reince, if he said them, where is his proof? I mean it’s totally unhelpful having someone going around starting family fights in public and if he is going to be that divisive I’m not sure if he is going to be that useful to the president. INGRAHAM: Apparently he called into CNN and it could be the sole purpose of questioning Preibus. He…

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Commentary: To Make America Great Again Trump Must Trust Conservatives to Help Him

  Jeffrey A. Rendall Is the trouble Donald Trump is experiencing with filling out his administration due to his not having enough friends? The annual arrival of Good Friday reminds us all that even the most exalted of individuals can find himself without supporters when times get tense. Donald Trump is certainly not Jesus in any sense of the word or concept but there is one slight analogy here – the savior died on the cross because he was betrayed and keeping promises denied by those around him when he needed their help the most. Everyone wanted Jesus to be what they thought he should to be – liberator, teacher, arbiter, provider, governor, philosopher, miracle worker, enforcer of the law and last but not least, scapegoat. None of these things were his mission and Jesus wouldn’t change to please anyone or even to save his life. In the end Christ was virtually friendless – at least among the powerful – but he accepted his fate as necessary to save us from ourselves. Something similar can be said for the president today – that he’s friendless among the powerful – though many of his follies are of his own doing and others are due to simply…

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Commentary: Steve Bannon Is Right

by George Rasley, ConservativeHQ Editor February 7, 2017 Reprinted with permission from “I want you to quote this,” President Trump’s senior White House strategist Steve Bannon told The New York Times. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.” Mr. Bannon is right about the establishment media – in ways that range from minor to profound they don’t understand the country, particularly the parts of it that elected Donald Trump President of the United States. As our friend, Ralph Benko wrote for a recent article in The American Spectator: Steve Bannon has furnished an impromptu manifesto for the movement that, with the help of Bannon and others, propelled Donald Trump into the presidency. Those who wish for a framework to better understand what a Trump presidency portends — and the nature of the underlying movement — need look no further than Steve Bannon’s remarks to the Human Dignity Institute. In this proto-Manifesto — all the more authentic for being extemporaneous — Bannon displays breathtaking erudition. And he convincingly lays to rest the unfounded fears that he sympathizes with the “white…

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